
Collaborative Learning Online An Experiment in Monitoring in the Graduate Program in Health Sciences

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Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 749 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
André Ribeiro da Silva¹, Jônatas de França Barros², Lúcio França Teles3 
Objective: reporting the experience as monitor of a semi presential discipline. Method: a descriptive study, 
experience report about the semi presential monitoring of the on-line discipline << Information production in 
health on the post graduation course in health science >> of the post graduation program in health science 
with the Brasília University, and some possible solutions that were exposed by the students during its 
performance. Results: the low index of evasion and disapproval of the students, the final paper publication in 
scientific journals perspective and the development of the distance mentoring by all the concluding students 
were positive results of this analyzes. Conclusion: this discipline monitoring contemplates in a clear and 
objective way the triad teaching-research-extension, where the student puts his theoretical-practical 
knowledge in evidence, intensifying the online collaborative learning and the scientific practice production. 
Descriptors: Distance Education; Information Technology; Learning. 
Objetivo: relatar a experiência como monitor de uma disciplina semipresencial. Método: estudo descritivo, 
tipo relato de experiência sobre a monitoria semipresencial da disciplina on-line << Produção de Informação 
em Saúde no Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Saúde >> do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da 
Saúde junto à Universidade de Brasília, e algumas possíveis soluções que foram expostas pelos alunos durante 
a sua realização. Resultados: o baixo índice de evasão e reprovação dos alunos, as perspectivas de publicação 
dos trabalhos finais em periódicos científicos e o desenvolvimento da tutoria a distância por todos os alunos 
concludentes foram resultados positivo dessa análise. Conclusão: a monitoria dessa disciplina contempla de 
forma bem clara e objetiva a tríade ensino-pesquisa-extensão, onde o aluno coloca seu conhecimento teórico-
prático em evidência, intensificando a aprendizagem colaborativa online e a prática da produção científica. 
Descritores: Educação a Distância; Tecnologia da Informação; Aprendizagem. 
Objetivo: relatar una experiencia como monitor de una disciplina semipresencial. Metodo: estudio 
descriptivo, del tipo relato de experiencia sobre una monitoria semipresencial de una disciplina online << 
Programa de Estudios de Salud en el Curso de Post-Graduación en Ciencias de la Salud >> Programa de Post-
Graduación en Ciencias de la Salud junto a la Universidad de Brasilia, y algunas soluciones que han sido 
expuestas por los alumnos durante una ejecución. Resultados: la baja tasa de reprobación y deserción escolar 
de estos alumnos, las perspectivas de publicación de los trabajos finales en revistas científicas y el Desarrollo 
de la tutoría a la distancia por todos los estudiantes concluyentes fueron resultados positivos de este análisis. 
Conclusión: el seguimiento de este tema cubre muy claro y objetivamente la tríada de enseñanza-
investigación-extensión, donde el estudiante pone su conocimiento teórico y práctico a la vista, la 
intensificación del aprendizaje colaborativo online y la práctica de la producción científica. Descriptores: 
Educación a Distancia; Tecnología de la Información; El Aprendizaje. 
1Physical education professional and pedagogue, Master Professor (volunteer), Studies at Education and Health Promotion Center, PhD in 
health science, Brasília University. Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail: andreribeirto@unb.br; 2Physical education professional, Titular Professor 
(Post-doctor in Educational professional technology at health) Physical education post-graduation program, Physical education 
department, Health Science Center, Rio Grande do Norte Federal University. Natal (RN), Brazil. E-mail: Jonatas@ufrnet.br; 3Politician 
Scientist, Doctor Professor (Post-doctor in informatics), Education Post-Graduation Program, Education College, Brasília University. 
