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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

NOUNS (substantivos)
Singular and Plural Forms (formas do singular e plural)
Regra geral: 
Forma-se o plural da maioria dos substantivos em Inglês com o acréscimo de –s ao singular. Exemplos:
actor (ator) actors 
bag (sacola) bags
belt (cinto) belts
chair (cadeira) chairs
coat (casaco) coats
eye (olho) eyes
hand (mão) hands
meeting (reunião) meetings
notebook (cadernão) notebooks
soldier (soldado) soldiers 
Outros casos:
1- Os substantivos terminados em CH, SS, O, SH, X, e Z com o plural com –es. Exemplos:
watch (relógio de pulso) watches 
potato (batata) potatoes
brush (escova) brushes
kiss (beijo) kisses
fox (raposa) foxes
buzz (zumbido) buzzes
a) Os substantivos terminados em CH com som de /k/ seguem a regra geral. Exemplos:
epoch (época) epochs 
monarch (monarch) monarchs 
patriarch (patriarca) patriarchs 
stomach (estômago) stomachs 
b) Os substantivos de origem estrangeira assim como os abreviados, ambos terminados em O, seguem a regra geral. Exemplos:
dynamo (dínamo) dynamos 
kangaroo (kanguru) kangaroos 
kimono (quimono) kimonos
kilo (quilo) kilos
photo (foto) photos
piano (piano) pianos 
radio (rádio) radios
zoo (zoológico) zoos 
2- Substantivos terminados em y:
a) precedido de vogal seguem a regra geral. Exemplos:
ashtray (cinzeiro) ashtrays 
bay (baía) bays
toy (brinquedo) toys
b) precedidos de consoante trocam o Y por –ies. Exemplos:
baby (bebê) babies 
country (país) countries
fly (mosca) flies
Os nomes próprios recebem apenas –s. Exemplo:
The kennedys (os Kennedys)
3- Substantivos terminados em F ou FE:
a) treze substantivos terminados em F ou FE fazem o plural com –ves.
calf (bezerro) calves 
elf (elfo) elves
half (metade) halves
knife (faca) knives
leaf (folha) leaves
life (vida) lives
loaf (pedaço de pão) loaves
self (si mesmo) selves
sheaf (feixe) sheaves
shelf (prateleira) shelves 
wife (esposa) wives 
wolf (lobo) wolves
b) os outros substantivos com as terminações F ou FE seguem a regra geral. Exemplos:
chief (chefe) chiefs 
cliff (rochedo) cliffs
handkerchief (lenço) handkerchiefs 
roof (telhado) roofs
safe (cofre) safes
Os substantives hoof (casco), scarf (cachecol) e wharf (cais) fazem o plural com –s ou –ves.
4- Letras, siglas, numerais e abreviaturas fazem o plural com ‘s (às vezes apenas –s). Exemplos:
In the 60’s (nos anos 60)
Two CDs (dois CDs)
5- Os substantivos abaixo apresentam plurais irregulares.
child (criança) children 
die (dado) dice 
foot (pé) feet
goose (ganso) geese
louse (piolho) lice
man (homem) men 
mouse (camundongo) mice
ox (boi) oxen
tooth teeth
woman women 
6- Plural de origem grega e latina:
a) os substantivos com final ON (grego) fazem o plural substituindo-se essa terminação por –a. Exemplos:
criterion (critério) criteria 
phenomenon (fenômeno) phenomena
Principais exceções:
demon (demônio) demons 
electron (elétron) electrons 
neutron (nêutron) neutrons
proton (próton) protons 
b) os substantivos terminados em IS (grego) fazem o plural substituindo-se por –es. Exemplos:
analysis (análise) analyses 
basis (base) bases 
crisis (crise) crises
hypothesis (hipótese) hypotheses
Principal exceção:
metropolis metropolises
c) os substantivos com final UM (latino) fazem o plural substituindo-se essa terminação por –a. Exemplo:
bacterium (bactéria) bacteria 
curriculum (currículo) curricula 
erratum (errata) errata
medium (meio) media
Principais exceções:
album (álbum) álbums 
museum (museu) museums 
forum (fórum) forums
d) os substantivos com final US (latino) fazem o plural substituindo-se essa terminação por –i. Exemplos:
bacillus (bacilo) bacilli 
fungus (fungo) fungi 
nucleous (núcleo) nuclei
radius (raio) radii
Principais exceções:
bus (ônibus) buses bunus (bônus) bonuses
chorus (coro) choruses
circus (circo) circuses
virus (vírus) viruses
7- Alguns substantivos possuem a mesma forma para o singular e plural. Exemplos:
sheep (ovelha, ovelhas) sheep deer (veado, veados) bonuses
fish (peixe, peixes) fish
fruit (fruta, frutas) fruit
* O Plural de still life (natureza-morta) é still lifes.
