
Adapted from (Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza - Bioquímico (2018)) The Levey-Jennings chart is used to evaluate the quality of an analytical run,...

Adapted from (Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza - Bioquímico (2018)) The Levey-Jennings chart is used to evaluate the quality of an analytical run, analyzing the existence of inconsistencies. When, in a weekly analysis of the glucose analysis chart, whose average is 99mg/dL and standard deviation is 3mg/dL, we find the values of 95mg/dL, 101mg/dL, 93mg/dL, 104mg/dL, and 103mg/dL, for days D1 to D5, respectively, we can say that there is:

a) breaking the 1:3s rule.
b) loss of precision.
c) trend.
d) breaking the 10 average rule.
e) breaking the 4:1s rule.

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av imunologia e bioquímica clínica
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