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What is the nutritional composition of honey? Energía (Kcal) Proteínas (g) Lípidos totales (g) AG saturados (g) AG monoinsaturados (g) AG poliinsat...

What is the nutritional composition of honey?
Energía (Kcal)
Proteínas (g)
Lípidos totales (g)
AG saturados (g)
AG monoinsaturados (g)
AG poliinsaturados (g)
Colesterol (mg/1000 kcal)
Hidratos de carbono (g)
Fibra (g)
Agua (g)
Calcio (mg)
Hierro (mg)
Yodo (µg)
Magnesio (mg)
Zinc (mg)
Sodio (mg)
Potasio (mg)
Fósforo (mg)
Selenio (μg)
Tiamina (mg)
Riboflavina (mg)
Equivalentes niacina (mg)
Vitamina B6 (mg)
Folatos (μg)
Vitamina B12 (μg)
Vitamina C (mg)
Vitamina A: Eq. Retinol (μg)
Vitamina D (μg)
Vitamina E (mg)
Honey is essentially a concentrated aqueous solution of inverted sugar, which also contains a mixture of other carbohydrates, various enzymes, amino acids, organic acids, minerals, aromatic substances, pigments, waxes, etc.
The main sugars are fructose (38%), glucose (31%) and small amounts of sucrose (1-2%).
Although honey contains certain vitamins and minerals that are not found in refined sugars, the amounts are so small that they are not significant in terms of daily needs.
The main characteristic of honey is its high fructose content.
Fructose is mainly converted into glycogen in the liver, a process that does not require insulin.

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658 pag.

Alimentos, Nutrientes e Nutrição OutrosOutros

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