* Os substantivos coletivos cattle (gado) e police (polícia) são usados com o verbo no plural.
* O substantivo people que pode ser traduzido por ‘povo’ ou ‘pessoas’, é usado geralmente com verbo no plural.
* Os substantivos fish e fruit também possuem, respectivamente, o plural fishes e fruits, porém essas formas são menos usadas.
* Os objetos, instrumentos e vestimentas que consistem em duas partes, ou seja, formam-se aos pares (a pair of), são sempre usados no plural. Exemplos:
binoculars (binóculos)glasses (óculos) 
pajamas (pijamas) 
pants (calça) 
pliers (alicate)
scales (balança) 
scissors (tesoura)
trousers (calça)
* O substantivo news (notícia) e outros terminados em 
-ics (politics, physics, etc.), apesar de parecerem estar no plural, fazem a concordância no singular. 
* Em inglês, nem todos os substantivos apresentam a forma plural. Os que têm plural são chamados countable nouns (substantivos contáveis). 
Os que não têm plural são chamados de uncountable nouns (substantivos incontáveis). Exemplos de uncountable nouns:
advice (conselho) luck (sorte)
baggage (bagagem) milk (leite)
bread (pão) money (dinheiro)
butter (manteiga) music (música)
cheese (queijo) news (notícia)
coffee (café) rain (chuva)
equipment (equipamento) salt (sal)
experience (experiência) sugar (açúcar)
fear (medo) tea (chá)
furninure (mobília) time (tempo)
hair (cabelo) water (água) 
information (infformação) work (trabalho)
Obs.: Existe a forma hairs no sentido de ‘pelos’. 
Not too far from our Gray cities, 
There are skies so clear and blue,
There are beaches, there are valleys,
Where the sweet sun shines on you.
So, count your garden by the flowers
Never by the leaves that fall;
Count your days by golden hours
Don’t remember clouds at all.
Count your night by stars, not shadows,
Count your life with smiles, not tears,
And with joy through all your lifetime
Count your age by friends, not tears.
These sentences contain important words from ‘Smile’. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- Sugar is --------------------------------------------.
a) sweet b) gray c) golden d) blue e) clear
2- Copacabana and Ipanema are famous ------------------.
a) valleys b) beaches c) cities d) skies e) shadows
3- Roses and violets are -----------------------------------.
a) gardens b) flowers c) leaves d) tears e) joy
4- The sun -----------------------------------.
a) shines b) remembers c) smiles d) counts e) falls
5- There are twenty-four ---------------- in a day.
a) years b) nights c) hours d) friends e) smiles
6- The sun is a ----------------------------------.
a) cloud b) star c) age d) life e) lifetime
7- It is possible to see ------------------------ glass.
a) through b) far from c) by d) where e) so
8- Manaus is far from Rio. It is not near ---------------------.
a) never b) always c) at all d) all e) so clear
9- Your golden hours: when you are very -------------------. 
a) sad b) bad c) sweet d) happy e) good
10- Cubatão (SP) and Contagem (MG) are ------------------.
a) golden beaches b) blue skies c) gray cities
d) green leaves e) white clouds
1- Write the following nouns in the plural form.
a) wing -----------------------------
b) scarf -----------------------------
c) shelf -----------------------------
d) belly ----------------------------
e) tray ------------------------------
f) boss -----------------------------
g) finger ---------------------------
h) hero ----------------------------
i) child -----------------------------
j) sheep ---------------------------
k) phenomenon -----------------------------
l) series ---------------------------
m) woman -----------------------------
n) monarch ------------------------------
2- Change the sentences to the plural.
a) This box is very heavy.
b) Is that man an engineer¿
c) He is an excellent teacher.
d) She works in Fortaleza but her brother doesn’t.
e) You aren’t studying with your sister.
