
A New Way To English vol. 3

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Rivanda Marta Araújo de Medeiros
Medeiros, Rivanda Marta Araújo de.
 A new way to english: volume 3 / Rivanda Marta Araújo 
de Medeiros. – Teresina : FUESPI, 2013. 
 140 p.
ISBN 978-85-61946-91-3
 Material de apoio pedagógico ao Curso de Licenciatura 
Plena em Letras Inglês do Núcleo de Educação a Distância 
da Universidade Estadual do Piauí – NEAD / UESPI.
 1. Ensino da Língua inglesa. 2. Gramática. 3. Leitura. 4. 
Conversação. I. Título. 
CDD 421.43
Ficha elaborada pelo Serviço de Catalogação da Biblioteca Central da UESPI
Aureste de Sousa Lima (Bibliotecário) CRB-3/1215
Presidente da República
Dilma Vana Rousseff
Vice-presidente da República
Michel Miguel Elias Temer Lulia
Ministro da Educação
Aloizio Mercadante Oliva
Secretário de Educação a Distância
Carlos Eduardo Bielschowsky
Diretor de Educação a Distância CAPES/MEC
Celso José da Costa
Governador do Piauí
Wilson Nunes Martins
Secretário Estadual de Educação e Cultura do Piauí
Átila de Freitas Lira
Reitor da FUESPI – Fundação Universidade Estadual do Piauí
Carlos Alberto Pereira da Silva
Vice-reitor da FUESPI
Nouga Cardoso Batista
Pró-reitor de Ensino de Graduação – PREG
Francisco Soares Santos Filho
Coordenadora da UAB-FUESPI
Márcia Percília Moura Parente
Coordenador Adjunto da UAB-FUESPI
Raimundo Isídio de Sousa
Pró-reitor de Pesquisa e Pós-graduação – PROP
Geraldo Eduardo da Luz Júnior
Pró-reitora de Extensão, Assuntos Estudantis e Comunitários – PREX
Marcelo de Sousa Neto
Pró-reitor de Administração e Recursos Humanos – PRAD
Benedito Ribeiro da Graça Neto
Pró-reitor de Planejamento e Finanças – PROPLAN
Raimundo da Paz Sobrinho
Coordenadora do curso de Licenciatura Plena em Letras Inglês – EAD
Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa
Diretora do NEAD
Márcia Percília Moura Parente
Diretor Adjunto
Raimundo Isídio de Sousa
Coordenadora do Curso de 
Licenciatura Plena em Letras – Inglês
Maria do Socorro Baptista Barbosa
Coordenadora de Tutoria
Lucirene da Silva Carvalho
Coordenadora de Produção de
Material Didático
Cândida Helena de Alencar Andrade
Autora do Livro
Rivanda Marta Araújo de Medeiros
José Luiz Meireles da Silva
Fausto Pereira Torres
Luis Filipe de Andrade Sousa
Rivanda Marta Araújo de Medeiros
Teresinha de Jesus Ferreira
Mônica Maria Amorim Ramos
Pedro Leonardo de Sousa Magalhães
Luiz Paulo de Araújo Freitas
Campus Poeta Torquato Neto (Pirajá),
NEAD, Rua João Cabral, 2231, bairro
Pirajá, Teresina (PI). CEP: 64002-150,
Telefones: (86) 3213-5471 / 3213-1182
Web: ead.uespi.br
E-mail: eaduespi@hotmail.com 
INITIAL CONSIDERATIONS ..................................................................... 8
UNIT 1 - My Daily Routine .........................................................................9
1.1. READING 1 – Mr. Thompson’s Routine ……………………………........11
1.2. LISTENING 2 – Sean’s Routine ……………..………….......................12
1.3. WRITING 2 – Someone You Know ……………...................................13
1.4. GRAMMAR FOCUS 1 – Verb TO BE .................................................15
1.5. READING 2 – Food for Pleasure ........................................................16
1.6. WRITING 2 – Eating Habits ………………………………....................17
1.7. LISTENING 2 – Yuko Takei, From Japan …………..……...................18
1.8. DISCUSSION 1 ..................................................................................21
1.9. GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – Simple Present ………………......................21
1.10. LET’S PRACTICE 1 …..…….............................................................24
1.11. VOCABULARY - Prepositions of Location: At, In, On ..…................25
1.12. LET’S PRACTICE 2 ………..............................................................30
1.13 LISTENING 3 ....................................................................................31
UNIT 2 - Sweet Memories .......................................................................33
2.1. RECALLING ………………………………………………………..........35
2.2. READING 1 – Did Dracula really Exist? …………….…......................36
2.3. GRAMMAR FOCUS 1 – The Simple Past Tense .……………...........37
2.4. READING 2 – Was a Murderer Freed? .............................................42
2.5. GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – Verb TO BE & There TO BE in the past ......43
2.6 LET’S PRACTICE 1 ............................................................................43
2.7. LISTENING 1 – From Draculas to Twilight – Vampires evolve ...…....44
2.8. WRITING 1 – Story Telling ……….......................................................45
2.9. READING 3 – A Bank Robery ………..…….......................................45
2.10. GRAMMAR FOCUS 3 – The Past Continuous Tense.........................46
2.11. LET’S PRACTICE 2 ..........................................................................48
2.12. WRITING 2 – An Accident Narrative ………………..........................50
2.13. READING 4 – Little White Lies ………...………….............................51
2.14. GRAMMAR FOCUS 5 – The Present Perfect Tense ..…..................52
2.15. LET’S PRACTICE 3 .........................................................................54
2.16. GRAMMAR FOCUS 6 – The Simple Past X The Present Perfect Tense …. 57
2.17. LISTENING 2 – Song: I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking for...............60
2.18. GRAMMAR FOCUS 6 – The Present Perfect Continuous …...........61
UNIT 3 - It’s All About Planning ..............................................................65
3.1. READING 1 – Ten Years from Now ………..........................................67
3.2. GRAMMAR 1 – The Simple Future Tense ……...................................68
3.3. LISTENING 1 – Song: I Will Survive ……………….............................71
3.4. WRITING 1 – Expressing Your Opinion …..........................................72
3.5 GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – Immediate Future ………….........................73
3.6. GRAMMAR FOCUS 3 – WILL X GOING TO …….............................74
3.7. READING 2 – Emergency Procedures ………….……......................77
3.8. GRAMMAR FOCUS 3 – IF Clauses: Zero & First Conditionals.........79
3.9. LISTENING 2 – First Conditional Explanation ……..........................80
3.10. GRAMMAR FOCUS 4 – Second Conditionals …..........................80
3.11. LISTENING 3 – Song: Tears in Heaven ………………....................82
 3.12. GRAMMAR FOCUS 5 – Modal Verbs ………............................…84
3.13. READING 3 – 2013 To Be Great for English Students …................88
3.14. LISTENING 4 – Jonathan/s New Year’s Resolutions …..............…90
3.15. WRITING 2 – My New Year’s Resolutions ………….......................91
3.16. GRAMMAR FOCUS 6 – The Future in the Past ……….................92
3.17. GRAMMAR FOCUS 7 – The Future Continuous Tense …............93
3.18. PRACTICE – Recalling: Verb Tenses Review … …………...............94
UNIT 4 - He said... She Said ....................................................................99
4.1. READING 1 – Sophie’s Agenda ……….............................................101
4.2. GRAMMAR FOCUS 1 – Reported Speech …….....…………………103
4.3. WRITING 1 ………………………………..………………….......……108
4.4. READING 2 – Making Flat Glass ………...........................................108
4.5. GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – The Passive Voice ………….....................109
4.6. LISTENING 1 – Popular Inventions………......................................117
4.7. GRAMMAR FOCUS 3 – Pronouns Review ……………..................118
4.8. GRAMMAR FOCUS 4 – Reflexive Pronouns …………...................120
4.9. GRAMMAR FOCUS 5 – Reciprocal Reflexive Pronouns .................120
4.10. READING 3 – Do you suffer from Facebook Depression? .......…....123
4.11. DISCUSSION – Facebook Use ………………………….................125
4.12. WRITING 2 ……………………………………………………...........125
4.13. GRAMMAR FOCUS 5 …………………………................…………126
4.14. LISTENING 2 – Song: I’m With You …………………….................132
References …………………………….....…………………………………134
Appendix 1 .........………………………..…………………………………..135
Appendix 2 ……………………………….………………….....................136
Appendix 3 ….......................................................................................138
Durante leitura desse material você perceberá o uso de alguns 
ícones. Fique atento, pois cada um deles lhe trará alguma informação 
São seus exercícios de escuta. Devem auxiliá-
lo a desenvolver sua habilidade de entender o 
que ouve em língua inglesa. Ouça tantas vezes 
quantas achar necessário para compreender.
