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What are the rules of floor hockey according to the study guide? The game starts with a face-off in the center. The defense must clear the puck t...

What are the rules of floor hockey according to the study guide?

The game starts with a face-off in the center.
The defense must clear the puck to the sides of the court.
It is not a goal when the puck is kicked in.
2 players participate in a face-off.
The equipment used in physical education class includes safety glasses, floor hockey puck, and floor hockey sticks.
There are 3 periods in a regulation game.
For safety reasons in physical education, your stick blade should never go above your waist.
Hooking, shooting, and high sticking are all types of penalties that will result in a certain amount of time in the penalty box.
If team A has the puck and team B steals it, then team A has become the defense.
Hooking is the illegal use of the hockey stick to hook another player resulting in a penalty.
The wrist shot is the best opportunity for speed and accuracy in floor hockey because it allows you to keep your blade close to the ground and does not involve a backswing.
The stick cannot be raised above the waist.
A power play is when the team with all its players (full strength) has an advantage over the team charged with a penalty, which must now play with fewer players (short-handed).
The player holds the shaft of the stick.
When stickhandling, it is best to use both sides of the blade after using one side of the blade.
During the game, hooking another player is not allowed.
After each goal, there is a center face-off.
A puck that bounces off the goalie or goal post is called a rebound.
Passing is an important part of hockey.
Raising the stick above your waist is called a high stick.

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