GENDER (gênero)
A maioria dos substantives em inglês possui a mesma forma tanto para o masculino como para o feminino. Exemplos:
child (criança)
dancer (dançarino ∕ dançarina)
doctor (doctor ∕ doutora)
enemy (inimigo ∕ inimiga) 
engineer (engenheiro ∕ engenheira)
friend (amigo ∕ amiga)
guest (convidado ∕ convidada)
lawyer (advogado ∕ advogada)
neighbor (vizinho ∕ vizinha)
reader (leitor ∕ leitora)
reporter (o ∕ a repórter)
singer (cantor ∕ cantora)
student (o ∕ a estudante)
teacher (professor ∕ professora)
writer (escritor ∕ escritora)
No entanto, existem alguns substantivos que possuem uma forma diferenciada para o feminino. Essa forma pode surgir de três modos distintos:
(I) Acrescentando-se o sufixo –ess.
actor (ator) actress (atriz) 
author (autor) authoress (autora) 
baron (barão) baroness (baronesa) 
count (conde) countess (condessa)
god (deus) godess (deusa)
heir (herdeiro) heiress (herdeira) 
host (anfitrião) hoetess (anfitriã) 
negro (negro) negress (negra) 
priest (padre) priestess (sacerdotisa)
prince (príncipe) princess (princesa)
poet (poeta) poetess (poetisa) 
steward (comissário) stewardess (comissária) 
tiger (tigre) tigress (tigresa)
waiter (garcon) waitress (garçonete) 
Nota: Observe que, em certas palavras, há necessidade de algumas alterações ortográficas.
(II) Usando-se palavras diferentes. 
bachelor (solteiro) spinster (solteira) 
boy (garoto) girl (garota)
bridegroom (noivo) bride (noiva) 
brother (irmão) sister (irmã) 
bull (touro) cow (vaca)
cock (galo) hen (galinha) 
dog (cachorro) bitch (cadela)
father (pai) mother (mãe) 
fox (raposa macho) vixen (raposa fêmea) friar (frade) nun (freira) 
hero (heroi) heroine (heroína)
horse (cavalo) mare (égua)
king (rei) queen (rainha) 
man (homem) woman (mulher) 
nephew (sobrinho) niece (sobrinha)
sir (senhor) lady (senhora) 
son (filho) daughter (filha)
uncle (tio) aunt (tia) 
wizard (bruxo) witch (bruxa)
3- Nos substantivos compostos, substituindo-se o elemento da palavra que contém a ideia de gênero.
boyfriend (namorado) girlfriend (namorada) 
grandfather (avô) grandmother (avó) 
grandson (neto) granddaughter (neta)
father-in-law (sogro) mother-in-law (sogra) 
brother-in-law (cunhado) sister-in-law (cunhada) 
son-in-law (genro) daughter-in-law (nora)TEXT
Operation Swallows
 It’s winter now. In many parts of Europe snow is falling, covering towns and mountains with its white mantle. And Switzerland the national institute for scientific study of birds is asking for help.
 You see, thousands of swallows cannot cross the Alps because of bad weather – cold and wind. They need to go South where it’s warm in winter and they can find the insects that they eat. “Operation Swallows” is asking people to find the poor birds that are dying of cold and hunger and save them. The people are feeding the birds, putting them into boxes and taking them to a train station. The Swiss railways and the national airlines are helping the birds, too. They are taking them to the other side of the Alps or to the Mediterranean for the winter. Naturally, nobody is asking the birds to show their tickets!
These sentences contain important words from “Operation Swallows”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- Switzerland is a ------------------ in Europe.
a) town b) mountain c) country d) Swiss e) South
2- It’s cold in winter. People need ----------- clothes then.
a) bad b) high c) warm d) free e) thousands of
3- There was no food so the people were --------------- of ---------------.
a) dying ∕ hunger b) falling ∕ side 
c) covering ∕ mantle d) taking ∕ birds
e) helping ∕ winter
4- Cold and Wind: bad --------------------.
a) boxes b) tickets c) weather d) snow
e) swallows 
5- We -------------- our tickets when we enter the cinema.
a) put b) save c) show d) cross e) go
6- Snow is white. Milk is white --------------------.
a) too b) to c) into d) other e) because of
7- That poor man is ------------------------- money.
a) eating b) feeding c) giving food to
d) asking for e) finding
8- Tam is the international ---------------- of Brazil.
a) train station b) railways c) airline
d) side e) nobody
1- Change to the feminine form.
a) He is a very good waiter.
b) My brother and my nephew visited me last week.
c) The king waved to the man.
d) There is an actor at the theater.
e) I talked to the boy about his uncle.
GENETIVE CASE (caso possessivo)
É uma forma da língua inglesa para indicar posse. O genitive case é representado pelo apóstrofo mais S (‘s) ou apenas pelo apóstrofo (‘).