São textos que devem ser lidos e interpretados.
Sua oportunidade de se desenvolver através da 
sua habilidade de escrita. Aproveite!
Fale o que já aprendeu. Fale, fale muito! Repita 
várias vezes, quantas vezes você considerar 
necessário para se sentir seguro (a). 
Você sabia? Mate a sua curiosidade com relação a 
diferentes aspectos da língua inglesa e esclareça 
pontos e contra pontos.
Sugestões de leituras complementares sobre o 
assunto sendo estudado, ou sobre os temas das 
leituras incluídas neste livro.
Sempre que aparecer este ícone estaremos 
pedindo que você pratique o que você acaba 
de estudar, seja pela fala, seja pela escrita. 
Praticar é fundamental para internalizar o idioma 
estrangeiro que você quer aprender.
In this unit, students will:
• have a motivating reference and practical review of the basic structures 
of the English Language: The Verb TO BE. The Simple Present and The 
Present Continuous.
• recognize the main uses of the prepositions IN, ON & AT.
• have a focus on mini-writing skills.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 1.1 READING 1
Read the text, and fill in the spaces with a verb from the box below in 
the correct form.
Paul Thompson is 24 and …….…… 
in New Jersey. He ……….…… up at 6 
o’clock every day. He has toast and coffee 
for breakfast. He leaves the house at 7 
o’clock. He goes to work by train. 
The journey ……….…… half an hour.
Mr. Thompson i s u s u a l l y v e r y b u s y 
a t work . He……….…… meetings in the 
morning, and ……….…… clients in the 
He has lunch at 1 o’clock. He always eats lunch in his office. It 
……….…… about R $ 5. He leaves work at 5 o’clock. After dinner, he 
……….…… t h e n e w s o n TV with his wife.
2. Comprehension – Write answers to the following questions:
a. What’s his name? _______________________________________
b. How old is he? _________________________________________
c. Where does he live? _____________________________________
d. What does he do at work during the day? ____________________
e. What does he do after work? ______________________________
Figure 1 - Google Images
A New Way To English - Volume III
 3. Cover the text. Try to remember about five things about Paul and write 
them down. 
 Check your answers.
 4. The information below is supposed to be about Paul but there are some 
factual mistakes in it. Correct them in the space provided:
 5. Listen to Sean talk about his week and answer the questions that follow:
a. How old is he? _______________________________________________________
His name is Sean. He’s 19 years old. He’s a university student. 
He goes to Texas State University. He studies mathematics. He 
lives with his parents, near the university. It takes about forty 
minutes by bicycle.
He’s pretty busy! He goes to lectures in the mornings, and works 
at a
French restaurant in the afternoons.
He has lunch at 1pm at a local restaurant near his office. After 
work, he sometimes meets his brother. They watch movies or go 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
b. Where does he go to university? ____________________________
c. On weekdays, what does he do in the afternoon? ___________
d. What does he do after lectures? _____________________________
 e. What does he often do in his free time? _________________
 1.3 WRITING 1
6. Think of a person you know well, a family member or a friend who is 
single. You are going to tell your course mates about him/her. Look at 
the chart below and prepare what you are going to say. 
7. About you - Write true answers to the questions below and combine them 
to make a paragraph. 
a. How old are you? _______________________________________
b. What do you do? _______________________________________
c. Where do you live? _____________________________________
Figure 2 - AEF 2, Unit 1, P.7
A New Way To English - Volume III
d. What do you do in your fee time? __________________________
e. What is a typical day in your life like? _______________________
Affirmative Negative Interrogative
I am I am not Am I ?
You are You are not Are you?
He is He is not Is he?
She is She is not Is she?
It is It is not Is it?
We are We are not Are we?
You are You are not Are you ?
They are They are not Are they?
 Complete with the correct form of the verb TO BE.
1. I_________Brazilian . 11. I________not from here.
2. Nobuko________Japanese. 12. My grandmother_______old. 
3. ___________Pietro Italian? 13.__________you English?
4. _________you my teacher? 14. __________she Italian?
5. The dog_____not in its house. 15. ____Ana’s toy under the sofa?
6. Ted’s glasses ____on the TV set. 16. We__________not Chinese.
7. Those girls__________French. 17. This vase________ Spanish.
8. Bernard and Paul_____not Australians. 18. Those girls_____not my cousins.
9. Rex______under the chair. 19. _____those boys from Rio?
10. The pencils__________on the table. 20. ______Teresina a big city? 
Figure 3 - Google Images
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 1.5 READING 2
a. What kind of food or dishes do you associate with these countries?
 The United States China FranceItaly Japan Mexico
 b. Read the interviews with Joan and Nina. Match the questions with 
their answers. 
1. Is food a pleasure for you?
2. What do you normally eat on a typical day?
3. Do you ever cook?
4. Do you ever eat ‘unhealthy’ food? How do you feel about it?
5. Are you trying to cut down on anything at the moment?
6. Are people’s diets in your country getting better or worse?
The United States – Joan 
Freeman is a Lawyer from San 
A I think people are trying to 
improve their diets, but they are 
doing it the wrong way by following 
diets like the Atkins diet. Personally, 
I don’t think it’s very healthy to cut 
out entire groups of food like carbohydrates. 
B Not very often. I don’t have the time or talent to cook full meals. I 
usually heat up a frozen meal or order takeout. 
C Sometimes I get fast food for lunch. I have to admit that I love French 
fries. I feel terrible about it afterward, but I don’t do it very often. 
A New Way To English - Volume III
D I usually have a bowl of cereal or toast for breakfast. For lunch I eat 
at a restaurant near my office. I prefer Japanese or Indian food. I usually eat 
rice with fish and vegetables, soup or sushi. I don’t eat meat, but I eat a lot 
of fish. In the evening, I just have something light at home. 
E I am trying to cut down on the amount of fat I eat. I’m also trying to 
eat more whole wheat bread.
F Not really. I enjoy certain kinds of food, but most meals are just fuel 
to keep me going through the day. 
France – Nina Fabre is an IT Consultant from Leers
A Yes, I cook every 
evening for my family. 
I often make soup 
or traditional French 
dishes like boeuf 
bourguignon, which is 
a kind of beef and red 
wine stew, and then 
we have cheese and 
salad. It may seem a 
lot, but we don’t eat 
big servings. What’s important to me is quality, not quantity. 
B Yes, I’m trying to eat less chocolate.
C I think people’s diets are getting worse and worse. It’s very strange 
because we have a lot of information now about how bad fast food is for 
you. I’m afraid it’s a problem in a lot of countries. 
D Not at home. I think most of the food I cook is healthy. Occasionally 
when I eat out I have something unhealthy, but it doesn’t worry me. 
E Yes, definitely. For me, good meals with the family make me happy!
F I’m very traditional and I have three main meals a day. For breakfast, 
I like hot chocolate and bread and butter with honey or jam. For lunch, I 
often eat in a restaurant with my coworkers. I usually have vegetables and 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
meat or fish, but I love pasta and rice, too. In the afternoon, I have fruit with 
cookies or a piece of chocolate. In the evening, I have a proper meal with 
my family. 
 Adapted from: AEF 3. Unit 1A, p. 4
c. Match the highlighted words or phrases from the text with the definitions 
1. ________ to have a meal in a restaurant, not at home
2. ________ a sweet, thick liquid made by bees
3. ________ the quantity you eat of a kind of food during a meal
4. ________ to make cold food hot
5. ________ food you buy at a restaurant to eat at home
6. ________ substance from animals or plants used for cooking, 
e.g., oil, butter, etc.
