
A2 - Literatura e outras Séries Culturais

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25/09/22, 15:49 Ilumno
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Local: Sala 1 - Sala de Aula / Andar / Polo Duque de Caxias / POLO DUQUE DE CAXIAS - RJ 
Acadêmico: EAD-IL80068-20204A
Avaliação: A2-
Matrícula: 20201300154 
Data: 12 de Dezembro de 2020 - 08:00 Finalizado
Correto Incorreto Anulada  Discursiva  Objetiva Total: 8,50/10,00
1  Código: 32387 - Enunciado: Think about the word “believe” in the sentence "I believe in Santa
Claus". Imagine three situations in which this sentence could occur:Situation 1: a young girl
talking to her parents.Situation 2: a TV commercial song.Situation 3: an executive answering
sarcastically to yet another salary raise promise from his/her boss.Analyze the word "believe" in
each of the situations according to the concept of utterance proposed by Bakhtin:
 a) The word "believe" changes its meanings only if the speaker involved changes his/her
pronunciation/intonation pattern while uttering it.
 b) The word “believe” may have very di�erent meanings in each case, depending on the
relationship between the interactants and their context.
 c) The word "believe" will not change its meaning, since it can be classified as a verb in the
simple present form, independently of the context.
 d) The word “believe” will not change its meaning, since the sentence structure, in terms of
syntax, remains the same for each of the contexts.
 e) The word "believe" changes its meaning due to changes in the sentence structure, mainly
syntactic, for each of the contexts mentioned.
Alternativa marcada:
b) The word “believe” may have very di�erent meanings in each case, depending on the
relationship between the interactants and their context.
Justificativa: Correct answer:The word “believe” may have very di�erent meanings in each case,
depending on the relationship between the interactants and their context.The concept of
utterance refers to words-in-context, therefore, it assumes that context is determinant of the way
meaning is built. It assumes that, for each of the sentences, there will be a number of possible
interpretations that can only be inferred from their specific context of discourse. Distractors:The
word “believe” will not change its meaning, since the sentence structure, in terms of syntax,
remains the same for each of the contexts. The concept of utterance refers to contextual factors
that a�ect the meaning making process independently of how deep formal alterations are.
Therefore, the fact that syntax had not been altered is not a point to consider in this kind of
analysis.The word 'believe' changes its meaning, due to the changes in the sentence structure,
mainly syntactic, for each of the contexts mentioned. The concept of utterance refers to
contextual factors that a�ect the meaning making process independently of how deep formal
alterations are. Therefore, the fact that syntax had not been altered is not a point to consider in
this kind of analysis. Besides that, there have been no observable syntactic alterations.The word
'believe' will not change its meaning, since it can be classified as a verb in the simple present
form, independently of the context. The concept of utterance refers to words-in-context,
therefore, it assumes that context is determinant of the way meaning is built. It assumes that, for
each of the sentences, there will be a number of possible interpretations that can only be inferred
from their specific context of discourse. Therefore, formal classification is not relevant is this kind
of analysis.The word 'believe' changes its meanings only if the speaker involved changes his/her
pronunciation/entonantion pattern while uttering it. The concept of utterance refers to words-in-
context, therefore, it assumes that context is determinant of the way meaning is built. It assumes
that, for each of the sentences, there will be a number of possible interpretations that can only be
inferred from their specific context of discourse. Therefore, pronunciation/intonation patterns
are only one of the main traits to be considered while analyzing utterances.
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2  Código: 31582 - Enunciado: Varelas et al. (2010) defend the use of drama activities in classroom.
According to these researchers, as short plays and scenes are enacted, "conversational spaces
develop, defined by traces of multiple discourses (BAKHTIN, 1981) that come together as
everyday and scientific ways of thinking, communicating and acting become interwoven with
each other". While producing and performing, students practice di�erent text type sequences.For
example, they may also explore narrative discursive modes by:
 a) Writing and rehearsing their characters' dialogues for the play.
 b) Defending their points of view on costume and stage setting design.
 c) Discussing the best way to approach implementation problems.
 d) Describing their characters physical and behavioral features.
 e) Creating the beginning, middle and end of the story to be enacted.