Regra geral: 
 + coisa possuída
John’s car (o carro de John)
1- Substantivos no singular:
a) substantivos comuns, mesmo terminados em S, recebem ‘s. Exemplos:
The girl’s doll (a boneca da garota)
The teacher’s book (o livro do professor)
The boss’s office (o escritório do chefe)
b) substantivos próprios não terminados em S recebem ‘s. Exemplos:
Mark’s watch (o relógio de Mark)
Peter’s apartment (o apartamento de Peter)
c) substantivos próprios terminados em S recebem ‘s ou somente o apóstrofo se forem nomes de pessoas comuns. Exemplos:
Carlos’s wife (a esposa de Carlos)
Louis’ sister (a irmã de Louis)
d) substantivos próprios terminados em S referentes a nomes históricos recebem somente o apóstrofo. Exemplos: 
Jesus’ love (o amor de Jesus)
Hercules’ strength (a força de Hércules)
2- Substantivos no plural:
a) substantivos comuns terminados em S recebem apenas o apóstrofo. Exemplos:
the boys’ cars (o carros dos meninos)
my friends’ opinion (a opinião de meus amigos)
b) substantivos comuns não terminados em S recebem 
‘s. Exemplos:
The women’s dresses (os vestidos das mulheres)
The children’s toys (os brinquedos das crianças)
c) substantivos próprios recebem apenas o apóstrofo.
the Smiths’ house (a casa dos Smiths) 
Outros casos:
1- Quando há dois ou mais possuidores:
a) coloca-se ‘s no último possuidor se todos possuírem a mesma coisa. Exemplo:
Betty and Bob’s house (a casa de Betty e bob)
b) coloca-se ‘s em todos os possuidores se cada um possuir sua própria coisa. Exemplo:
Mr. Gordon’s and Mr. Smith’s houses (a casa de sr. ordon e a do sr. smith)
2- Pode-se usar ‘s para indicar locais de moradia ou de trabalho, sem mencionar a coisa possuída. Exemplos:
I was at John’s (house). (Eu estava na casa de John.)
Sally went to the doctor’s (office). (Sally foi para o consultório do médico.)
3- Usa-se ‘s em expresses de tempo. Exemplos:
tomorrow’s class (a aula de amanhã)
today’s program (o programa de hoje)
next year’s carnival (o carnaval do próximo ano)
4- Para indicar posse de coisas, geralmente não se usa o genitive case. Neste caso, usa-se a preposição of (a sequência das palavras é a mesma do português). Exemplo.
the leg of the table (a perna da mesa)
*É possível também a estrutura the table leg. Neste caso, observa-se que o primeiro elemento (table) qualifica o segundo (leg). 
The Ceremony of the Keys
 The English love tradition, and some of their traditions are very, very old. The tower of London, for example, was a prison for hundreds of years. Many kings, queens, and princes were there as prisoners.
Now the Crown Jewels are there. Every night, a beefeater brings the keys to the Governor. It is an important job. Soldiers go with him, to guard the keys. The beefeater, carrying a lantern marches to the Tower. He stops at the gate in front of the sentry who guards the Tower. Then the sentry says these words to the beefeater:
Sentry: Who comes there¿
Beefeater: The keys.
Sentry: Whose keys¿
Beefeater: Queen Elizabeth’s keys.
Sentry: Pass, Queen Elizabeth’s keys. All’s well.
Beefeater: God save the Queen!
Sentry: Amen!
 Some of these words are very old English words. A sentry and a beefeater said the same word a century ago! 
These sentences contain important words from “The Ceremony of the Keys”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- Elizabeth II is the ------------------ of England.
a) king b) queen c) prince d) princess e) governor
2- The Queen wears a --------------- as a symbol of royal power.
a) tower b) key c) crown d) word e) century
3- You need a key to --------------- a door.
a) carry b) bring c) save d) take place e) lock
4- We believe in -------------.
a) a lantern b) God c) a soldier d) a jewel 
e) centuries
5- “ -------------- jewels are those?” “Those are my jewels. They belong to me.”
a) Who b) What c) Whose d) Where e) When
6- A ---------------- is a soldier who guards the entrance to a building.
a) sentry b) prison c) prisoner d) job e) gate
7- Brasilia was inaugurated about twenty-five years -------------.
a) ago b) hundreds c) then d) another e) the same 
1- Write in English.
a) Os amigos de Mike estão na escola.
b) As carteiras dos professores estão quebradas.
c) O tio Sam e Bob visitou-os ontem.
d) A janela do apartamento está quebrada.
e) O vestido daquela mulher está muito apertado.
f) As namoradas de Tom e Bob vieram aqui.