7. ________ food prepared in a particular way, e.g., sushi, lasagna, 
8. ________ made from brown flour
9. ________ a liquid food, often made of vegetables, e.g., tomatoes, 
10. ________ meat cooked for a long time in liquid usually with 
d. Think about it: Which of the two women do you think has the healthier 
diet? Why? 
 1.6 WRITING 2
1. Answer the questions from 1b and add this: How similar are your eating 
habits to those you read about? 
Yes, I cook 
every evening 
for my family. 
Do you ever 
A New Way To English - Volume III
Yuko Takei is a magazine editor from Tokyo, JAPAN 
a. Listen to Yuko talking about her ‘relationship’ with food. Do you think it is 
a fuel or a pleasure for her? Why?
b. Listen again and answer the following questions:
1. What does she usually have in the morning?
2. Where does she usually have lunch and dinner?
3. Why doesn’t she cook very often?
4. Does she eat anything unhealthy at all?
5. Is she cutting down on anything right now?
c. Look at some of the things Yuko said. Circle the correct form and say why 
the other form is wrong. 
1. I don’t usually have / I’m not having breakfast.
2. I used to go to fast-food restaurants, but now I prefer / I am preferring 
eating something healthier.
3. I am drinking / I drink a lot of coffee every day.
4. I think that some Japanese people get / are getting fatter. 
5. I like / I’m liking the fact that there are more different kinds of food and 
restaurants now. 
GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – Simple Present Tense 
Forma Afirmativa 
I / You / We / They + verbo no infinitivo sem o ‘to’.
Ex: We study Spanish
 They dance well
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
He / She / It + verbo no infinitivo sem o ‘to’ + - s
Ex: He dances well
 She works at UESPI
OBS: No Simple Present , quando o sujeito de uma oração afirmativa estiver 
na terceira pessoa do singular (He / She / It), acrescenta-se s ao verbo.
Ex: Marta Works too much.
* Nos verbos terminados em Y precedido por consoante, elimine o Y e 
acrescente – ies.
Ex: David studies English at Cultura Inglesa (to study)
 Johnnie cries when he’s angry (to cry)
* Nos verbos terminados em ch, sh, ss, x , z e o , acrescenta-se - es.
Ex: My mother teaches Math. (to teach)
 My brother does his homework every day. (to do)
 Sheila kisses her children every day (to kiss)
 Jim brushes his teeth three times a day (to brush)
* Pedem o verbo na terceira pessoa do singular os pronomes indefinidos 
como somebody, nobody, everybody , nothing , everything.
Ex: Nothing interests me.
 Everybody goes to school.
 Nobody worries about me.
 * O verbo have (ter, possuir) tem uma conjugação especial nas terceiras 
pessoas do singular:
Ex: Stanley has a good job.
A New Way To English - Volume III
Forma Negativa
I / you / we / they + do not (don’t ) + verbo no infinitivo sem ‘to’. 
Ex: We do not (don’t) swim well.
 They don’t like hot dogs.
He / She /It + does not ( doesn’t ) + verbo no infinitivo sem o ‘to’.
Ex: She does not (doesn’t) speak English well.
 It doesn’t rain here in October.
Forma Interrogativa
Do + I / you / we / they + verbo no infinitivo sem o ‘to’.
Ex: Do you study hard?
 Do your children (they) play soccer?
Does + he / she / it + verbo no infinitivo sem o ‘to’.
Ex: Does your son (he) study English?
 Does Teresina (it) have beaches? 
Uso do Simple Present
 Descreve ações habituais, nas quais é comum o emprego de alguns 
advérbios ou locuções adverbiais que denotam frequência, tais como:
“Always (sempre),“Sometimes ( às vezes )”,“Usually ( geralmente )”, “Often 
(normalmente /frequentemente) , “ Everyday ( todos os dias )”, “Never 
(nunca )”, “ Seldom / rarely ( raramente )”.
Ex: My brother always forgets my birthday.
 She is usually sad.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 I seldom have lunch out.
 He goes to school every day.
Indica fatos reais e imutáveis.
Ex: Birds sing 
 Dogs bark
 Time goes by
 Spring begins in September
 The sun rises in the east 
 The earth moves round the sun 
 Read sentences 1-6 and decide whether you agree or disagree. 
Thinkabout examples you can use to support your point of view. Use the 
expressions below to help you give your opinions.
1.9 GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – Present Continuous/Progressive Tense
 O Present Continuous é utilizado para expressar ações no presente, 
que acontecem no momento em que se fala, para indicar eventos futuros 
que tenham sido planejados e confirmados ou ainda para expressar certeza 
de que algo irá acontecer.
I think that’s true 
(I think) it 
I don’t think 
that’s true 
I don’t 
I think that’s true 
(I think) it 
I don’t think 
that’s true 
I don’t 
A New Way To English - Volume III
Forma-se o presente contínuo/progressivo com a conjugação do verbo to 
be (am/is/are) + o verbo principal com a terminação –ing. Ele geralmente 
acompanha advérbios de tempo: now (agora), at present (no presente), at 
the moment (no momento), etc.
Observe o verbo ‘to speak’:
Pronome Verbo to be Verbo no gerúndio
I am Speaking
You are
He is
 O verbo to be pode ser abreviado. As abreviações são utilizadas 
na fala, visto que é informal fazer abreviações. Na escrita, dispensam-se 
abreviações. Observe:
Pronome Verbo To Be
I ‘m
You ‘re
 Para transformar um verbo em Present Continuous, há que se 
observar algumas regras:
VERBOS TERMINADOS EM-E: retira-se o –e, e acrescenta-se –ing
Change (mudar): changing live (viver): living
Be (ser, estar): being lie (mentir): lying
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
Ex.: I am having dinner now. (Eu estou jantando agora). 
 You are lying. (Você está mentindo).
CONSOANTE): dobra-se a última letra e acrescenta-se –ing.
run (correr): running stop (parar): stopping
Ex.: Sarah is running very fast. (Sarah está correndo muito rápido.) 
 He is stopping at the corner. (Ele está parando na esquina.)
 Obs.: No inglês britânico, dobra-se a consoante L => travel 
(viajar): travelling 
EXCEÇÃO: Não se dobram as consoantes w e x:
fix (arrumar): fixing Snow (nevar): snowing
se –ing
happen (acontecer): happening open (abrir): opening
 VERBOS TERMINADOS EM –Y: acrescenta-se –ing
play (jogar): playing say (dizer): saying
Ex.: Wait! I am playing video game. (Espere! Eu estou jogando videogame.) 
 Look! He is saying something. (Olhe! Ele está dizendo alguma coisa.)
try (tentar): trying cry (chorar): crying
Ex.: This exercise is difficult. I’m trying to do it. 
(Esse exercício é difícil. Eu estou tentando fazê-lo). 
 Oh my God, she is crying. (Ô meu Deus, ela está chorando).
 VERBOS TERMINADOS EM –IE: troca-se o –ie por –y e acrescenta-
se –ing
lie (mentir): lying die (morrer): dying
A New Way To English - Volume III
Ex.: She is lying to me. (Ela está mentindo para mim). 
 I’m dying. (Eu estou morrendo).
 Adapted from http://www.mundoeducacao.com.br/ingles/present-
1) Write sentences with the present continuous: 
E.g.: It / rain => It isn’t raining
1. Hey! You / standing on my food 
2. They / ply very well today x
3. What / you study right now?
4. We / think of you
5. She / wear makeup?
6. They / make / a big mistake 
7. Your brother / work in Taipei now?
8. She / talk on the hone now x 
2) Complete the sentences with the simple present or present 
E.g.: The girl in the painting is playing the guitar (play)
1. My dog isn’t dangerous. He ______________. (not bite)
2. Why ______you ______________sunglasses? It _________! (wear/rain)
3. You can turn off the radio. I ____________ to it. (not listen)
4. I _________ to go to the bank. I _________any money. (need/not have)
5. Be careful! The baby ___________that pencil in her mouth! (put)
6. A ________you usually __________on weekends? (cook/eat)
 B No. We always ________ out. 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
7. A What _________you _________here? (do/meet)
 B I ________ Keiko. Look, there she is. 