Brasília (DF), Brazil. E-mail: teleslucio@gmail.com 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 750 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
All and any educative action is prefixed by 
philosophical-educational, logical, 
epistemological, ontological and 
methodological assumptions that give sense to 
the knowledge construction process and its 
design in practice. When searching for new 
technologies a pedagogic mediation to the 
educational practice transformation, we aim 
to construct an action configured in dialogical 
praxis, a communicative acting between 
teachers and students that enables the 
dialectic interaction between the theory and 
the practice, problematize the knowledge, 
contextualize the knowledge and provide the 
rescue of the students role as active 
individuals, autonomous and co-authors on the 
knowledge collective and cooperative 
With the advent of the information and 
communication technology (ICT), arise new 
perspectives to the education in distance. To 
the previously used resources were gradually 
being added to digital technologies, that 
aggregated speed to the emission, the 
reception and to the content distribution, 
facilitated the interaction among the 
individuals involved at the teaching and 
learning process.2 
The society as an all is in constant 
transformation, mainly its inter personals 
relationship, values, beliefs aspects and 
consequently the educative process needs to 
innovate to achieve those transformations. In 
that way the applicability of the educational 
media under the teaching at distance 
modality, tied to qualification and 
improvement courses contemplates the 
necessities of professionals and students who 
are already inserted at the job market and 
from this can’t be absent searching for new 
The teaching at the health area, for 
example the nursing, is appropriating by 
information and communication technologies 
(ICT’s) that demands initial and continued 
formation lifelong, adding the necessity to 
prepare flexible and dynamic professionals 
with possibilities of technical-scientific 
socialized or individualized improving.4 
The monitoring is a pedagogical support 
service that aims to opportunize the 
development of technical abilities and 
theoretical deepening, providing the academic 
improvement.5 The activities developed by the 
monitor comes from the classes 
accompaniment, application of exams and 
evaluations, guidance and doubt clarification 
to the students, participation at the didactic 
instructional material elaboration, guidance, 
training to the students to be monitors of the 
graduation and class conduction under the 
referred subject of the discipline. 
It is emphasized the importance to use the 
interaction among the students to achieveeducational purposes, through the 
collaboration. The collaboration designates 
group activities that intend an objective in 
common that is materialized at the changing 
regularity, at the group work, at the 
coordination constancy.6 To the students, the 
collaboration searches for the facilitators 
elements that are responsible by the popular 
culture propagation among the students, the 
academic and university culture, and searches 
for take advantage of the interaction among 
the students, so that can be achieved the 
educational targets.7 In this model the student 
determines when and where will develop his 
learning process.8 
This study objective is to report the 
experience as a monitor of a semi presential 
This article is a experience report about 
the monitoring at the health information 
production (HIP) of the post graduation 
program (master and doctorate) in health 
science from the health science college at the 
Brasília University. 
The monitoring was made at the second 
semester of 2014, being that the only class 
was composed by a contentist professor, three 
monitors (two masters degree and a PhD) and 
43 students (masters degree and a PhD) of the 
post-graduation program in health science of 
the Brasília University. 
The students of the health information 
production discipline were medicine, nursing, 
physiotherapy, physical education, speech 
therapist, biology, administration, 
occupational therapy, dental, bio medicine, 
visual arts, pedagogy and social service. Those 
students are residents of the most diverse 
states from Brazil and foreign, such as: 
Rondônia, Goiás, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, 
Paraná, Bahia and Bolivia. 
 Post-graduation program at health 
The post graduation program in health 
science as purpose form human resources 
highly qualified at the health area or similar 
areas. It is comprised by academic master and 
doctorate courses. The educational staff is 
composed by doctor professors from Brasilia 
University and others health and research 
institutions, that have many lines and 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 751 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
research projects of the health science area. 
The quality and regularity of the publications 
of international standard shows the 
involvement of those teachers with the 
scientific, technological and social 
Moreover, the program has been helping at 
the creation of new courses in the center-
west region and others regions in the country, 
conducting the formation of masters and 
doctors able to generate their own post-
graduation program. The main indicator of 
excellence at the evaluation program is the 
evaluation received by the coordinator of 
personal improvement at superior level – from 
2004 to 2004 had the concept 5. 9 
) Information production at health 
(IPH) discipline 
The focus of this discipline (IPH) aims to 
prepare the students of the post-graduation 
program in nursing and health science to 
reflect about their teaching practices, turned 
to the health information production, 
comprehension and domain of the education 
in distance system actually very required at 
the teaching institutions in Brazil and abroad. 