INDEFINITEARTICLES (artigos indefinidos)
Os artigos indefinidos a ∕ an são usados somente com os countable nouns no singular, significando ‘um’ ou ‘uma’.
1- Usa-se o artigo a antes de:
a) palavras iniciadas por consoante. Exemplos:
a boy a tall man
a hospital a woman
a notebook a year
b) palavras iniciadas por vogal com som consonantal: U, EU, EW (som de /y/ ); e O (som de /w/). Exemplos:
a university a ewe
a uniform a one-dollar-bill
a European a useful object 
2- Usa-se o artigo an antes de:
a) palavras iniciadas por vogais. Exemplos:
an ant an old man
an intelligent boy an egg
an eraser an adult person 
b) consoantes que, quando soletradas, ficam com som vocálico. Exemplos:
an MP an X-ray
c) palavras iniciadas por H mudo. Exemplos:
an honest man an hour
*As palavras mais usadas que apresentam H inicial mudo são: heir, honest, honor e as derivadas dessas (heiress, honorable, hourglass, etc.)
*Não se usa a e an com os uncountable nouns ou com os countables nouns no plural.
3- Ambos os artigos são usados:
a) com um predicativo (profissão, nacionalidade, religião, etc.). Exemplos:
She is a lawyer.
Mark is an Englishman.
b) com nomes próprios, significando ‘um/uma tal de’. Exemplos:
A Mr. Smith wants to talk to you.
An Alice Cooper is waiting for you.
c) com exclamações formadas com what, desde de que a palavra que segue esteja no singular. Exemplos:
What a pity! What an intelligent girl!
d) com expressões de unidade de tempo, medida ou número. Exemplos:
five times a year
a thousand dollars
90 kilometers an hour
Late for School
Fred’s mother: “Do you hear me, Fred¿ Do you know it’s 9 o’clock already¿ Get up and go to school!”
Fred: “I don’t want to go to school.”
Fred’s mother: “But you have to go.”
Fred: “These teachers don’t understand me, and I don’t understand them either. The children, too. They don’t like me, and I don’t like them either. That school hates me, and I hate it too.”
Fred’s mother: “But you have to go.”
Fred (almost crying): “Why¿ Why do I have to go to school¿”
Fred’s mother: “Well, because you are fifty-five years old and you are the headmaster.” 
Right or wrong¿
Write R for Right after each sentence that is true. Write W for Wrong when the sentence is not true. Correct the false statements.
1- Fred wants to go to school. 
2- Fred is still in bed.
3- Fred’s mother goes to school.
4- The teachers understand Fred.
5- Fred understands the teachers.
6- The children like Fred.
7- Fred likes the children.
8- Fred is almost crying.
9- Fred studies at that school.
10- Fred is the principal master of that school.
1- Complete with a or an, if necessary.
a) Joe is ---------------- university student.
b) Joe’s wife is --------------- lawyer.
c) This is ----------------- one-story house.
d) There was -------------- egg on the table.
e) I need to drink ---------------- water, please.
f) Do you have --------------- cigarette¿
g) She has ---------------- excellent husband.
h) I’ll be there in --------------- hour.
i) He was considered --------------- hero during the war.
j) They need --------------- new glasses urgently.
k) Paul drank --------------- glass of wine at the party.
DEFINITE ARTICLE (artigo definido)
O artigo the (o, a, os, as) é usado com a maioria dos substantivos, no masculino ou no feminino, no singular ou no plural. Exemplos:
the boy ↔ the boys
the pen ↔ the pens
1- The é usado com:
a) substantivos especificados através de uma frase ou oração. Exemplo:
The rice that we produce is very good.
b) substantivos únicos na espécie. Exemplos:
the sun
the moon
the earth
c) instrumentos musicais. Exemplo:
I play the guitar and he plays the piano.
d) nomes de idiomas quando seguidos da palavra language. Exemplo:
My brother speaks English but my sister speaks the French language.
e) números ordinais. Exemplo:
This is the first time I come here.
f) com a palavra only, com sentido de ‘único’. Exemplo:
This is the only way.
g) nomes de rios, mares e oceanos. Exemplos:
the Amazon river
the Atlantic ocean
h) nomes de desertos e regiões, grupos de ilhas e lagos, e cadeias de montanhas. Exemplos:
the Sahara the Great lakes
the Riviera the Rocky Mountains
the Canary Islands the Niagara Falls
i) nomes geográficos compostos substantivo + of + substantivo. Exemplos:
the Gulf of Mexico
the city of Miami
j) nomes de países no plural ou compostos de adjetivo + of + substantivo. Exemplos:
the Netherlands the Soviet Union
the united states
Mas: Brazil, Italy, Germany, etc.