1.11 VOCABULARY – Prepositions of Location: At, In, On
Nesta seção, iremos trabalhar com preposições de localização que, às 
vezes, podem causar dificuldades ao aluno: at, on, and in. A mesma foi 
dividida em duas subseções. A primeira explica as relações espaciais 
expressadas por essas três preposições. A segunda examina mais de perto 
os usos do in e do on.
Dimensions and Prepositions
As preposições diferem de acordo com o número de dimensões a que eles 
se referem. Nós podemos agrupá-los em três categorias usando conceitos 
de geometria: ponto, superfície e área / volume:
 at .... point on.... surface in ... area/volume 
Os significados das três preposições acima podem ser ilustrados com as 
seguintes frases: 
1) My car is at the house.
2) There is a new roof on the house.
A New Way To English - Volume III
3) The house is in Tippecanoe County.
4) There are five rooms in the house and there is a lovely fireplace in the 
living room.
Todas essas frases respondem a uma pergunta com a forma, “Where is 
_______?”, mas cada uma dá informações diferentes na sua resposta. 
Antes de prosseguirmos, observe as gravuras e tente compreender as 
relações espaciais expressas em cada frase. 
1) Localiza um carro em relação a uma casa, entendida com um ponto fixo. 
2) Trata a casa como uma superfície sobre a qual outro objeto, o telhado, 
está localizado. 
3) Localiza a casa dentro de uma área geográfica. 
4) Trata a casa como uma superfície tridimensional que pode ser dividida 
em volumes menores, os quartos, e onde dentro de um deles, há um objeto, 
a lareira.
Using “At”
At ´pede´um tratamento especial, porque é a preposição menos específica 
no que diz respeito à sua orientação espacial; ela tem uma variedade de 
usos. Veja alguns deles a seguir:
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5a) Tom is waiting for his sister at the bank.
5b) Sue spent the whole afternoon at the fair.
6a) We arrived at the house.
6b) The waiter was at our table immediately.
7a) The policeman leaped at the assailant.
7b) The dog jumped at my face and really scared me.
Na 5a), o banco pode ser compreendido como um ponto que define a 
localização de Tom tanto quanto;
1) acima. Não faz muito sentido pensar no parque como um ponto no 
exemplo 5b) porque parques são geralmente compreendidos como uma 
área muito grande. At foi provavelmente usado nesse caso só porque ela é 
uma preposição não muito específica. Ela define a localização da Sue no 
que diz respeito à feira, ao invés de qualquer outro lugar.
A New Way To English - Volume III
No exemplo 6a), at mostra o sua relação causa/efeito com o to que não 
pode ser usado aqui: chegada a um lugar é o resultado de ida ao mesmo. 
Já 7a) e 7b) mostram que at por exemplo, pode ser usado com o mesmo 
significado que to, isto é, em direção a alguma coisa.
Choosing Between “In” and “On”
Os substantivos que dão ideia de espaços fechados, tipo um campo ou uma 
janela, podem ser usados tanto com on ou in. On é usado quando o espaço 
é considerado uma superfície, e o in quando o espaço é apresentado comouma área. Veja abaixo:
Three players are practicing on the field. (superfície)
Three cows are grazing in the field. (área)
The frost made patterns on the window. (superfície)
A face appeared in the window. (área)
 Observe que in indica que a área é fechada, enquanto on indica 
somente que o substantivo a seguir dá a ideia de uma área, mas não 
necessariamente fechada/limitada.
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The sheep are grazing in the pasture. (limitada/fechada por um portão)
The cattle are grazing on the open range. (não limitada por um portão)
Three players are on the basketball court. (não fechada)
As preposições in e on são também usadas das seguintes em relação à 
palavra ´street:´ 
a) The children are playing in the street.
b) Our house is on Third Street.
c) He declared bankruptcy last week, and now he’s out on the street. 
 No exemplo a, a rua pode ser entendida como uma área 
circundada´pelas calçadas, uma de cada lado. Já em b, on localiza a casa 
em um lado ou outro da Terceira rua; isso não significa que a rua é uma 
superfície na qual a casa está localizada. Porque a rua é entendida com 
uma linha próxima a qual a casa está situada, on funciona como at no seu 
uso normal; em outras palavras, ela dá a localização da casa em relação 
à rua, mas não especifica o endereço exato. Nesse sentido, at é usado 
porque o endereço é como um ponto específico nessa linha/reta. 
Compare com: “Our house is at 323 Third Street.” (No exemplo c), out on 
the street é uma expressão que indica “poor” or “destitute.”.
A New Way To English - Volume III
In e on são também usados com meios de transporte: in é usado com carro 
(particular), on com transportes públicos ou comerciais:
in the car 
on the bus 
on the plane 
on the train 
on the ship
Adapted from http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/owlprint/594/
Graphics developed by Michelle Hansard
 Fill in the gaps below with IN ON AT as seen above:
1. He’s swimming the river.
2. Where’s Julie? She’s school.
3. The plant is the table.
4. There is a spider the bath.
5. Please put those apples _ the bowl.
6. Frank is holiday for three weeks.
7. There are two pockets this bag.
8. I read the story the newspaper.
9. The cat is sitting the chair.
10. Lucy was standing the bus stop.
11. I’ll meet you the cinema.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
12. She hung a picture _ the wall.
13. John is the garden.
14. There’s nothing TV tonight.
15. I stayed home all weekend.
16. When I called Lucy, she was the bus.
17. There was a spider the ceiling.
18. Unfortunately, Mrs Brown is hospital.
19. Don’t sit the table, sit a chair.
20. There are four cushions __________ the sofa.
 From www.perfect-english-grammar.com
Go to page ____ and do the listening activities you will find there. 
At the end of this unit, students will have:
• reactivated previously learned structures - The Past Tense - and will have 
been exposed to the PERFECT TENSE: The Present Perfect Simple and 
The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. 
• practiced getting the gist and listening for detail. 
• been exposed to tasks that will help them read better.
• made sense of connected speech in the listening activities.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
I) A and B are talking about their vacations.
A- ________________________________________________________? 
B- Yes, I traveled to Salvador.
B- _______________________________________________________?
C- No, I went with my family.
B- _______________________________________________________?
C- No, we went by car.
B- _______________________________________________________?
C- We stayed at a hotel for 2 weeks.
B- _______________________________________________________?
C- We did many things: visited the tourist places, went to the beaches, went 
B- _______________________________________________________?
C- It was hot and sunny all the time.
B- _______________________________________________________?
C- Yes, we had a great time there. And you? Did you travel, too?
B- I wanted to go to ___________________but ____________________
C- Oh, I see!
A New Way To English - Volume III
 2.2 READING 1 - Did Dracula really Exist?
Read the text below and underline all the verbs in the Simple Past:
1- Quantos são regulares? ___________ E irregulares? _____________ 
2- Dê um exemplo de forma interrogativa no passado apresentada no texto. 
3- Identifique no texto o passado dos seguintes verbos:
a) there is _______________________________________________
b) to have _______________________________________________
c) to get _________________________________________________
d) to leave _______________________________________________
e) is ____________________________________________________
f) to drink _______________________________________________
g) to write _______________________________________________
h) to tell _________________________________________________
i) can __________________________________________________
j) to become _____________________________________________
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 Yes and no. Dracula is a book written by the Irish author, Bram 
(Abraham) Stoker (1847 – 1912) who told the story of an evil count from 
Transylvania (now part of Romania). The nobleman could turn into a vampire 
bat. He sucked people’s blood by biting them on their necks. His victims 
became his slaves.
 Dracula was a figment of Stocker’s vivid imagination, but in the 1400s 
there was a cruel ruler of Transylvania known as Vlad the Impaler. He got 
this nickname because he had awful habits: he drove stakes through the 
bodies of his enemies and left them to die. No doubt Stoker had Vlad in 
mind when he wrote the book.