Alternativa marcada:
e) Creating the beginning, middle and end of the story to be enacted.
Justificativa: Correct answer: Creating the beginning, middle and end of the story to be
enacted.This alternative refers to a narrative-like characteristic construction, as discussed by the
genre/typology studies in Genre in a changing world (BAZERMAN et al., 2017), when the authors
define narrative typology in association with experience retelling, accounts and story
making. Distractors:Describing their characters physical and behavioral features. Incorrect: This
alternative refers to a descriptive-like characteristic construction. Discussing the best way to
approach implementation problems. Incorrect: This alternative refers to an argumentation
process.Writing and rehearsing their characters' dialogues for the play. Incorrect: This alternative
refers to dialogic text type sequences.Defending their points of view on costume and stage
setting design. Incorrect: This alternative refers to an argumentation process.
0,50/ 0,50
3  Código: 32386 - Enunciado: According to Mikhail Bakhtin, the Russian philosopher, the concept
of word is abstract. Words can mean many di�erent things depending on the situation in which
they are being used. When we classify a word as a noun, an adjective or a verb, we are not
considering these situations. He created the term utterance to address words-in-context, i. e.,
words that are being used in real human interaction.Determine in which of the circumstances
below the teacher is considering the word "apple" as an utterance:
 a) The teacher explains the origins of the word "apple", analyzing its root and thematic
 b) The teacher selects a text in which "apple" occurs, discussing its function, structure and
 c) The teacher selects a text in which "apple" occurs and asks students to classify it as a
 d) The teacher shows an apple (fruit) while introducing the word "apple" in vocabulary
 e) The teacher asks students to repeat "apple" as a means of fostering pronunciation
Alternativa marcada:
d) The teacher shows an apple (fruit) while introducing the word "apple" in vocabulary practice.
Justificativa: Correct answer:The teacher selects a text in which 'apple' occurs, discussing its
function, structure and use.Utterances can only be analyzed within their naturally occurring
environments since factors such as intonation, positioning, text's social roles, interactants' roles
etc. will influence their meaning making process. Distractors:The teacher explains the origins of
the word 'apple', analyzing its root and thematic vowel. Incorrect: in this alternative, the teacher
is working with the word 'apple' from the formal perspective — as a de-contextualized element of
language, since classificationsapply to the same element, no matter the context in which it
appears.The teacher asks students to repeat 'apple' as a means of fostering pronunciation
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practice. Incorrect: in this alternative, the teacher is working with the word 'apple' from the
formal perspective — as a de-contextualized element of language, since phonetic traits can be
applied to the same word, even if di�erent contexts suggest di�erent approaches to intonation
and pronunciation.The teacher shows an apple (fruit) while introducing the word 'apple' in
vocabulary practice. Incorrect: in this alternative, the teacher is working with the word 'apple'
from the representational perspective — as a sign that represents an object in the
world, independently of interaction.The teacher selects a text in which 'apple' occurs and asks
students to classify it as a noun. Incorrect: in this alternative, the teacher is working with the
word 'apple' from the formal perspective — as a de-contextualized element of language, since
classifications apply to the same element, no matter the context in which it appears.
4  Código: 31566 - Enunciado: According to Benzoukh (2010), "each literary genre is characterized
by its own language patterns, its specific stylistic choices and its patterns of cultural orientation.
Novels and short stories, for example, take advantage of their setting and plot to expand new
degrees of realism. Plays, in contrast, are mainly around characters and their interactions, and
they are written to be performed on stage".Considering these specific characteristics, a genre-
based lesson organized around a literary text would need to:
 a) Focus on specific grammar topics, as a means of clarifying each genre's syntactic
construction and rendition.
 b) Provide for translation opportunities through which the students could assess each
genre's formatting traits.
 c) Showcase information on the authors' life and on the literary movement in which the text
can be included.
 d) Encourage genres' analysis, leading to the recognition of their traits and to contextualized
production tasks.
 e) Work with a vocabulary students are not familiar with, in order to foster their
understanding of the genre.