k) adjetivos usados como substantivos, indicando uma classe de pessoas. Exemplos:
the poor the dead
the rich the young
l) adjetivos no superlativo. Exemplos:
the oldest son
the most intelligent boy
m) dois comparativos, indicando um crescimento simultâneo: the + comparativo… the + comparativo…
(quanto mais… mais…). Exemplo:
The older Mary gets, the more beautiful she is.
n) sobrenomes no plural, referindo-se a todos os membros da família. Exemplos:
the Smiths
the Kennedys
2- The não é usado com:
a) substantivos usados em sentido genérico. Exemplo:
Water is essential for life.
b) nomes de idiomas desacompanhados da palavra language. Exemplo:
They speak Spanish very well.
c) nomes próprios acompanhados ou não de títulos. Exemplos:
Michael Jackson is a popular singer.
President Clinton will be in Europe next week.
d) nomes de refeições. Exemplo:
Dinner will be served in a few minutes.
Mas: The dinner that I had at the restaurant was excellent (pois se refere a um jantar específico).
e) pronomes possesssivos ou demonstrativos. Exemplos:
My teacher is here.
Those books are hers.
f) estações do ano, dias da semana e feriados. Exemplos:
Summer is a hot season.
Tomorrow will be Christmas.
Today is Friday.
Mas: The summer that I spent in Rio was great (pois se refere a um verão específico).
g) nomes de continentes e de cidades. Exemplos:
He visited Africa last year.
London is a beautiful city.
h) nomes de ruas, praças e parques. Exemplos:
There’s an English course on Getúlio Vargas Avenue.
They lived on Washington Street.
i) as palavras school, church, hospital, e prison quando os sentidos de estudar, rezar/orar, receber tratamento médico e ficar preso, respectivamente, estiverem subentendidos. Exemplos:
The boys went to school for their first class.
Mas: Suzy’s father went to the school to talk to the director (pois não está subentendidoo sentido de estudar).
A Kiss in the Dark
 In the compartment of a train traveling through England many years ago sat an army sergeant, a young soldier, an old lady, and a pretty young woman. The train entered a tunnel and for almost a minute, all was in darkness. Then the four people in the compartment heard a loud kiss, and immediately after that the sound of a violent slap. 
 When the train left the tunnel, they all looked at one another, but no one said a word. They continued traveling in perfect silence, but the sergeant had a black eye.
 “What a good girl she is!” thought the old lady looking at the young woman. “She has real character!”
 “How strange!” thought the young woman. “That sergeant kissed the old lady and not me!”
 “That soldier is really smart”, thought the sergeant. “He stole the kiss and she slapped me!” 
 “That was perfect!” the soldier thought. “I kissed the back of my hand, and finally had a chance to slap that stupid sergeant!”
These sentences contain important words from “A Kiss in the Dark”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- It’s 9:58 now. It’s ------------------ 10 o’clock.
a) all b) but c) almost d) through e) then
2- Jesus Christ taught us to love ------------------------.
a) no one b) the young woman c) one another
d) silently e) finally
3- No one ----------------- a sound. There was perfect silence.
a) looked b) had c) kissed d) heard e) thought
4- The opposite of stupid is -----------------------.
a) young b) pretty c) strange d) smart 
e) mysterious
5- There was no electricity. The room was in --------------.
a) the dark / complete darkness b) the army
c) a word d) a passenger e) a sound
6- The soldier insulted the sergeant, so he --------------- him in the face.
a) sat b) said c) slapped d) left e) happened
7- The sergeant slapped the soldier, so the soldier had a black ---------------.
a) hand b) eye c) kiss d) slap e) character
8- The thief ----------------- all the jewels and escaped.
a) admired b) preferred c) entered d) stole 
e) went through 
1- Complete with the, if necessary.
a) ----------- Amazon is ------------ widest river in ---------------- world.
b) I play ----------- guitar and my brother plays ---------- violin.
c) ----------- Mr. Taylor is ------------ best teacher I know.
d) ----------- coffee that I drank was too hot.
e) ----------- milk is good for us.
f) ------------ poor need help.
g) ------------ Millers visited ------------ Mexico, ---------- Canada and ------------- United States last year.
h) ------------ cheese that I bought was not very good.
i) ------------- Mary speaks ----------- Italian.
j) ------------- more he studies foreign languages, ----------- more he likes them.
k) Jonas had a serious accident. --------- his parents are taking him to ------------ hospital now.
l) I went to ---------- North America last year.
