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1a Questão (Ref.: 202008296979)
	Narrador, personagem, espaço e tempo são elementos constituintes das narrativas. Analise o trecho a seguir, levando em consideração seus elementos constitutivos:
Não se pode imaginar nada mais singular e extraordinário, querido leitor, do que o que se passou com o meu pobre amigo, o jovem estudante Natanael, e que agora me disponho a narrar! Acaso alguma vez uma coisa se apossou tão completamente do teu coração, do teu espírito e do teu pensamento que chegou a excluir tudo o mais? Algo que tenha fermentado e fervilhado dentro de ti, fazendo com que o sangue, cheio de ardor, corresse desabaladamente em tuas veias, incendiando-te as faces? Que tenha tornado o teu olhar estranho como se estivesse apreendendo, no espaço vazio, formas invisíveis para todos os outros olhos, e que te haja fragmentado as palavras em tristes soluços? E, quando os amigos te perguntavam "Que há contigo, meu caro? Que aconteceu, querido amigo?", desejavas pintar as imagens íntimas com todo o seu vivo colorido, com suas luzes e sombras, mas lutavas em vão para encontrar palavras com que te expressar? E te sentias como se tivesses de condensar a totalidade dos fatos ocorridos, os fantásticos, os esplêndidos, os pavorosos, os jocosos e os terríveis, para que o conjunto pudesse se revelar, por assim dizer, em uma única descarga elétrica.
Adaptado de: HOFFMAN, E.T.A. O homem de areia. Trad. Luiz A. de Araújo. In: CALVINO, Italo (org.). Contos fantásticos do século XIX: o fantástico visionário e o fantástico cotidiano. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2004.
Com base no texto apresentado, avalie as afirmações a seguir:
I. O foco narrativo em terceira pessoa e em diálogo com o leitor contribui para o estabelecimento de uma cumplicidade com o narrador.
II. As indagações feitas pelo narrador servem para colocar à prova a autenticidade da narrativa.
III. O tempo psicológico contribui para que o narrador e o leitor possam criar uma relação discursiva como estratégia narrativa.
É correto apenas o que se afirma em:
	II e III.
	I e II.
	I e III.
	I, apenas.
	III, apenas.
	 2a Questão (Ref.: 202008296698)
	No filme Batman: o Cavaleiro das Trevas (2008), dirigido por Christopher Nolan, o protagonista enfrenta um de seus maiores desafios, em um momento em que pretendia sair de cena como o homem-morcego e ajudar a cidade de Gotham como cidadão comum, não precisando mais agir fora dos limites institucionais. No entanto, o surgimento de um de seus principais antagonistas, o Coringa, altera o curso dos eventos. Quase nada se sabe a seu respeito, de onde vem e para onde quer ir. De natureza anárquica e incendiária, o Coringa não apenas coloca a cidade de pernas para o ar, mas também revira do avesso as principais personagens dessa narrativa, fazendo emergir o que elas têm de mais monstruoso.
Com base no exposto na análise estruturalista de Roland Barthes, é correto afirmar que:
	As personagens são descritas pelo que são e não pelo que fazem.
	No nível da narração apenas as funções das personagens são relevantes.
	O espaço é que determina as ações da narrativa.
	A função do protagonista não está relacionada as suas ações.
	A função do antagonista é colocar as virtudes das personagens à prova.
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 202008282523)
	Since its rediscovery in the 19th century after a few hundred years of obscurity, Sir Gawain and the Green Knight has endured as one of the name-brand poems of the Arthurian legend. That¿s mostly because, even in the 21st century, it is still really fun to read. (...) "This poem has an astonishing visceral sensory impact," says Mark Miller, an associate professor of medieval English literature at the University of Chicago. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight fairly revels in its bloody, sexy, violent material - and the poem's dense, alliterative language only heightens its sensuality. (...) Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is now the source material for the new A24 movie The Green Knight, written and directed by David Lowery and starring Dev Patel. The movie offers a perfect opportunity to revisit the original poem and see why it's endured for almost 700 years.
Source: CONSTANCE, Grady. "The magic, sex, and violence of the 14th-century poem behind The Green Knight", 2021. Access in: https://www.vox.com/culture/22583668/sir-gawain-and-the-green-knight-medieval-poem-explained.
After reading the contextualization above and the affirmatives below, mark the only option indicating the correct set of affirmative(s).
I. There is no other way to access the original text of Sir Gawain except by reading it in Old English.
II. The 14th-century poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is written in the most common Old English poetical rhythm, the alliterative verse.
III. Sir Gawain and The Green Knight is a poem that uses the framework of Arthurian legend to tell its tale of moralizing temptation.