The target public of this discipline were 
regular students enrolled at the post 
graduation programs in health science and 
nursing at the Brasilia University or in 
condition of special student. 
The discipline was organized in two 
modules: (1st) Mentoring at distance of the 
discipline (graduation) semi presential topics 
advanced in health promotion in virtual 
ambient of learning (Moodle); 10 (2nd) Scientific 
article production (integrative review) 11 with 
affinity theme, related to the pedagogical 
praxis in education at distance or technologies 
in science at the superior teaching. 
The discipline was composed by three 
credits, totalizing 45 hours-class. The class 
was composed by a contentist professor, three 
post-graduation monitors and 43 post 
graduation students, all from the Brasília 
University. The communication occurred in a 
synchronic and asynchronous way, with the 
tools of the learning virtual ambient – of the 
discipline IPH: doubt forums and supervision, 
data bank, opinion research, chat room, 
library and collective and individual messages. 
The materials available at the learning virtual 
ambient were: review models, teaching plans, 
texts and videos. 
 Discipline advanced topics in health 
The discipline advanced topics in health 
promotion studies the health promotion 
concept through the history, as a way of 
approximation to the reality and knowledge 
production, discussing historical and political 
aspects and the implications with the practice 
to the health, education and social science 
professionals, the international and national 
experiences and related to the health 
promotion, opportunizing a practice moment 
at the teaching learning process when the 
student will have to elaborate critical 
reflections, that will possible result at the 
presentation of a scientific final paper that 
will include the elaboration of a technical 
text, trial, report or monograph. 
The programmatic content and the learning 
experiences aim to fundament the student to 
understand the knowledge creation as a 
promotion health process, identify the 
conceptual differences between the health 
promotion and prevention, and apply the 
philosophical and technical assumptions to the 
conduction of a promotion health work at the 
different steps of the vital cycle, and also 
identify the conceptual and epidemiological 
differences of health promotion and 
prevention, to analyzed projects and health 
promotion experiences in the health-disease 
continuous in Brazil and in Brasília and study 
the historical, conceptual and epidemiological 
implications of health promotion with the 
health public policies. 
This discipline is part of the Nursing 
Department at the Brasília University and has 
as target public the graduation students from 
any course of Brasília University. The 
mentoring and communication of this was 
composed by 133 graduation students, a 
contentist professor (the same as health 
information production), three post-
graduation monitors who helps the health 
information production students to be tutors 
and nine graduation monitors. The advanced 
topics in health promotion students are from 
the most diverse graduation courses of the 
Brasília University. The course load of the 
discipline totalized 30 hours, two credits. The 
presential classes were constructed in three 
Saturdays, being the beginning, the middle 
and the end of the school semester of 2014. 
The discipline was organized in six 
instructional modules composed by activities 
and reading room and the communication 
occurred in synchronous and asynchronous 
way through the tools used at the learning 
virtual ambient of the discipline: forums, 
tasks, data bank, opinion research, chat room, 
library and collective and individual messages. 
The available materials were; review model, 
teaching plan, texts and videos. 
 Integrative review 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF.Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 752 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
Integrative review is a research method 
used at the practice based on evidences 
ambit, that involves the results 
systematization and publication of a 
bibliographic research in health so that can be 
useful at the practice, emphasizing the 
importance of the scientific research to 
fundament the professional practice. This 
method has the finality to gather and 
systematize results of researches about a 
delimited theme or question of systematic and 
ordained way, contributing to the deepening 
of the investigated theme.11 
The rules11 to the health information 
production students to elaborate the 
integrative review were: (1) choose a 
theme/sub-theme of agreement interest with 
the central focuses of the discipline, it is, in 
the subject: health educational practices. 
Problematize this theme, selecting a question 
or hypothesis that symbols his interest, 
curiosity or necessity of theoretical 
deepening; (2) Select scientific data basis and 
make a bibliographical research about the 
interest theme. It was suggested to the 
students to select scientific articles that 
enabled them answers or explanations about 
the question/hypothesis; (3) Extract from the 
selected scientific articles data that were 
judge to be important to the comprehension 
of the question or hypothesis; (4) To make a 
textual synthesis, exposing the review results: 
integrating the results from the different 
analyzed researches/articles; (5) To elaborate 
considerations about how to apply this 
knowledge at the health educational practice. 