Picture and Text from: http://inglesemsala.blogspot.com.
O passado simples indica:
1- Ação ou estado que se completa durante ou em um tempo passado 
Ex: It rained a lot yesterday.
 We went to Bahia last vacation.
A New Way To English - Volume III
2- Ação que ocupou um período de tempo no passado:
Ex: I worked in a bank for 10 years.
 They lived in Recife from 1980 to 1992.
Yesterday / the day before yesterday / last week / last night / last year / a 
week ago / a year ago / a month ago, etc.
 - Os verbos regulares formam o passado simples acrescentando-se:
a) - d, se o verbo terminar em e precedido por consoante:
Present Past Present Past
Be Was/Were Become Became
Begin Began Break Broke
Bring Brought Buy Bought
Choose Chose Come Came
Do Did Drink Drank
Drive Drove Eat Ate
Find Found Fly Flew
Forget Forgot Give Gave
Know Knew Lose Lost
Make Made Pay Paid
Have Had Run Ran
Sell Sold Sleep Slept
Tell Told Write Wrote
Think Thought See Saw
Feel Felt Leave Left
Go Went Drink Drank
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
Ex: John lived in London in 1980. (to live)
 They danced very well last night. (to dance)
b) - ed, se o verbo terminar em consoante ou em y precedido por vogal.
Ex: I worked at a bank for 5 years. (to work)John played soccer last Sunday. (to play)
OBS: Se o y for precedido por uma consoante, transforma-se em i e 
acrescenta-se - ed.
Ex: I studied French when I was younger. (to study)
 The baby cried all night long. (to cry)
c) Se o verbo regular for monossilábico e terminar em consoante precedido 
por uma vogal, ou tiver mais de uma sílaba com a última acentuada 
(stressed), terá a consoante final dobrada.
Ex: The dress fitted the girl well. ( to fit)
 He controlled the horse during the race. (to control)
 - Principais verbos que seguem esta regra:
 to admit (admitted) to permit (permitted)
 to prefer (preferred) to commit ( to committed)
 to regret (regretted) to omit (omitted)
 to control (controlled) to occur (occurred)
 to transmit (transmitted) to refer (referred)
 Os verbos irregulares tomam uma forma própria no passado simples, 
não há regras.
 Abaixo, numere as colunas (presente e passado) e ponha o 
significado de cada verbo no infinitivo.
A New Way To English - Volume III
1) to go ( ) made
2) to leave ( ) bought
3) to see ( ) drank
4) to feel ( ) ate
5) to read ( ) left
6) to do ( ) went
7) to eat ( ) saw
8) to drink ( ) felt
9) to buy ( ) wrote
10) to make ( ) had
11) to think ( ) read
12) to begin ( ) did
13) to write ( ) thought
14) to have ( ) knew
 15) to know ( ) began 
 As formas negativas e interrogativas do passado simples são construídas 
com o verbo auxiliar did, voltando o verbo para a forma do infinitivo.
1) AFF- They went to the movies yesterday.
 INT- Did they go to the movies yesterday?
 NEG- They didn’t go to the movies yesterday.
2) AFF- She saw a show last night.
 INT- Did she see a show last night?
 NEG- She didn’t see a show last night. 
I) Complete the following sentences and questions with the right verb form.
1- Did she ______________ to the beach last vacation? (to go)
2- They didn’t _______________ to Salvador last year. (to travel)
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3- I ____________ a good time in Rio last Carnival. (to have)
4- J. K. Rowlings ________________ Harry Potter. (to write)
5- Did you ______________ the show last week? (to see)
6- We didn’t ____________(study) for the test because we didn’t 
_____________time. (to have)
II) Change the sentences below into the interrogative and negative forms:
1) AFF- The boys went to school by car.
 INT- _____________________________________________________?
 NEG- ____________________________________________________
2) AFF- Marta was at home last night.
 INT- ____________________________________________________?
 NEG- ___________________________________________________
3) AFF- There were many people at the show.
 INT- _____________________________________________________?
 NEG- ____________________________________________________
III) Complete the conversations. Look at the answers provided below and 
choose the correct question word & write it in the blank space. 
1. A: _____________________ did you go on your vacation?
 B: We went to the mountains.
2. A: _____________________ did you start your new job?
 B: Last month.
3. A: _____________________ did the plane arrive?
 B: At 6:30. Two hours late!
A New Way To English - Volume III
4. A: _____________________ did Sally leave early?
 B: Because she had a dentist appointment.
5. A: _____________________ did you say?
 B: I said, “Good morning.”
6. A: _____________________ did you travel with?
B: I traveled with my family.
A. Underline all the past tense forms in each sentence.
1. All the jurors believed that the husband strangled his wife in their home 
four years ago.
2. “Everybody thought he was guilty,” said a retired truck driver and one of 
the members of the jury.
3. Members of the jury thought the police did a terrible job in trying to prove 
that the husband was guilty.
4. The wife was found dead in the couple’s home.
5. After the couple had dinner, they went to the mall.
6. The wife said she needed to return to the car because she had forgotten 
her purse.
7. Since the wife did not return, the husband took a taxi home and found the 
body of his wife.
8. The husband said that his wife disappeared from the parking lot of the mall.
9. He also said that after murdering his wife, the murderer drove the car 
back to the mall.
10. The jury deliberated for 16 hours. They felt in their hearts that the 
husband was guilty, but the evidence was not there.
11. The wife had a life insurance policy for almost half a million dollars. 
Extracted from: www.azargrammar.com
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2.5 GRAMMAR FOCUS 2 – Verb TO BE (Past Tense)
I was I was not (wasn’t) Was I?
You were You were not (weren’t) Were you?
He was He was not Was he?
She was She was not Was she?
It was It was not Was it?
We were We were not Were we?
You were You were not Were you?
They were They were not Were they?
I) Complete with the verb to be in the simple past.
1- _____________ you at home last night?
2- My sister and I ___________ at the club last Sunday.
3- The weather ____________ hot yesterday.
4- My vacation _____________ not very good.
5- ______________ the film interesting?
6- How ___________ the show last Friday?
Singular There was There wasn’t Was there ?
Plural There were There weren’t Were there ?
A New Way To English - Volume III
II) Complete with there to be in the simple past.
1- ____________________ a show at the Atlantic City Club last week?
2- ______________________ many people at the party.
3- _____________ a time when _____________ many trees in Teresina.
4- ________________________ not anybody home last night.
5- ________________________ a lot of students in the classroom?
FROM DRACULAS TO TWILIGHT – Vampires Evolve With the Times
1. Why does the public love to sink 
its teeth into a good vampire story in 
books, movies and TV shows? 
2. What do you know about Vampires, 
especially Dracula and Twilight? 
Drop down a few notes and be ready 
to share your ideas with your course 
3. Before listening to the radio broadcast from January 19, 2010 and 
answer the questions th≥,at follow:
a. What do you think the program will be about? 
b. Jot down 3 questions you’d like to find an answer to.
4. After listening:
a. Write down 10 key words you heard in the broadcast
b. Try to summarize what you heard
c. Can you differentiate a Dracula from a Vampire? 
Figure 6 - Google Images
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 2.8 WRITING 1 - Story Telling
A time you had an 
What were you 
doing? How did the 
accident happen? Did 
any part of your body 
get injured? How 
long did it take you to 
A time you saw or 
met a celebrity…
Where were you? 
What was the 
celebrity doing? Did 
you speak to him/her? 
What happened?
A time a movie really 
scared you…
What kind of movie 
was it? Who were 
you with? What in the 
movie scared you the 
most? Did you watch 
it to the end?
 You are going to tell a story. Choose one of the topicsbelow and plan 
what you are going to say. 
 2.9 READING 3 - A Bank Robery
 Read the conversation below: 
 Scene: Mrs. Oliveira was in a bank during a robbery. She’s 
telling the police her story.
Police Officer: So, Mrs. Oliveira, where were you when the robbers 
Mrs. Oliveira: Erm – I was quite near the counter.