	II, only.
	II a III, only.
	I and III, only.
	I, only.
	I, II and III.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 202008282524)
	The history of Aesopean Fables seems rather to be this Aesop was one of the first and most successful in adopting this kind of apologue as a general vehicle of instruction. Being striking in point, and easy of remembrance, his stories were soon bandied out from mouth, and handed down from generation to generation, with such alterations as are ever attendant on oral narration. (AESOP, p. 7, 1881)
Source: AESOP. Aesop's Fables. Springfield, Ohio: Farm and Fireside Company, 1881.
Considering the text above, mark the correct affirmative regarding Aesop's fables:
	Aesop's fables tell stories about animals who behave badly and were never meant to be read as literature, only as an ethical treaty.
	Aesop's fables were written directly to be printed in books and to circulate among literate people.
	Aesop's fables were narratives created by Aesop himself, without any cultural interference.
	Aesop's Fables were originally meant for the moral instruction of its readers.
	Aesop's fables narrated the stories of children and their animals, describing how to behave with non-human companions.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 202008282525)
	Even though Icelandic sagas and the chivalric romances belonged to different cultures, both genres can be read as narrative renditions of national identities. Why is it possible to say that chivalric romances establish a sort of national ethos?
	Chivalric romances are interested in nationalizing Paganism as the country's past religious practices.
	Chivalric romances provide historical sources to the national identities still in vogue in the contemporary world of politics.
	Chivalric romances narrate a nation¿s political backdrop during the Middle Ages, in search of the origins of many social practices.
	Chivalric romances narrate tales of disloyal knights who learned through their mistakes to be more honorable towards one another.
	Chivalric romances narrate an admirable nation¿s mythical past as it follows a specific group of knights faithful to their duty as loyal companions to one another.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 202008300736)
	The subject of ballads, books and films, Robin Hood has proven to be one of popular culture¿s most enduring folk heroes. Over the course of 700 years, the outlaw from Nottinghamshire who robs from the rich to give to the poor has emerged as one of the most enduring folk heroes in popular culture¿and one of the most versatile. But how has the legend of Sherwood Forest¿s merry outlaws evolved over time, and did a real Robin Hood inspire these classic tales?
Retrieved from:
EDITORS, History.com. The Real Robin Hood. In: History. [S. l.]: A&E Television Networks, LLC, 5 maio 2010. Disponível em: https://www.history.com/topics/british-history/robin-hood. Accessed Feb.12, 2022.
Bearing the text above in mind, it is possible to affirm that Robin Hood is not a folktale because:
	Ithas supernatural events as part of its narrative
	It is about a person who has gained saint-like characteristics
	It is an inspiration to many classic tales
	It is a story about an unproven and undocumented person told as a historical fact
	The narrative doesn't have an introduction, a development and a conclusion
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 202008300822)
	Faust began as a morality tale in a Protestant-leaning region of what is now Germany. In a time and place which believed in the literal Devil on Earth, it was a frightening tale, and warned against godlessness, worldly ambition, and of course, magic. For the audience, Faust's religious salvation was at stake. It is said the Devil himself appeared at one of Marlowe's performances, so even the audience feared the Devil¿s notice.
Today, the name Faust has become attached to tales of persons of power who betray principles and values for the knowledge and power to achieve their goals. But with their ambition and their power more than they can handle, predictable doom is made more tragic by their inability to seek forgiveness. However, there are also Faustian tales of redemption, where Faust has been the better man, overcome his human nature (¿)
Retrieved from: LEGEND OF FAUST. In: FAUST: The legend of Faust from the Renaissance times. The end of civilization. [S. l.], [S. d]. Available at: https://www.faust.com/. Date of access: 9 Feb. 2022.
Based on the text, assess the following claimss:
I. The 400-year-old legend of Faust keeps reinventing itself to reflect what people want and what people fear the most.
II. Faust was the 16th-century equivalent of BuzzFeed clickbait, described as the clash between virtue and damnation through obvious heroes and villains.
III. Faust can only be related to European culture because it does not dialogue with traditions from the other regions of the world.
The only correct statements are:
	I, II and III.
	I only.
	II and III only.
	II only.
	I and II only.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 202008306014)
	The fictional narrative tells a story, a sequence of facts, in which characters move in a certain space as time passes. Its structure encompasses presentation, development climax and denouement. How can denouement be defined?
	The series of events in the story.
	A dramatic turning point in a narrative.
	The first part of a narrative.
	The introduction of the theme.
	The resolution of the conflict in a story.