PRONOUNS (pronomes)
Personal pronouns (pronomes pessoais)
Os personal pronouns referem-se às pessoas do discurso (1ª, 2ª e 3ª), no singular e no plural. 
 I (1ª)
 you (2ª)
 Singular he
 she (3ª)
 we (1ª)
 Plural you (2ª)
 they (3ª)
1- Os subject personal pronouns funcionam como sujeito e são usados antes do verbo. Exemplos:
He came here at four o’clock.
I live in Chicago.
They study Math and Chemistry.
 2- Os object personal pronouns funcionam como objeto e são usados depois do verbo ou de uma preposição. Exemplos:
I saw him at school yesterday.
Martha invited me to go to the party with her.
Where are the boys¿ Have you seen them¿ 
*O pronome pessoal I é sempre escrito com letra maiúscula.
*O pronome you é usado para o singular (tu, você, o sr., a sra.) e para o plural (vós, vocês, os srs., as sras.).
*O pronome it é usado para coisas e animais no singular e nos seguintes casos:
a) para o bebê, quando se desconhece o sexo. Exemplo:
That baby is beautiful. It is very beautiful. 
b) com expressões de tempo e distância, e condições de clima e temperatura. Exemplos:
“What time is it¿” “It’s ten o’clock.”
It’s 480 kilometers to the nearest city.
It’s very cold today.
c) como sujeito de verbos impessoais. Exemplos:
It rains a lot in February.
It snowed in Moscow last week.
It seems difficult to reach there. 
It looks that we’ll have a party tonight.
*Os pronomes he / him e she / her podem relacionar-se a animais ou coisas, indicando afeição, afetividade. Exemplos:
This is my dog. He’s too smart.
That’s my little cat. I adore her.
England will do what she promised to do.
*Com o substantivo ship (navio, nau, caravela, etc.) devem ser usados os pronomes she e her. Exemplo:
She was a very old ship and her sails were torn.
*They e them são usadospara pessoas do sexo masculino ou feminino, coisas ou animais, no plural. Exemplos: 
Joe and Sam are my friends. They are very good friends.
Suzy and Mary are writers. They have just written a new book.
I had two cars but I sold them last month.
*Após uma comparação, usamos:
a) um object pronoun, no inglês informal. Exemplos:
She is taller than me.
Paul drives better than her.
b) um subject pronoun seguido do auxiliar no inglês formal. Exemplos:
She is taller than I am.
Paul drives better than she does. 
É possível omitir o auxiliar nas 1ª e 2ª pessoas. Exemplo: You have more time than me.
*Com pronomes indefinidos terminados em –one ou 
–body, usa-se:
a) He/him, em inglês formal. Exemplos:
If someone arrives, tell him I’ll come back soon.
Everybody speaks English here, doesn’t he¿ 
b) They/them, em inglês informal. Exemplos:
If someone arrives, tell them I’ll come back soon.
Everybody speaks English here, don’t they¿
My Mistake
 John and Bill were drinking beer and talking about their boyhood days. John was still single, but Bill was now a married man, although he didn’t seem to be very happy about it. Bill was explaining to his friend how one mistake, one single mistake, sometimes affected the whole life of a man, when his friend interrupted him. He was impressed by the strange appearance of a woman who was walking towards them. The woman was extremely fat and ugly. Besides, she was wearing an old-fashioned dress and she had a ridiculous hat on her head.
 “Who is that horrible monster¿” John asked his friend.
 “It’s my wife,” answered Bill, in a low voice.
 John was very upset and began to apologize for his mistake.
 “It’s not your mistake, my friend,” said Bill. “It’s mine.”
These sentences contain important words from “My Mistake”. Choose the words that correctly complete 
 each sentence.
1- The two friends were ------------------ beer at a bar.
a) drinking b) talking c) walking d) explaining e) meaning
2- My wife was wearing a be
autiful --------------------.
a) life b) woman c) voice d) mistake e) dress
3- She was also wearing a beautiful -------------------.
a) head b) husband c) hat d) appearance
e) boyhood
4- This coat is too big for you. ------------- , it’s expensive. 
a) But b) Besides c) Both d) Sometimes 
e) Towards 
5- He sometimes made mistakes, but he ---------------- for them.
a) apologized b) affected c) seemed d) impressed
e) began 
6- Where did you find those --------------------- clothes¿
In a museum¿
a) happy b) fat c) low d) married e) old-fashioned
7- -------- it was raining, they wanted to go to the beach.
a) Although b)Still c) Because d) How e) Extremely
8- We are very -------------- about that tragedy.
a) ugly b) whole c) thin d) upset e) single
1- Rewrite the following sentences using personal pronouns.
a) Mary likes Paul very much.
b) You and I are close friends.
c) Tom called Sally last night.
d) The children went home a few minutes ago.
e) Mike and you danced with the girls.
f) Tom’s aunt gave a present to her husband.
g) john told Julie and I to go with his family.
