
Pragmatic ambiguity occurs when the context in which a sentence is uttered changes its literal meaning, granting it another sense. Based on this de...

Pragmatic ambiguity occurs when the context in which a sentence is uttered changes its literal meaning, granting it another sense. Based on this definition, read the sentences below and mark the one that presents a case of pragmatic ambiguity:

This sandwich is so yummy.
Ten of my students have flunked my course 6 times.
No one comes here and doesn't eat my pies.
Triangles are geometrical figures with lots of applications.
Can you close the door?
This sandwich is so yummy.
Ten of my students have flunked my course 6 times.
No one comes here and doesn't eat my pies.
Triangles are geometrical figures with lots of applications.
Can you close the door?

Essa pergunta também está no material:

lingua inglesa e aspectos semanticos
8 pág.

Letras Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá


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Based on the given sentences, the one that presents a case of pragmatic ambiguity is: "No one comes here and doesn't eat my pies."


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