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What are the nursing care for a newborn in a delivery with meconium-stained amniotic fluid? Aspirate the newborn's mouth and oropharynx with a No....

What are the nursing care for a newborn in a delivery with meconium-stained amniotic fluid?

Aspirate the newborn's mouth and oropharynx with a No. 10 catheter as soon as the head presents through the birth canal.
Aspirate the newborn's nose after the mouth and oropharynx to remove the meconium.
Hold the newborn's head to prevent the rest of the body from coming out until the intrapartum aspiration is complete.
Stimulate the newborn's crying during aspiration to prevent meconium from passing into the lower airways.
Place the newborn on the attention table and observe if it has adequate respiratory effort.
If respiratory effort is inadequate, perform laryngoscopy and intubation for tracheal aspiration.
If respiratory effort is adequate, after drying and airway patency, continue with normal newborn care.
Evaluate respiratory distress according to the Silverman-Anderson test.
If respiratory effort is inadequate, proceed with care for an asphyxiated newborn.
Record in the medical history the intensity and characteristics of the meconium-stained amniotic fluid.

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236 pag.

Redes de Computadores Universidad Rafael Belloso ChacínUniversidad Rafael Belloso Chacín

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