The articles were evaluated by the health 
information production monitors, with the 
supervision of the contentist professor. Were 
taken in consideration the above aspects, as 
well as the best works were selected to be 
submitted to scientific journals. In January 
2016, the health information production 
students, with the monitors, corrected and 
submitted 13 articles to many national 
journals, all with Qualis B reference12 by the 
Capes. To that, were conducted 
communication through Whatsapp and through 
e-mail to adjust and actualization of the 
articles content. 
 Post-graduation monitoring 
The post-graduation monitoring at the 
Brasília University attends the resolution of 
the teaching council, research and extension 
number 008/90, that disposes about the 
monitoring system at the university. It is 
understood by monitoring a specific teaching 
learning modality, established in the principle 
of exclusive bond to the academic formation 
necessities of the graduation and post-
graduation student, and inserted at the 
teaching activities planning, research and 
extension of the respective courses of the 
university. The implementation of the 
monitoring system at the Brasilia University 
has as principal justifications: a) Propitiate a 
more comprehensive academic formation and 
deepened on the university student; b) 
Increase the participation of the student at 
the university activities; c) Encourage at the 
university student, the interest by the 
dedication to the teaching and to the 
research; d) Awake academic vocations; e) 
Enable more integration of the university 
The monitories are classified in two 
categories: not paid monitory and paid 
scholarship monitory. Furthermore, they are 
divided in three classes: Graduation 
monitoring, master monitoring and doctorate 
monitoring. The graduation monitoring is 
reserved to the graduation course student, 
with activities to be developed exclusively at 
the graduation level. The master monitoring 
reserved to the student of the post-graduation 
course in master degree level, with activities 
to be developed at the graduation and post-
graduation (master). The doctored monitory 
reserved to the post-graduation course 
student at the doctorate level, with activities 
to be developed at the graduation and post-
graduation level (master). The doctorate 
monitoring allows the participation of the 
teaching practice at the graduation level, 
under supervision by a responsible professor, 
till at the maximum of 80% of the course load 
of the discipline.13 
 Monitoring of the health information 
production discipline 
The monitor of the health information 
production discipline is responsible to conduct 
and plan the classes, evaluate and stimulate 
the students, always with the supervision and 
authorization of the discipline professor, who 
at the distance education is called by 
supervisor professor or contentist. The 
monitoring 2 (doctorate) constituted in advice 
the health information production students to 
conduction and procedures of the advanced 
topics in health promotion, as well as the 
guidance to the elaboration of the scientific 
article in all its steps. 
The discipline advanced topics in health 
promotion in this case, was conducted by the 
health information production students as 
tutors, those guided by the health information 
production monitors (two masters and one 
PhD) and contentist professor. The disciplines 
mixed the presential moments with the 
activities performed in distance (through the 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 753 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
virtual ambient learning), with the objective 
of digital inclusion, enabling the proficiency 
of professors at the technologies to the 
information and communication and the 
amplification of online collaborative learning. 
 Collaborative learning 
The collaborative learning, related to the 
idea to learn and work in group, although it 
seems recent, since the century XVIII was 
many time tested by theorists, researches and 
Based on a innovator proposal of 
collaborative learning, university and 
professor will can help the students at the 
adaptation to this proposal, because not 
always they are prepared to work of a 
collaborative way. The professor intervention 
as mediator has a fundamental importance, to 
that be attentive to the students aptitudes, 
can insert them at this collaboration process. 
Although the classroom is a most common 
ambient of meeting among the students, 
there are many others possibilities to act in a 
collaborative way.15 
It is believed that allied to the 
collaborative learning, the technology can 
power the situations in that the professors and 
students search, discuss and construct 
individually and collectively their knowledge. 