Police Officer: I see. Tell me what happened.
Mrs. Oliveira: Well, I was standing in line when suddenly two men entered 
the bank. They shouted, “Everybody on the floor!”
Police Officer: Right. What happened next?
Mrs. Oliveira: Well, I got on the floor, of course. But when I was lying on 
A New Way To English - Volume III
the floor, I could see the robbers clearly.
Police Officer: Can you describe them?
Mrs. Oliveira: Yes. Let’s see. One man was tall, and was in his late twenties, 
I guess. He was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt.
Police Officer: And the other robber?
Mrs. Oliveira: Hmm. He was shorter, and maybe in his late forties. I can’t 
remember the clothes, but he was holding a large black sports bag.
Police Officer: Ok. Thank you, Mrs. Thomas. We will ask you some more 
questions shortly.
From: www. handoutsonline.com
1. Look at the highlighted words in the text. What tenses are they? Find 
more examples of the same tenses in the text and underline them. 
2. Which of the two tenses do we use for:
a. completed actions in the past _____________________________
b. an action in progress at a particular moment in the past ___________
3. Comprehension: Are the statements below TRUE or FALSE? Correct 
the false ones.
1) Mrs. Thomas was filling in a form when the robbers entered.
2) The robbers shouted, “everybody face the wall!”
3) When she was lying on the floor, she could not see the robbers.
4) The tall robber was wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt.
5) The shorter robber was in his early sixties.
6) The shorter robber was holding a white briefcase.
 O passado progressivo é usado para descrever o que estava 
acontecendo em um momento específico no passado. Esta forma verbal 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
não deve ser usada para se referir a longos períodos de tempo no passado 
tais como ‘last March’, ‘two years ago’, etc. Deve-se usar o past continuous 
com horas/períodos do dia no passado.
Past Present Future
 Precise moment in 
the past
I was reading last night at 9:30 p.m.
 O presente progressivo geralmente aparece com as seguintes 
expressões de tempo: … at 5.20, three o’clock, etc. 
Subject + was / were + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression
We were meeting with Jane at two o’clock yesterday afternoon.
Subject + was / were + not (wasn’t, weren’t) + verb + ing + object(s) + time 
They weren’t playing tennis at five o’clock on Saturday.
(Question Word) + was / were + subject + verb + ing + object(s) + time 
What were you doing at two-thirty yesterday afternoon?
A New Way To English - Volume III
 1. Look at the pictures and cues below. Write sentences using the 
Past Continuous. 
 11:20 a.m. 9:30 p.m. 5:55 p.m. 
vacuum the living room Take a bath cook dinner
10:05 p.m.
surf the Internet
1) Susan ____________________________at 11:20 am .
2) Angela ____________________________ at 9:20 pm.
3) Betty _______________________________ at 5:55 pm.
4) Liza ________________________________at 10:05 pm.
Pictures from www.handoutsonline.com
Past Continuous for Interrupted Actions
 O passado progressivo é usado para expressar o que estava 
acontecendo quando algo importante ocorreu. Esta forma é quase sempre 
usada com a expressão ‘... when xyz happened’. Esta forma também é 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
usada com ‘... while something was happening’ para descrever duas ações 
que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamente. 
Past Present
 They were eating dinner
 when he arrived home
Estruturas Básicas:
Subject + was / were + verb + ing + object(s) + time Expression
Sharon was watching TV when she received the telephone call.
Subject + was / were + not (wasn’t, weren’t) + verb + ing + object(s) + time 
We weren’t doing anything important when you arrived.
(Question Word) + was / were + subject + verb + ing + object(s) + time 
What were you doing when Tom gave you the bad news?
1. Fill in the blanks below with the correct tense:
a. Bill ____________________ [cook] when the lights suddenly 
___________________ [go out].
b. When the earthquake _______________ [happen] , Tom 
A New Way To English - Volume III
_________________ [teach] English.
c. Yesterday, I ___________________[work] all morning. In the afternoon, 
I ___________________ [meet] some friends in town.
d. Julia ______________________ [drive] home when she 
_____________________ [run into] another car.
e. Peter _______________________ [clean] the living room when he 
________________________ [come across] some money.
f. John _______________________ (shop) at the supermarket when he 
__________________ (see) his ex-girlfriend.
g. The sun (shine) when I ________________ (leave) the house this 
h. When ____________________ (the accident / happen)? At about 5 
pm. I ___________________ (drive) home from work.
i. Lucy __________________ (walk) down the street when she 
___________________ (trip) and _________________ (fall).
j. A) What _________________ (you / do) when you _____________
(hear) the fire alarm?
 B) I ___________________(sleep).
 A) What _______________ (you / do)? 
 B) I _________________ (rush) outside.
 2.12 WRITING 2 - An Accident Narrative
2. Describe something that has happened to you. Look below for some 
My purse 
was stolen 
I lost 
For example 
I came off 
my bike 
I broke my 
arm / leg 
I cut 
myself I I had a car 
I needed 
I found 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 2.13 READING 4 - Littles White Lies
Read the article and circle T (true) or F (false):
 Are lies always wrong, or are small lies (white lies) sometimes 
necessary? We asked 50 young people. Most people thought lies were 
wrong. But they didn’t all agree about what a lie really is. “I’ve never told my 
parents a real lie,” says one sixteen-year-old girl. “Of course, I sometimes 
tell them I’m in one place when I’m in another place because I don’t want 
them to worry.” Most young people think it’s wrong to tell lies about where 
you are. “I’ve never lied to my parents,” one eighteen-year-old boy says. 
“They need to know where I am, and who I’m with.” What about telling lies 
to friends? “I’ve done it,” one young teenager says. “But the truth is always 
better. Friends are going to find out that you lied, and then the problems get 
really big.”
From: Engage 3. Oxford, 2008.
1. All the young people think lies are wrong. T / F
2. They have different ideas about what a lie is. T / F
3. The girl never tells white lies. T / F
4. The boy thinks parents need to know the truth. T / F
5. The last teenager thinks lying is a bad idea. T / F
II) What about you? Have you ever told a lieto your parents or to your 
 If so, write about it.
A New Way To English - Volume III
Forma Afirmativa
Sujeito + have /has +past participle 
Ex: I have been to Salvador twice.
 She has already seen the new movie with Tom Cruise.
Forma Negativa
Sujeito + haven’t / hasn’t + past participle
Ex: I haven’t been abroad yet.
 She hasn’t eaten paella for 2 years.
Forma Interrogativa
Have / has + sujeito + past participle 
Ex: Have you ever drunk tequila?
 Has she ever gone skiing?
 O Present Perfect indica uma ação ou estado passado que de uma 
forma ou outra se relaciona com o presente.
- Quando a ação se completa num tempo passado indefinido, não 
mencionado, nem subtendido.
Ex: Have you ever seen a ghost? 
 I have never killed a bird. 
- Quando a ação indefinida é repetida no passado.
Ex: We have traveled by plane many times. 
 The hunters have killed many animals. 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
- Quando a ação começa no passado e vem até o presente (momento em 
que se fala), ou cessa no momento em que se fala.
Ex: We have lived here for ten years. 
 He has worked at that hospital since March. 
- Quando a ação se completou recentemente. Neste caso o advérbio JUST 
é sempre usado.
Ex: I’ve just seen my best friend. 
 My parents have just returned from São Paulo. 
ALWAYS (sempre)
Ex: The answers have always been the same. (As resposta têm sido 
sempre as mesmas.)
NEVER (nunca)
Ex: We have never had Latin classes. 
EVER (já, alguma vez - geralmente usado em perguntas)
Ex: Have you ever been abroad? 
ALREADY (já – indica um fato consumado e sobre o qual se está falando)
Ex: I have already read this book. 
JUST (muito recentemente, ação que acabou de acontecer)
Ex: She has just arrived. 
YET (ainda – usada no final de orações negativas)
Ex: I haven’t had dinner yet. 
LATELY (ultimamente)
Ex: What have you done lately? 
A New Way To English - Volume III
FOR (durante, por)
Ex: I have worked as a teacher for 10 years. 
