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What are some of the environmental pollutants and their effects on health? Contamination is a determining factor in the deterioration of the quali...

What are some of the environmental pollutants and their effects on health?

Contamination is a determining factor in the deterioration of the quality of life.
The quality of the air is determined by the presence or absence of various substances and their concentrations.
Lead is a very potent poison that until recently was present in gasoline and house paint.
The composition of the air determines its quality and suitability for certain activities.
a) Only statements I and II are correct.
b) Only statements II and IV are correct.
c) Only statements III and IV are correct.
d) All statements are correct.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Contaminação Ambiental
5 pag.

Biologia EngenhariasEngenharias

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