Alternativa marcada:
d) Encourage genres' analysis, leading to the recognition of their traits and to contextualized
production tasks.
Justificativa: Correct answer: Encourage genres' analysis, leading to the recognition of
their traits and to contextualized production tasks.This is the only alternative in which analytical
tasks are recommended, contemplating discussion and production of the characteristics
mentioned in the citation. Distractors:Showcase information on the authors' life and on the
literary movement in which the text can be included. Wrong. This is not related to any practice
with the genre's characteristics mentioned in the citation.Work with a vocabulary students are
not familiar with, in order to foster their understanding of the genre. Incorrect. The work with
vocabulary is not directly related to an understanding of genre's characteristics mentioned in the
citation.Provide for translation opportunities through which the students could assess each
genre's formatting traits. Incorrect. The work with translation is not related to an understanding
of genre's characteristics and can even de-characterize them.Focus on specific grammar topics,
as a means of clarifying each genre's syntactic construction and rendition. Incorrect. The work
with grammar topics is not related to the study of the specific genre traits mentioned in the
0,50/ 0,50
5  Código: 32378 - Enunciado: According to Oliveira (2016), "reading activities can be a very strong
pedagogical option to promote an e�ective discussion about cultural and social issues in the
classroom." By choosing texts which deal with relevant cultural and social questions, such as:
protests, vandalism, religion, political engagement, ghetto culture, multicultural society etc.,
material designers can suggest pre-reading and post-reading activities that follow some of the
intercultural perspective conceptions with tasks that aim to stimulate learnersʼ criticism and
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point of view through open-answers. However, the majority of reading activities suggested tasks
with closed-answers which emphasized the discussion of lexical and grammatical
components.Identify the criterium in the Programa Nacional do Livro Didático – PNLD which the
mentioned book author does not follow:
 a) Including pre, during and post tasks.
 b) Connecting texts to students' lives.
 c) Highlighting cultural plurality traits.
 d) Developing socially critical awareness.
 e) Contextualized linguistic knowledge.
Alternativa marcada:
e) Contextualized linguistic knowledge.
Justificativa: Correct answer:Contextualized linguistic knowledge. This criterium indicates that
grammar should be presented within the scope of each chosen text, considering it as a whole
genre and with a focus on its communicative and social functions. Distractors:Connecting texts to
students' lives. Incorrect: this criterium indicates that all tasks should be connected to students'
realities, something which is provided by the themes of social interest and the possibility of
discussing them through open-ended questions.Highlighting cultural plurality traits. Incorrect:
this criterium indicates that all tasks should include representative samples of social diversity,
something which is provided by text selections including socially relevant polemics.Including
pre, during and post tasks. Incorrect: this criterium indicates that all texts should be
contextualized, worked with and lead to some kind of production, something which is provided
by the reading tasks mentioned in pre-reading and post-reading activitiesDeveloping socially
critical awareness. Incorrect: this criterium indicates that all tasks should encourage autonomous
analysis of each text in order to allow students to follow through in their reading proficiency
development, something with is provided by the focus on debating socially relevant issues.
6  Código: 31544 - Enunciado: When referring to the bakhtinian concept of dialogism, Volochinov
(1973) states that a word "is a two-sided act. It is determined equally by whose word it is and for
whom it is meant. As word, it is precisely the product of the reciprocal relationship between
speaker and listener, addresser and addressee". Bakhtin has also used the term utterance to refer
to wording which is:
 a) Written in specific literary settings, representing its author.
 b) Spoken and, therefore, following no specific grammar rule.
 c) Analyzed according to its dialogic context of production.
 d) Separated from its original dialogic context of production.
 e) Coined in order to solve communication misunderstandings.
Alternativa marcada:
c) Analyzed according to its dialogic context of production.
