
According to the text, what is Jader's right regarding the discovery of new evidence of corruption? Jader has the right to a new compensation base...

According to the text, what is Jader's right regarding the discovery of new evidence of corruption?

Jader has the right to a new compensation based on the discovery of concussão, corruption, and prevaricação, according to articles 966, section I.
Jader has a deadline of 2 years from the discovery of new evidence to claim his right, according to article 975, section 2 of the CPC.
Jader discovered the new evidence 3 years after the final judgment.
a) Jader has no right to a new compensation.
b) Jader has the right to a new compensation based on the discovery of concussão, corruption, and prevaricação, according to articles 966, section I. He has a deadline of 2 years from the discovery of new evidence to claim his right, according to article 975, section 2 of the CPC. Jader discovered the new evidence 3 years after the final judgment.
c) Jader has the right to a new compensation based on the discovery of concussão, corruption, and prevaricação, according to articles 966, section I. He has a deadline of 5 years from the discovery of new evidence to claim his right, according to article 975, section 2 of the CPC. Jader discovered the new evidence 3 years after the final judgment.
d) Jader has the right to a new compensation based on the discovery of concussão, corruption, and prevaricação, according to articles 966, section I. He has a deadline of 2 years from the discovery of new evidence to claim his right, according to article 975, section 2 of the CPC. Jader discovered the new evidence 2 years after the final judgment.


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De acordo com o texto, a alternativa correta é a letra c) Jader tem o direito a uma nova compensação com base na descoberta de concussão, corrupção e prevaricação, de acordo com os artigos 966, seção I. Ele tem um prazo de 5 anos a partir da descoberta de novas evidências para reivindicar seu direito, de acordo com o artigo 975, seção 2 do CPC. Jader descobriu as novas evidências 3 anos após a sentença final.


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