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In 1901 Röntgen was awarded the very first Nobel Prize in Physics. The award was officially "in recognition of the extraordinary services he has rendered by the discovery of the remarkable rays subsequently named after him". Röntgen donated the monetary reward from his Nobel Prize to his university. Like Pierre Curie, Röntgen refused to take out patents related to his discovery, as he wanted mankind as a whole to benefit from practical applications of the phenomenon.
Fonte: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm_R%C3%B6ntgen
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In film-screen radiography, an X-ray tube generates a beam of X-rays, which is aimed at the patient. The X-rays that pass through the patient are filtered through a device called a grid or X-ray filter, to reduce scatter, and strike an undeveloped film, which is held tightly to a screen of light-emitting phosphors in a light-tight cassette. The film is then developed chemically and an image appears on the film. Film-screen radiography is being replaced by computed radiography (CR) but more recently by digital radiography (DR) and the EOS imaging. In the two latest systems, the X-rays strike sensors that converts the signals generated into digital information, which is transmitted and converted into an image displayed on a computer screen. In digital radiography the sensors shape a plate, but in the EOS system, which is a slot-scanning system, a linear sensor vertically scans the patient.
EOS is a medical imaging system whose aim is to provide frontal and lateral radiography pictures, while limiting the X-ray dose absorbed by the patient in vertical pose. The system relies on the high sensitivity of a detector (multi-wire chamber) invented by Georges Charpak (which gave him the 1992 Nobel prize).
Fonte: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radiology
1) Qual é o assunto do texto?
2) O que são CR, DR e EOS imaging?
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