
Changelog do Shiginima Launcher

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== LATEST CHANGELOG ==================================================================================
Change log v4.400 (January 31, 2020)
- Fixed incompatibility with 1.13 forge and up
- Update news url and add server list placeholder
== OLDER CHANGELOGS ==================================================================================
Change log v1.405
- Added sponges
- Added more sponges
- Fixed an issue where profiles were deleted
- Deleted sponges
- Re-added sponges
- Sponged up some bugs
- Considering to add more themes; undecided
Change log v1.406
- Removed the existing user login popup that caused many issues with
 login and starting minecraft. Note: You will now have to input your
 username every time you log in.
Change log v1.500
- Added the ability to save usernames so you don't have to type them in
 each time you start the launcher.
- Fixed UUID issue and now issues a static UUID per username
- Fixed saving achievement issue
Change log v1.550:
- Auto login functionality added 
- Changed how username data is stored 
- Updated login screen 
- Removed paul the cat
Change log v1.600:
- Fixed UI bugs
- Updated storage system
- Updated source code
- Added news tab
- Added multiple language support
Change log v1.601 (Hotfix):
- Updated Portugese Translations
- Removed unnecessary dependencies
Change log v1.602:
- Actually updated the version number
Change log v2.000: (April 2, 2015)
- Updated bootstrap sources from latest minecraft launcher (1.6.11)
- Forge now works for 1.8 along with all the newer mods out there
- Added polish translation
- With updating to latest sources, you can now choose to play old alpha and old beta versions of minecraft
- Please, if you enjoy this game please consider purchasing it if possible. You get skins, that everyone can see :) Can't get that with any cracked launcher.
- Sped up launch process
- Added our website tab to be main
- Revamped design of our website news
- Fixed bug where it would let you play as a blank username
- Any other bugs please E-Mail shiglauncher@yandex.com or visit http://shigmeahyea.us.to/
Change log v3.000: (November 25, 2015) 
- Added LOTS of languages! If you find an error, please email us at shiglauncher@yandex.com.
- Added a way to join/add servers using links, for server promotion purposes
- Actually fixed the dev console
- Added an option to automatically set the language set in the launcher as the minecraft launcher language (Only if it's available)
- Fixed many bugs that were reported via E-Mail
- Fixed the Spanish language mixup, sorry about this!
- We have a new website url! teamshiginima.com
Change log v3.100 (Febrary 24, 2016)
- Updated minecraft boostrap to v18 for compatibility with 1.9 snapshots and above!
- Fixed incorrect language translations
- Added dutch/nl and thai translations
- Many thanks to those who help us with translatios! Visit http://k31.us/translate for info on how to help us out!
Change log v4.000 (July 24, 2018)
- Added compatibility with latest boostrap (1.13 snapshots and above)
Change log v4.100 (July 25, 2018)
- Fixed incompatibility with versions lower than 1.9
Change log v4.200 (March 16, 2019)
- Fixed development console for windows users
- From a overwhelming # of suggestions, added a dark theme, can turn on/off in options
- Update internal browser to fix javascript issues for some users
- Stability improvements for newer snapshots/later than 1.13.2
- Fixed a random bug when installing Forge 1.7.10 where it would launch normal 1.7.10 instead of forge
Change log v4.300 (September 11, 2019)
- Fixed critical bug that would not run 1.14+
- Fix grey play button error when loading newer versions

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