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What are the benefits of recycling waste after a disaster? Reduces further degradation of the natural environment. Reduces the total volume of wast...

What are the benefits of recycling waste after a disaster?
Reduces further degradation of the natural environment.
Reduces the total volume of waste to be disposed of.
Reduces the often harmful environmental impact of extracting large amounts of raw/virgin materials, such as wood, sand, and stone, necessary to rebuild damaged physical infrastructure.
Generates jobs and income for waste management projects and affected populations.
Reduces waste disposal costs.
Reduces the costs of acquiring and transporting construction materials.
Reduces the need for illegal deforestation.
Reduces the impact of the extraction of raw materials on ecosystems.

Esta pregunta también está en el material:

Definición de Medio Ambiente
38 pag.

História da Arte e da Arquitetura Universidad Tecnológica de SantiagoUniversidad Tecnológica de Santiago

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