The computer can be considered as a resource 
to the collaborative learning, because in 
addition to serve to the organization of the 
most diverse activities, can be a mean so that 
the students collaborate one with other at the 
group activity.16 
Not always the activity in group focuses the 
collaborative and shared learning. Most of the 
times, the working in group as at the 
presential teaching as in the virtual teaching, 
becomes only a distribution of fragmented 
tasks among the friends, fitting to each one to 
make only a part. 
Just as happens on the presential teaching, 
factors like race, gender and social status 
influence the students’ participation in 
discussions. This makesthe teachers aware to 
those factors and to the effect that they can 
cause on the knowledge construction on 
collaborative learning virtual ambient.15 
The Health Information Production students 
during the second semester of 2014, had as 
activities and part of the evaluation and 
conduction of the distance semi presential 
tutoring advanced topics in health promotion, 
offered by the Brasília University Health 
Science College Nursing Department, besides 
the production of an integrative review. The 
same was conducted on the semi presential 
modality, where were conducted during the 
semester 4 presential meetings: (1st) was 
explained the discipline syllabus to the Health 
Information Production students and the 
evaluation and conduction procedures of this 
discipline. In this same meeting, the students 
(HIP), monitors and contentist professor had 
already presented to the Advanced Topics in 
Health Promotion students (1st presential class 
of Advanced Topics in Health Promotion), two 
hours after this first step (1st presential HIP 
class), in the auditorium 3 of the Brasília 
University Health Science College; (2nd) it was 
performed a training to the tutor at distance 
formation of the discipline semi presential 
Advanced Topics in Health Promotion (ATHP); 
(3rd) it was performed to verify the possible 
failures and problems during the ATHP 
tutoring process. In this meeting participated 
HIP students with the ATHP students; (4th) it 
was performed to specific guidance to 
elaboration of systematic reviews and the 
ending of the disciplines HIP and ATHP. 
The ATHP tutors were regular or special 
students of the HIP discipline, from the Post-
graduation Program in Health Science (master 
and doctorate) at the Brasília University 
Health Science College. The precondition to 
be tutor at distance of the ATHP discipline 
was only to have basic knowledge in 
informatics, being that there was a basic and 
specific training to performance of the 
tutoring at distance activity (2nd presential 
meeting obligatory). 
As evaluation criteria of the HIP discipline, 
it was analyzed the diary access of the tutor 
to the discipline (ATHP), the activities 
(delivery of the final report of tutoring and 
the scientific article). If the tutor at distance 
of ATHP abandon the tutoring or let the 
student without answers for more than 48 
hours, he could be replaced, and even 
reproved on the HIP discipline. It was also 
evaluated the production of a scientific 
article, of the integrative review kind, being 
analyzed all the content and if this attended 
to the objectives of the proposed activity. 
The disciplines HIP and ATHP were 
performed through a standard-model of 
electronic portfolios inserted to the learning 
virtual ambient, denominated Moodle-folios 
or forums, whose utilization has been 
constituted as meeting collective points that 
allow the register of the processes and 
products, resulting from the developed 
activities at the disciplines.17 The Learning 
Virtual Ambient moodle is given by the fact of 
being a platform that provides virtual spaces 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 754 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
ideals to that the students can gather, share, 
collaborate and learn together. 
The justification of this work was given by 
the reason that the HIP discipline had been 
offered only once during all the master and 
doctorate course. The very low index of 
evasion and reproach ( together 11.62%) and 
the publication perspectives of the final works 
in scientific journals (51.16% submitted) and 
the development of the distance tutoring by 
all the concluding students (100%), which 
generated a certification in tutoring and 
supervision at distance, let the students in 
their majority with a great grade of 
satisfaction, cited by them in final tutoring 
Were excellent moments at the many 
activities where I could act as student and tutor 
(student X). 
Congratulations to all the involved on the 
project, I got surprised with the information 
greatness and possibilities of the knowledge 
construction in a discipline at distance, this 
is an excellent method to be followed. 
(student Y). 
Finally I’m very thankful by the opportunity 
to be part of the tutoring, and basically by 
the disciplines related with the same, 
because I have a focus more beyond of 
theoretical, also practical, consolidating my 
learning. The discipline fulfilled broadly my 
expectative, and truly will be very 
significant in my professional and practice 
life (student Z). 
