

Prévia do material em texto

Tipo de Avaliação: AV 
Data: 06/06/2014 16:37:27 
 1a Questão (Ref.: 201201716149) Pontos: 1,5 / 1,5 
Comment the following statement: Literature is man¿s exploration of man by artificial light, which is better than 
natural light because we can direct it where we want. David Daisches, A Study of Literature for Reading and 
Critics (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1948)24 
Resposta: It means that every artist/author show us an especific point of view, a particular way to communicate 
the man's feeling to us. 
Gabarito: Literature is the reproduction of reality through the author's perspective. Whe he chooses the 
situation, or the aspect to reality to reproduce in his work, he allows the reader to understand that specific 
 2a Questão (Ref.: 201201716162) Pontos: 1,5 / 1,5 
Mention and explain the three characteristics of the classical Epic poem. 
Resposta: It is a third person narrative because they show the heroes/deities in action, it's language is full of 
adjectives and the aim is to encourage people to do brave acts in real world and the Epics always tells us a 
victory tale written in an elevated and dignified language, in order to reflect the importance of its subject 
Gabarito: They are written in an elevated language; They are written in third person; They are lenghthy. 
 3a Questão (Ref.: 201201708227) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
In relation to literary and non literary texts, it is WRONG to say that: 
There is a classical sense in which literary and nonliterary may be distinguished. 
This distinction is important for those studying Literature. 
Literary and non literary texts cannot be distinguished since their nature is pretty much alike. 
This is also a distinction important to those wishing to establish careers as literary authors. 
In the context of classical literature studies, literary and nonliterary refer to stylistic elements. 
 4a Questão (Ref.: 201201708438) Pontos: 0,0 / 0,5 
Fictional works enable readers to embark on an intellectual journey that will expand their knowledge 
considerably. Taking that into consideration, read the alternatives below and choos the alternative that is 
corretc in relation to the kind of text in question: 
Fictional works are a very subjective and debatable issue. 
Fictional works are universal, but they do not affect us deeply. 
Fictional works don´t have a greater impact on people¿s lives than nonfiction works 
Fictional works expose readers to a variety of experiences that they can be achieved through the reading 
of any kind of text 
Fictional works speak to us in the same way that nonfiction works do. 
 5a Questão (Ref.: 201201708489) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Just as the two faces of a coin, literature and culture are connected to each in an indisputable and inseparable 
way. Chhose the alterantive that correctly shows this close relation. 
Painting, through its unique form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for a 
society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization. 
Literature, through its unique form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential for 
a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization. 
Literature, through its unique form of expression, is able to hide those factors which are essential for a 
society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization. 
Literature, through its common form of expression, is able to highlight those factors which are essential 
for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization. 
Literature, through its unique form of expression, is not able to highlight those factors which are essential 
for a society, for example, its problems, its customs, as well as its political and social organization. 
 6a Questão (Ref.: 201201708533) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Human and animal language differ in many different levels. Which of the alternatives below is NOT CORRECT in 
relation to expose specificities concerning this two ways of communicating: 
Communication systems used by other animals such as bees or non-human apes are closed systems that 
consist of a closed number of possible things that can be expressed. 
Human language is unique in comparison to other forms of communication, such as those used by non-
human animals. 
Human language is open-ended and productive, meaning that it allows humans to produce an infinite set 
of utterances from a finite set of elements and to create new words and sentences. 
Human language evolves and diversifies over time, and the history of their evolution can be 
reconstructed by comparing modern languages to determine which traits their ancestral languages must 
have had in order for the later developmental stages to occur. 
Animals master their language in a way that they can create different ways of expressing their feelings 
and emotions. 
 7a Questão (Ref.: 201201716039) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
Literary texts usually present the following characteristics, EXCEPT: 
Subjetividade predominante; 
Conotação poética evidenciada; 
Criatividade acentuada; 
Objetividade e foco na informação 
Estruturas gramaticais singulares; 
 8a Questão (Ref.: 201201716050) Pontos: 0,5 / 0,5 
According to Plato, the sensible word can be seen as 
The sensible world, also known as the world of solidity, is the one we can perceive through our senses. 
Since our senses are imperfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive imitation 
of a corresponding perfect world. 
The real world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our senses. 
Since our senses are imperfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive imitation 
of a corresponding perfect world. 
The sensible world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our 
senses. Since our senses are perfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a perfect 
imitation of a corresponding perfect world. 
The sensible world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our 
senses. Since our senses are imperfect and particular, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive 
imitation of a corresponding perfect world. 
The sensible world, also known as the world of appearances, is the one we can perceive through our 
senses. Since our senses are imperfect and general, Plato believed the sensible world was a deceptive 
imitation of a corresponding imperfect world. 
 9a Questão (Ref.: 201201716072) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
It¿s clear to see that this is an example of a non-literary use of language, mainly due to the following reasons, 
Most of the vocabulary is familiar 
There is only one level of meaning; 
It is totally marked by subjectivity 
The sentences are simple, literal 
It is direct and specialized 
 10a Questão (Ref.: 201201716114) Pontos: 1,0 / 1,0 
Choose the CORRECT alternative: 
The Epic poem is concerned with everyday affairs or common people. Instead, it treated seriousaffairs 
and described the high qualities of heroes and deities. 
The Epic poem did not concern everyday affairs or common people. Instead, it treated serious affairs and 
described the high qualities of heroes and deities. 
The Epic poem was written in an popular or ordinary language, in order to reflect the importance of its 
subject material. 
The Epic poem did not concern everyday affairs or common people. Instead, it treated serious affairs and 
described mainly the defects of heroes and deities. 
The Epic poem was not written in an elevated or dignified language, in order to reflect the importance of 
its subject material.

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