SINCE (desde)
Ex: I have lived here since I was born. 
 2.15 PRACTICE 3
I. For each sentence, write since or for on the line.
1. Beto and Lyna have been married ________________ ten years.
2. The students have been in class _________________ ten minutes.
3. Kelly has been in her doctoral program ________________ 2010.
4. Jean has worked at his new job _____________ three months now.
5. Patrícia has visited her best friend three times ____________ last year.
II. Siga o modelo:
I / never / be to Natal
I’ve never been to Natal.
1- Pedro / already / see a ghost.
2- You / ever / eat paella?
3- I / already / meet a famous star.
4- Your mother / be to the new restaurant in town?
5- We / study Spanish / yet
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
6- I study English / since last year.
7- We live in Teresina / since 1995
8- Dan doesn’t go out with Helen / for months.
9- My brother plays tennis / since he was 10.
10- We don’t read a good book / for a long time.
III. Complete the table below with the missing forms of the verbs.
To go went
To be
To read 
To drink 
To leave
IV. Choose the correct words to go on the line(s) below:
1. Maria _____________ in Miami for 10 years.
a. has live
b. has lived
c. have live
d. have lived
A New Way To English - Volume III
1. Susana _______________ Leila since 1998.
a. has knowed
b. have knowed
c. has known
d. have known
2. ___________ they ____________ skiing yet this year?
a. Have/goed
b. Have/gone
c. Has/goed
d. Has/gone
3. How long __________ Socorro and Rivanda __________ at UESPI?
a. has/worken
b. has/worked
c. have/worken
d. have/worked
4. My sister ____________________ that movie three times.
a. has see
b. has seen
c. have see
d. have seen
V. Choose the correct completion to the sentence or question:
1. ________________ to London?
a. Have you ever been
b. Ever been you
c. Were you ever
d. Been never
2. How long ________________________?
a. did engage Carol
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b. has Carol been engaged
c. have Carol been engaged
d. engaged Carol
3. The secretary _______________ Ms. Silva.
a. have call
b. called
c. has just called
d. have called
4. I have ____________ thirty minutes for the doctor to arrive. 
Maybe he won’t come today.
a. been waiting since
b. been waiting for
c. wait since
d. wait for 
5. ___________ Juliana’s students _________ adjective clauses 
a. Have / study
b. Have /been study
c. Has / studied
d. Has / to study
 O Simple Past é usado para indicar ações acabadas em um tempo 
definido. Frequentemente, é empregado com advérbios de tempo como 
yesterday, ago, last week, etc.
Ex.: I went to the movies two days ago.
 Where did you spend last vacation?
 Did you go out yesterday?
A New Way To English - Volume III
 O Present Perfect é usado para se referir a ações que aconteceram 
num tempo indefinido no passado.
Ex.: I’ve already seen that movie twice.
 Have you ever been to Santiago?
 My sister has never traveled by train.
 We’ve just arrived from Gramado.
I) In the following sentences write either the Simple Past or the Present 
Perfect of the verb in parentheses.
1. I (visit) ___________________________ Chicago many times.
2. John (go) _______________________ to Chicago three days ago.
3. When I (see) ____________________ Joe, he didn’t feel very well.
4. We (buy) __________________ this car last year, and we (drive) 
_____________ 5,000 miles since then.
5. My former teacher was Marina. I (study) with her for one year.
6. My current teacher is Meireles. I (study) with him 
since last semester.
7. I (try) that restaurant again and again, 
but I still think the food is terrible.
8. As soon as the bell (ring) , I (jump) up and 
(run) out of the room.
9. Tom (speak, not) to me since he (arrive) 
10. After class we ___________________ (go) straight home.
11. I ___________ (move) to Teresina in January. I_______________________ 
(live) here for 3 months now.
12. I ___________________________ (live) in Fortaleza from 1978 to 1980.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
13. My friend __________________________ (live) in Sobral since 1990.
14. I __________________________ (study) with the same teacher for 1 year.
15. My grandparents _________________ (live) in the same house for 50 years.
16. My father _______________(work) hard all of his life. (he died two years ago.)
17. My mother ____________________________(work) since my father died. 
18. My friend works at IFPI now, but before that, she _________________ 
(have) a job at UESPI. 
19. Since January, I ___________________________ (go out) with Marina.
20. The last time we went to Europe; we (v is i t ) 
five countries.
II) Complete the conversations appropriately. (Use the simple past or the 
present perfect tense).
1) A- ______________________________________________? ( be to Italy )
 B-No, I’ve never been there. But I’d love to.
2) A- ______________________________________yet? ( see Batman )
 B- Yes, I’ve already seen it twice.
 A- __________________________________________________________?
 B- I saw it yesterday. 
 A- ___________________________________________________________?
 B- Yes, I loved it.
3) A- ________________________________________ (eat food from Bahia)
 B - No, never. Have you?
 A- Yes, I have. I ________________ vatapá and acarajé when I went to 
Salvador last year.
 B- _____________________________________________________
 A- No, I stayed home last night.
4) A- _______________________________yet? (sister / Finish College)
 B- No. She’s going to finish it next year. 
5) A- ________________________________________yet? (have dinner)
 B- No, not yet. Let’s get something to eat.
A New Way To English - Volume III
6) A- ________________________________ ? (have a foreign boyfriend)
 B- No, never. But my sister has already had two foreign boyfriends. 
 2.17 LISTENING 2 
Listen to the song and observe the use of the present perfect tense.
Assista ao clipe desta música com letra na tela em http://www.youtube.com/
I have climbed the highest mountains 
I have run through the fields 
Only to be with you 
Only to be with you 
I have run, I have crawled 
I have scaled these city walls 
These city walls 
Only to be with you 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
I have kissed honey lips 
Felt the healing fingertips 
It burned like fire 
This burning desire 
I have spoken with the tongue of angels 
I have held the hand of the devil 
It was warm in the night 
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
I was cold as a stone 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
I believe in the Kingdom Come 
Then all the colors will bleed into one 
Bleed into one 
But yes I’m still running 
You broke the bonds 
And you loosed the chains 
Carried the cross and 
All my shame 
All my shame 
You know I believe it 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for 
But I still haven’t found what I’m looking for
 From: http://www.vagalume.com.br/u2/i-still-havent-found-what-im-looking-for.
O Present Perfect Continuous
-Enfatiza a continuidade de uma ação iniciada no passado e que se prolonga 
até o presente.
Ex: She has been studying for 3 hours. 
 We’ve been waiting for you since 2:00. 
A New Way To English - Volume III
Forma Afirmativa:
Sujeito + have / has been + verb + ing
Ex: She has been teaching Biology for 5 years.
Forma Negativa
Sujeito + have / has been + verb + ing
Ex: She has not (hasn’t) been studying English lately.
Forma Interrogativa
Have / has + sujeito + been + verb + ing
Ex: Has she been living in the same house since she was born? 
I) Complete the sentences below with the Present Perfect Continuous of the 
verbs in parentheses: 
1- I ________________________________ (to try) to call her since midday.
2- How long ___________ they _____________________ (to live) abroad?
3- Where _______________ you ____________________ (to work) lately?
4- The patient _____________________(to suffer) from asthma since 1995.
5- She ______________________________ (to read) this book for 2 weeks.
6- We ________________________ (to wait) your answer since last month.
II) Write sentences using the present perfect continuous. Follow the model.
• Carlos – work at HUT – 5 years.
• Carlos has been working at HUT for 5 years.
1- Donald – live abroad – 1992.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
2- My best friend – work at CEF – 3 years.
3- My sister – read a book – 2 weeks.
4- My brothers – study English – they were 9.
5- Ricardo – go out with Márcia – last year.
III) Write questions to the following answers. (Use the present perfect or the 
present perfect continuous)
1) A- _____________________________________________________?
 B- I’ve been a teacher since I graduated.
2) A- _____________________________________________________?
 B- I’ve been working and studying hard.
3) A- _____________________________________________________?
 B- He’s lived in this house since he was born.
4) A- _____________________________________________________?