The students also made critics so that 
model of discipline could be more explored by 
all the post-graduation courses of the 
The platform is a fantastic tool, complete 
and available to the students who search for 
this modality, but it needs to be more 
stimulated and explored. The fields are 
infinitive, but unfortunately the usufruct is 
very finite. The students need to insert in 
their academic and professional routines the 
learning at distance and make of this an 
accessible and structured channel to the 
knowledge construction and professional 
formation. An unforgettable experience, 
what could be more explored, but that let 
good learning and will be passed to the 
others mates (student W). 
The virtual classes were ministered at the 
Learning Virtual Ambient Moodle of the 
disciplines HIP and ATHP, hosted on the site of 
the Health Promotion and Education Studies 
Center, at the Brasília University. The 
presential classes of the disciplines HIP and 
ATHP were ministered at the Brasília 
University Health Science College, by the 
titular professor emeritus doctor Elioenai 
Dornelles Alves (in memoriam), who was 
coordinator of the education laboratory, 
distance education and health promotion 
(laboratory many times used at the presential 
classes), besides minister this discipline and 
others at the nursing and health science post-
graduation program and nursing graduation 
(ATHP), also at the semi presential modality, 
till July 2015, when he came to die, letting a 
legacy of andragogy and superior education at 
distance in health science at the Brasília 
University Health Science College. 
His job was challenger, the researcher in 
distance education affirmed that the lack of 
andragogy vision at the educative action in 
nursing could be highlighted as one of the 
greatest obstacles to overcoming conflicts of 
the dialogic action, fortifying a rooted 
practice at the technicist model, traditional 
and centered on the professor (traditional and 
presential teaching model). He also 
emphasized that missed to the “traditional” 
professors enough prepare to educate as 
advocated Paulo Freire, and because of this 
we, when advocate only a teaching 
methodology, reproduce the conservator 
education model, highlighted by the theorists 
as an education banking, reproductive, unfair 
and excluding. 18 
This tutoring process and performance of 
the disciplines at distance arouse the interest 
by a big quantity of students from graduation 
and post-graduation to perform them, being 
many students not able to enroll at the same 
for the class capacity. This interest to perform 
the disciplines at the distance modality is 
given by manyreasons, from which we can 
emphasize: the low quantity of displacement 
to the presential classes (at maximum 4 
presential meeting during all the semester), 
the use of new technologies at the health 
education, through the online collaborative 
learning, the extension practice with 
certification and scientific production. 
This somehow propitiated many students, 
who had never contact or had never taken a 
distance course, performing this learning 
process as students and professors, besides 
produce and submit an article in a scientific 
After the discipline end, the students who 
were tutors of the ATHP discipline and had a 
grade superior or same to 70% of the total 
value, had the certification of course 
extension and tutors and supervisors qualified 
in distance education, emitted by the Brasília 
University Extension Department. 
The monitor supervisor job in this post-
graduation discipline (HIP) wan centered in 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 755 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
basic and specific guidance, through 
presential/or at distance meetings, to the 
students of the same, to activities available at 
the learning virtual ambient of the two 
disciplines (HIP and ATHP). 
Corroborating the used strategies by the 
physical education course at distance of the 
Brasilia University 19 was made one analyze by 
the monitors and contentist professor at the 
end of the disciplines HIP and ATHP, and 
obtained the following result: 
At the politician pedagogical Project, it 
was observed as facilitator aspect the relation 
theory and practice of the disciplines, the 
presence on doubt forums and meeting of the 
professors with the tutors and the students, 
the deepening participation at teaching, 
research and extension, the clarity on the 
evaluation system (grades and mentions ); and 
as difficulty aspect was observed the 
necessity to punctuate better the students 
participation at the presential meeting and 
have more use of methodologies based on new 
technologies (video-conference, 
teleconference, creation and or videos 
produced by the own professors). 
At the infrastructure, as facilitator aspect 
the discipline has the present of rooms with 
informatics equipments, computers and 
broadband internet and Wi-Fi and as difficulty 
aspect there wasn’t any aspect regarding this. 