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 202008306019)
	A short story author chooses between telling the story using the voice of one of the characters or assuming a detached, omniscient perspective that gives flexibility in describing the story's situations, setting and characters. The use of dialogues is also present in short stories. Why is the use of dialogues informing readers about characters' opinions, attitudes, and facts important in the short story form?
	Dialogues usually express more details.
	Direct narration is much more concise.
	Dialogues present more colloquial language.
	Direct narration is a more dynamic mode.
	Dialogues successfully introduce characters.
	 10a Questão (Ref.: 202008306016)
	The characters of a narrative present certain characteristics. The main character experiences conflicts, and its fate is followed closely by readers. That is also a character who acts against the main character, creating obstacles, complications, and conflicts to him/her. What do we call this latter character? 
	Principal character
	Supporting character
	 3a Questão (Ref.: 202008301041)
	William Garrison, an influential white journalist, along with other white, wealthy Northerners, founded in 1833 the American Anti-Slavery Society. The American Anti-Slavery Society was an important institution because:
	it helped fugitive slaves in their journeys to the North.
	it contributed to the extinction of the transatlantic slave trade.
	it promoted the abolitionist cause to a larger audience.
	it sponsored the education of African American slaves.
	it elected politicians who fought against slavery.
	 4a Questão (Ref.: 202008301216)
	The 19th century, apart from its social, economic, and territorial changes, was also a defining moment for the shaping of American identity. What has the term American Renaissance been used to identify?
	Mythical qualities.
	Economic growth.
	Territorial expansion.
	Literary expression.
	Industrial development.
	 5a Questão (Ref.: 202008301074)
	Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman paved the way for American modernism. Bearing this information in mind, choose the alternative that best compares and contrasts their production:
	Their production diverges, since Whitman was the poet of public discourse, whereas Dickinson was the poet of silence.
	Their production diverges, since only Whitman knew how to occupy the page.
	Their production is akin, as both were poets of silence.
	Their production is akin, as both were poets of public discourse.
	Their production diverges, since Whitman was the poet of silence, whereas Dickinson was the poet of public discourse.
	 6a Questão (Ref.: 202008301155)
	Closer yet I approach you,
What thought you have of me now, I had as much of you-I laid in my stores in advance,
I consider'd long and seriously of you before you were born.
Retrieved from: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/45470/crossing-brooklyn-ferry
Bearing the verses above in mind, choose the option that correctly explains the proximity in Whitman's poetry:
	Whitman is speaking in spite of the people.
	Whitman is speaking for the people.
	His gigantic "I" subjugates the reader.
	Whitman's verses are very personal experiences
	Whitman is speaking to the people.
	 7a Questão (Ref.: 202009819107)
	Romantic works take place in isolated locations, such as the wilderness, in the past or in supernatural areas. Choose the option that correctly states the reason why:
	In order to represent a world removed from the industrial age of the time.
	Because the United States was a new country in need of representation.
	Because Romantics intended to represent idyllic places in their works.
	In order to capture the energy of the frontier life.
	In order to represent Nature in a more realistic way.
	 8a Questão (Ref.: 202009819379)
	Poe is, certainly, best remembered for his gothic tales of psychological terror. In "The Black Cat", one of his most famous stories, the mood is set by means of repetition of certain words. The narrator explains that he used to have a good nature and love animals, but __________ transformed him into an evil person.
Choose the alternative that best completes the paragraph below
	 9a Questão (Ref.: 202008283281)
	The setting in a narrative plays a key role. It not only locates the characters in a particular geographic constituency but gives meaning to their roles and actions. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the city of Cairo, Illinois, has an important meaning in the story.
Pick the alternative that justifies this importance.
	It's the main conflict zone, to where Tom, Huck and Jim head in order to fight for freedom.
	It's the region in which Huck Finn's memories are, as he needs to get to know his past and move on.
	It's the only place in the entire continent where freedom is unrestricted, one of the biggest dreams of Huck Finn and his friend Jim.
	It's where Huck Finn and Jim go rafting in order to reach the Ohio River and get to the free states.
	It's the region where the relatives of the author of the novel were born, therefore, it is just a tribute.10a Questão (Ref.: 202008285255)
	In Henry James's The Turn of the Screw, critics such as Edmund Wilson and Harold C. Goddard formulate, each in their own way, a "hallucination theory" to explain the Governess' accounts of ghost apparitions at the Bly mansion.
Choose the alternative that defines this theory:
	The Governess' attempt to become an independent woman is reflected in her visions.
	The children are, in fact, products of the Governess' dream, as revealed at the end.
	The Governess only trusts the version of the children, who are quite imaginative, to say the least.
	The apparitions are built by the imagination of the Governess, who suffers from sexual repression.
	The house members feed on products that lead them to altered psychological states.