Justificativa: Correct answer: Analyzed according to its dialogic context of production. Correct. It
refers to the citation's reciprocal relationship between speaker and listener. Distractors:Spoken
and, therefore, following no specific grammar rule. Incorrect. It mentions only spoken wording
and because grammar rules are not considered by the definition.Written in specific literary
settings, representing its author. Incorrect. It mentions only written wording and literary settings,
ignoring the broad scope of the definition.Coined in order to solve communication
misunderstandings. Incorrect. It is based on communication misunderstandings, which are not
the focus of the definition.Separated from its original dialogic context of production. Incorrect. It
ignores contextual factors mentionedby the definition.
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7  Código: 31538 - Enunciado: Posters are amongst the most common ways of advertising products
and services, generating a genre on their own. According to bakhtinian studies, when analyzing
text genres one must consider: a) their form/style, b) their theme/content and c) their social
Based on the above, cite at least two characteristics of each of the mentioned aspects (a, b and c)
in relation to the publicity advertisement genre.
a) Form/Style: Use of di�erent font sizes, colors and shapes in order to get their target audience's
attention and the use of imperative forms such as "just do it in the Addidas campaign".
b) Theme/Content: In general, they bring some ideals that are socially understood as beauty,
success, hapiness, health, evolution, etc.
c) Social function/Use: It may be created to persuade people to buy something, or even a service.
It can also provide pieces of information about something.
Comentários: Very good!
Justificativa: Expected answer:Students are expected to mention at least six of the following
traits (two for each aspect):a) Form/Style: di�erent levels of titling to indicate the relevance of
each piece of information and guide reading (normally materialized by the use of font sizes,
colors, shaping and perspective), dialogic text type sequences (using imperative verbs and
commands), descriptive text type sequences (normally using short verb and noun phrases,
bulleting and other design-highlighting resources), narrative text type sequences performed by
images: photograph/drawing of a recently married couple, for example. Any re-enactment of a
daily scene suggesting movement can be read as a narrative to be associated with the o�ered
product or service.b) Theme/Content: cultural constructs of success, beauty, innovation,
evolution and strength.c) Social function/Use: providing information, persuading, encouraging
the purchase of a specific product or service.
8  Código: 31564 - Enunciado: Speaking is a high risk communicative task. According to Douglas H.
Brown, the initiation of oral interaction can generate anxiety and discomfort, a phenomenon
teachers must learn how to deal with. Multimodal communicative practices can assist students in
the task of exposing themselves orally, since most of internet-based genres involve the integrated
application of the four skills.Considering that, mention three ways in which teachers could take
advantage of social media and instant messaging genres when working with orality
There are some ways that students and teacher could make use of their social media or instant
messaging in order to develop orality:
1 - They could have a Whatsapp group: the teacher could develop an activity where they are
going to use the whatsapp group and voice messages. It could even be a game for the class where
groups would have to record something and right a�er that another group would have to answer.
I'm pretty sure they would love it!
2 - They could use Stories from Instagram: the teacher could develop an activity where students
would be divided in groups and would have to write a scene and perfom this scene together. They
would use one cell phone to record it and send it to the teacher so they would post them on the
stories of the school (or something related to it).
3 - They could make use of YouTybe: the teacher could create a social campaign where they
would prepare some scripts beforehand and then they would record it. They would have to be
divided in groups so theere would be actors, editors, and others. In the end of it, they would post
it (in the school's whatsapp status, instagram or even YouTube).
Comentários: Excellent ideas!
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Justificativa: Expected answer:Students are expected to mention tasks in which teachers would
propose interactions via chat, forum, and other social media/instant messaging applications
(including Whatsapp; Facebook pages, chats, and groups, Instagram etc). They should mention
the advantage of resorting to written, visual, and listening modalities as pre-speaking activities,
without mistaking written planning for oral production and respecting the characteristics of the
chosen genre. For example: they could write a task in which students would post videos from
their favorite singers and comment on them, using written interaction to encourage the
production of audio files. These audio files would latter be analyzed, leading to listening activities
and oral production in class. They could also propose that students shared texts on social media
platforms, commented on them and, later, organized a debate in class.

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