At the coordination, teachers, tutors and 
technical as facilitator aspect there is the 
involvement of the contentist professor with 
monitors and students of the disciplines and 
the effective and competent participation of 
the distance tutors and as difficulty aspect 
the lack of information of the secretary with 
the students, mainly to the first presential 
meeting of the discipline, being that many 
students were absent at the first meeting for 
this reason. The students’ mentions were 
given before the deadline closure and till the 
beginning of the next schooling semester, still 
there weren’t launched on the system, the 
delay of the Brasilia University Extension 
Department to emit participation certificate 
of tutoring as tutor at distance was also a 
negative point to this process. 
Regarding the students the facilitator 
aspect was the low evasion of the disciplines, 
what can show that some procedures and the 
news of the distance teaching could 
intrinsically contribute to the non evasion. As 
difficulty aspects, there were some students’ 
absences at the platform, only answering 
tasks and forums at the last day before the 
activities closure. 
The combination of practices and actual 
researches with the construction of a 
knowledge basis, take us to the future20, 
however, the teaching at distance is one of 
the teaching modalities that grows the most, 
thanks for the effort of some institutions and 
researches in the last decade. Its low cost, 
high quality and the lack of necessity to 
absence of the working place or at home turns 
much more attractive to who wants to elevate 
their educational level, however, that can’t 
have Access to the traditional education. 21 
The students critics are essential to that 
the discipline is restructured and modified 
constantly, taking always in consideration its 
general and specific objectives. 
Before the difficulties, were proposed 
some contributions to minimize the difficulty 
aspects: improve even more the presentation 
of the disciplines, with new instruments and 
technology educational tools and distance 
teaching, to guarantee the quality of the 
same, being those processes of continuous and 
permanent flow; increase even more the 
students valuation in front of their real and 
actual condition about the distance teaching, 
this somehow search the student with greater 
security to discipline performance; invest at 
the academic videos production; increase the 
creative ways of problem solution, with the 
participation of monitors with previous 
experience at the discipline and at distance 
teaching, seen that this minimize the 
difficulties of them; increasing of vacancies or 
more offers of the discipline during the 
semester, aiming to contemplate the vacuous 
vacancies; soften the student development 
through the discipline, respecting each one 
rhythms; encourage previously the tutor to 
perform actualization courses or improvement 
with the objective to qualify tutors; 
development of strategies that favour the 
information production practice dimension at 
health and the students integration at the 
forums to this. 
Models of semi presential disciplines and at 
distance looking to this, shall be implemented 
at the graduation and post-graduation courses 
of many institutions of superior level in Brazil 
and the world, so that the student experience 
at practice the online collaborative learning 
essence and the superior teaching (teaching-
The increasing number is presential and 
distance courses make with the aspect of 
quality at the teaching-learning process in 
distance teaching is taken in consideration. 
The contentist professor, with his monitors 
and students are protagonists in this process, 
being that they shall conduct before, during 
Silva AR da, Barros JF, Teles LF. Online collaborative learning: experience... 
J Nurs UFPE on line., Recife, 11(2):749-57, Feb., 2017 756 
ISSN: 1981-8963 ISSN: 1981-8963 DOI: 10.5205/reuol.10263-91568-1-RV.1102201732 
and after the final of the discipline analyzes 
and evaluation of them, using reports, 
questionings and tools of the learning virtual 
ambient Moodle, specifics to measure the 
satisfaction level and the quality of the 
ministered discipline. Other important aspect 
is also the selection of students monitors who 
had already participated from distance 
courses, seen that to a monitor that has never 
participated of this teaching modality, the 
monitoring can be prejudiced for him have the 
same or more doubts than his guided student. 
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Submission: 2016/08/10 
Accepted: 2017/01/03 
Publishing: 2017/02/01 
Corresponding Address 
André Ribeiro da Silva 
Universidade de Brasília 
Centro de Estudos Avançados e 
Multidisciplinares - CEAM 
Núcleo de Estudos em Educação e Promoção 
da Saúde - Nesprom 
Prédio Multiuso 
Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro 
CEP: 70910-000  Brasília (DF), Brazil

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