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What are the potential negative consequences of using local materials for reconstruction? Stresses ecosystems beyond their capacity for recovery. M...

What are the potential negative consequences of using local materials for reconstruction?
Stresses ecosystems beyond their capacity for recovery.
May result in the loss of protection provided by ecosystems, such as forests, dunes, reefs, and river banks.
May result in the destabilization of hillsides and mountains due to the extraction of raw materials.
May result in the need for compensation in terms of time, cost, environmental impact, and social feasibility.
May result in the importation of large quantities of goods, increasing logistics and administrative problems.
May result in the destruction of important ecosystems.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Definición de Medio Ambiente
38 pag.

História da Arte e da Arquitetura Universidad Tecnológica de SantiagoUniversidad Tecnológica de Santiago

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