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Rubens S. Belloni – rubens.s.belloni@hotmail.com; Raimundo Jobson – jobson.castro35@gmail.com; Thiago dos Santos – thiago.dsr16@gmail.com
Social Media and Administration
Faculdade Nordeste (Fanor DeVry)
Graduação em Administração
Disciplina de Fundamentos em Tecnologia da Informação – Prof. Herleson Pontes
Tool Repercussion
	The success of this ADMINISTRATION tool, relatively new in Brazil is unquestionable, as is currently the page is a city means of communication for all inhabitants of the city and several other cities. Soon the tool that was used for information only now has high potential for other fans, such as tourism, marketing using social network to advertise their own curriculum and etc.
	This range could only be opened because of the impact that the new form of ADMINISTRATION social network. In Brazil there has always been some revulsion to follow prefectures of pages in all types of social networks, especially in FaceBook is a social network to connect with friends and expose your opinion and learn more about the people you have connected to your FaceBook .
	The "Prefs" understanding the concept used the ADMINISTRATION skills coupled with digital marketing the result is clearly positive impact of Curitiba in relation to other municipalities.
Social media in business
	Most companies active in the social networks, and directly or indirectly, so monitor information that is coming in and out is very important and valuable.
	The Jerome McCarthy and Philip Kotler experts stress the importance of putting the company in the new administration tools, mainly. Mainly on Facebook and Twitter. A survey by Ibope, published on July 23, 2010, showed that about 87% of users use at least one social network, one of the main reasons for the inclusion of companies in the social networks is direct interaction with customers, if the product offered is having a good or bad feedback by the end consumer. In short, you can put the best strategies in business to serve the intended audience more effectively.
	On the other hand there are many companies that have not yet adopt any kind of interaction and prefer not to create accounts on these sites to avoid a wrong exposure or some information that might damage the reputation of the company, commonly known as "leaking information". They do not understand that the internet is dynamic, so no one can get 100% out of social networking.
	The social network is she FaceBook, Twitter, Google+ or any other came with the main idea to bring people together, connects them. Thinking on social networks for the use of something kind of science is clear that it fits more its use is the science of ADMINISTRATION, because it is itself the study to connect and drive people towards a result.
	With that thought social networks should is being used for a long time and on a large scale by organizations, this does not happen, at least not in Brazil until recently. In Brazil the social network is only being used as a means of communication in the ADMINISTRATION benefit, the most famous case in Brazil, which will be studied here is the case "City of Curitiba," the city of Curitiba innovated in the use of FaceBook, it was only used to communicate formally some kind of tribute to someone that only the most educated citizens knew about; but with the new city ADMINISTRATION his page on FaceBook has a new goal and has become an important tool ADMINISTRATION.

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