
SQL para testes - Atividade Pratica Sistema - Gerenciador de Banco de Dados

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create table Cientistas(
 ID int,
 Nome Char(30) not null,
 Primary Key (ID) 
Create table Projetos (
 Codigo Char(4),
 Nome Char(50) not null,
 Horas int,
 Primary Key (Codigo) 
create table AtribuidoA (
 Cientista int not null,
 Projeto char(4) not null,
 Primary Key (Cientista, Projeto),
 Foreign Key (Cientista) references Cientistas (ID),
 Foreign Key (Projeto) references Projetos (Codigo)
INSERT INTO Cientistas (ID,Nome)
VALUES(123234877,'Michael Rogers'),
(152934485,'Anand Manikutty' ),
(222364883, 'Carol'),
(326587417,'Joe Stevens'),
(332154719,'Hary-Anne Foster'),
(332569843,'George ODonnell'),
(546523478,'John Doe'),
(631231482,'David Smith'),
(654873219,'Zacary Efron'),
(745685214,'Eric Goldsnith'),
(845657245,'Elizabeth Dee'),
(845657246,'Nunar Swany' ); 
INSERT INTO Projetos ( Codigo,Nome,Horas)
VALUES ('AeH1','Minds: Studying Bernoullis Principle', 156),
('AeH2','Aerodynamics and Bridge Design',189),
('AeH3','Aerodynanics and Gas Ptileage', 256),
('AeH4','Aerodynanics and Ice Hockey', 789),
('AeH5','Aerodynaolcs of a Football', 98),
('AeH6','Aerodynanics of Air Hockey',89),
('Ast1','A Hatter of Tine',112),
('Ast2','A Puzzling Parallax', 299),
('Ast3','Build Your Own Telescope', 6546),
('Bte1','luicy: Extracting Apple luice with Pectinase', 321),
('Bte2','A Magnetic Primer Designer', 9684),
('Bte3','Bacterial Transfornatlon Efficiency', 321),
('Che1','A Silver-Cleaning Battery', 545),
('Che2','A Soluble Separation Solution', 778); 
INSERT INTO AtribuidoA ( Cientista, Projeto)
VALUES (123234877,'AeH1'),

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