 B- They’ve been dating for 1 year.
5) A- _____________________________________________________?
 B- She’s been living there for 5 years.
6) A- _____________________________________________________?
B- No, I haven’t seen it yet.
7) A- _____________________________________________________?
A- I’ve been married for 10 years.
At the end of this unit, students will:
• be able to use THE FUTURE TENSE and differentiate WILL X GOING TO.
• have been exposed to the conditional clauses and modal verbs.
• make sense of connected speech in the listening activities.
• have an awareness of register, structure and fixed phrases.
• have been exposed to engaging topics and stimulating texts.
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
Read what these people say about their future and complete the sentences 
“I’ll definitely get a certificate in 
English. Then I’ll probably get a job 
in a hotel or become a tour guide. 
Or maybe I’ll open my own business 
here in my hometown.”
John, Canada.
“I’ll probably study medicine at a good 
university. Maybe I’ll apply to some 
universities in the U.S or the U.K. I’ll 
probably become a surgeon. I’m sure I’ll 
get married and have a family too.” 
Ana, Portugal.
“I’ll definitely want to go to a good 
university, and I’ll probably study 
Law. I don’t think I’ll study in another 
country. I think it’s important to support 
education in your own country.” 
Carlos, Brazil.
“I’ll probably become an interior 
designer. I’ll study at a good school in 
New York City, and then I’ll apply for a 
job at a big design company. I probably 
won’t stay in New York after I graduate.” 
Mary, U.S.
1. John: ____________________________________________________
2. Ana: _____________________________________________________
3. Carlos: ___________________________________________________
4. Mary: ____________________________________________________
___________________________________________________________I. Look at how John, Ana, Carlos and Mary talked about their future above. 
Highlight the expressions they used to predict what they think will 
happen to them. 
A New Way To English - Volume III
 Now, answer the following questions about yourself. Use the expressions 
from the box and say why:
II. Do you have any personal/professional plans for the future? If so, what 
are they?
III. How do you see yourself 10 years from now?
IV. Do you think you’ll go somewhere exciting for your next vacation?
V. Do you think you’ll get a good (or better) job when you finish this course? 
Forma Afirmativa
Sujeito + will + verbo no infinitivo sem To.
EX: The population will increase 20% in the next 5 years.
 I will be a doctor when I grow up.
Forma Negativa
Sujeito + will not (won’t) + verbo no infinitivo sem To.
EX: We won’t travel to Rio anymore.
 I won’t help you with your homework.
Forma Interrogativa
Will + sujeito + verbo no infinitivo sem To.
EX: Will you help me with this box?
 When will you arrive?
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
OBS: 1- Will pode ser substituído por Shall na primeira pessoa do singular e 
do plural. (I / We). É mais comum em perguntas ou quando se oferece, 
sugere ou convida.
 Ex: Shall we dance? / Shall I help you? / What shall I do now?
 2- O futuro de There to be é There will be. 
 Ex: There will be a good show next week.
 3- O futuro de Can (poder) é Will be able to.
 Ex: I won’t be able to go to your birthday party next Saturday.
O future simples é usado para:
- prever fatos e acontecimentos.
Ex: The world population will increase 10% in 10 years.
- indicar decisões tomadas no momento da fala.
Ex: It’s very hot in here. I’ll turn on the air conditioner.
- descrever ações que ocorrerão no futuro.
Ex: I will buy a Blu-ray player next week.
- oferecer ajuda ou fazer um pedido.
Ex: These boxes are too heavy. I’ll help you! / Will you marry me?
Principais Advérbios e Locuções Adverbiais usadas:
- Tomorrow / next week / next month / next year / soon / in two months / in 
two days / in two years…
A New Way To English - Volume III
I) Follow the example below: (affirmative and negative)
- I do my homework (tonight)
- I will do my homework tonight.
- I won’t do my homework tonight.
1- The boys play soccer. (next Sunday)
2- My best friend calls me. (this evening)
3- I study for the test. (tomorrow)
Follow the model: (Interrogative)
- Do you watch TV (tomorrow night)?
- Will you watch TV tomorrow night?
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
1- Does she play the piano (next weekend)?
2- Do they have English class (tomorrow morning)?
3- What do you do (next Friday)?
• Use your imagination to answer the following questions:
 (a) Who are these people? 
 (b) What are they going to talk about at the meeting? 
 (c) Why is the woman happy about it? 
FROM: http://www.inglesonline.com.br/2010/05/20/ingles-com-cartoons-53-i-cant-wait/
 For our next activity, do a search on the Internet to find the song 
“I Will Survive” by Freddie Perren and Dino Fekaris. When you search, be 
sure to include the title and the name of the artist. 
1. Song background
 Gloria Gaynor was born in Newark, New Jersey. She is famous for 
singing disco music, which was very popular in the 1970s. “I Will Survive,” 
which was released in 1978, is probably her best known song. It is still very 
popular in karaoke and dance clubs. It is about a woman whose boyfriend 
has broken up with her, and it is famous for having a strong female voice. 
2. Grammar background
 In this song, you will find many grammar forms, some of which we 
have already covered in the previous units:
A New Way To English - Volume III
• simple past 
• future time with will 
3. Vocabulary 
This is a list of some of the words you may need help with:
• petrified: very scared
• do someone wrong: be very mean to someone
• get along: survive, keep going
• crumble: fall into pieces
• mend: fix or repair
• chained up: tied up
• drop in: visit unexpectedly
While you listen
1. Listen to the song once. How would you describe the singer’s attitude? 
How does the song make you feel?
2. Now listen again and focus on grammar. Listen for simple past verbs. 
Write them in a list in the space below. 
3. Listen for one yes/no question in the past tense. Write it here.
4. Listen to the song one more time. Listen for future tense forms. Write 
them below.
After you listen
 3.4 WRITING 1
1. Things to think about and discuss
 ● The singer is very angry with someone. What do you think that person 
did? Why do you think the person came back to see her?
FUESPI/NEAD Licenciatura Plena em Letras/Inglês
 ● A karaoke club is a place where people can volunteer to get up and sing 
their favorite songs in front of an audience. Why do you think this song is so 
popular in Karaoke clubs? 
From: http://www.azargrammar.com
Forma Afirmativa
Sujeito + am /Is/ are + going to + verbo no infinitive.
Ex: The boy is going to do his homework after class.
Forma Interrogativa
Am /Is/ are + sujeito + going to + verbo no infinitive.
Ex: Is the boy going to do his homework after class?
Forma Negativa
Sujeito + am not /isn’t/aren’t/ + going to + verbo no infinitive.
Ex: The boy is not (isn’t) going to do his homework after class.
OBS: 1- A forma Gonna corresponde a Going to no Inglês informal
 Ex: Nothing is gonna change my plans.
 2- Quando o verbo principal for To go, ele poderá ser omitido.
 Ex: I’m going to go home = I’m going home.
 3- Também usamos o presente simples para nos referirmos a um 
evento futuro definido, geralmente sobre horários.
 Ex: The train departs at 5:00
 The film starts in 10 minutes.
 4- Usamos o presente contínuo para descrever uma ação planejada 
que ocorrerá num futuro próximo.
 Ex: My sister is coming from Rio tomorrow.
 I’m leaving for Salvador tonight.
A New Way To English - Volume III
Going to é usado para:
- falar de planos e intenções determinados antes do momento em que se 
 Ex: I’m going to study Medicine.
 We are going to work next Saturday.
- falar de previsões baseadas em evidências no presente.
 Ex: It’s going to rain! Look at those dark clouds!
 She’s pregnant. She’s going to have a baby.
A distinção é muito sutil e, em muitas situações, podemos usar tanto will 
quanto going to exatamente com o mesmo sentido. Mas, se nos referirmos a 
algo que irá acontecer muito em breve (futuro imediato), geralmente optamos 
por going to. Outra distinção entre will e going to refere-se ao planejamento 
prévio ou não da ação. Will é usado quando a pessoa que fala decide, no 
momento em que fala, fizer alguma coisa no futuro. Não houve planejamento 
prévio. No

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