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES AND POSSESIVE PRONOUNS (adjetivos possessivos e pronomes possessivos)
	Possessive Adjectives
	Possessive Pronouns
1- Os possessive adjectives relacionam-se às pessoas do discurso emu ma situação de posse e são sempre seguidos de um substantivo. Exemplos:
I bought my apartment last year.
Mary does her exercises at night.
The girls helped their mother in the kitchen.
2- Os possessive pronouns também relacionam-se às pessoas do discurso, mas nunca são seguidos de um substantivo. Eles substituem a construção possessive adjective + substantivo. Exemplos:
I did my homework and Helen did hers (= her homework). 
You lend your money but we don’t lend ours (= our money).
“Where’s your book¿” “Mine (= my book) is on the table.”
possessive pronoun*Existe ainda outra estrutura para indicar posse, chamada double possessive. Forma-se da seguinte maneira: 
Mike is a friend of mine (= one of my friends).
That is a book of hers (= one of her books).
*Os pronomes indefinidos terminados em –one ou
 –body, concordam com his (em linguagem formal) e their/theirs (em linguagem informal). Exemplos:
Everybody did his exercises yesterday.
Everybody did their exercises yesterday. 
Archie’s Mistake
 Archie MacDonald is a typical Scotsman. Archie’s favorite drink is whiskey, on special occasions he wears a kilt, and he likes to play the bagpipes. He is married and has four children. The boys’ names are Jock and Robin, the girls’ names are Mary and Margaret. The MacDonald’s house is near Edinburgh, Scotland’s beautiful capital.
 Archie MacDonald hates to spend his money. In Archie’s case this love of money is something very special, as Archie’s money is never exactly his. You see, Archie’s occupation is rather unusual – he is a thief.
 One day, Archie decided to rob Asprey’s, a famous jeweler’s in Edinburgh. Archie’s plan was very simple: he just through a brick at the shop window one rainy night and stole all the jewels in it: gold watches, pearl necklaces, silver coins, everything.
 The police immediately started to look for the thief. They didn’t have to go far. They caught Archie the next morning, in front of the jeweler’s, when he came back to recover his brick.
 These sentences contain important words from “Archie’s Mistake”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- --------------- is a yellow precious metal.
a) Gold b) Silver c) Pearl d) Brick e) Stone
2- We can see jewels in the ------------------ of a jeweler’s.
a) plan b) occupation c) country d) shop window
e) meat
3- The police are ---------------------the thief. They are trying to find him.
a) hating b) losing c) spending d) stealing 
e) looking for
4- The thief -------------- all the jewels, but the police ------------ caught him immediately.
a) stole/caught b) threw/came back c) robbed/married 
d) recovered/started e) loved/liked
5- The opposite of generous is -----------------------.
a) typical b) simple c) mean d) far e) beautiful
6- People in Scotland wear a -------------, drink -------------, and like to hear the ---------------------.
a) kilt/whiskey/bagpipes b) jewel/silver/coins
c) necklace/gold/watches d) pearl/brick/stories
7- We decided to stay at home -------- it was a rainy night.
a) as b) exactly c) never d) sometimes 
e) everything
8- Do you believe in the ---------------- inferiority of women¿
a) so-called b) friendly c) next d) unusual 
e) valuable
9- I called -------------- to hear your voice.
a) just b) in fact c) near d) of course e) rather
1- Complete with possessive adjectives or pronouns.
a) This is Susan’s car but that one is not ------------.
b) “Is this your book¿” “Yes, it’s --------------------.”
c) My mother has a school. -------------- school is big.
d) The apartment belongs to me. It’s ------- apartment.
e) That is Helen and Jim’s house. It’s --------------- house.
f) The dog is eating ----------- food at the moment.
g) “Is this Bob’s office¿” “Yes, it’s -------------- .
h) “Do those stamps belong to your brother and you¿” “Yes, they are ------------------- .”
DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES AND DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS (adjetivos demonstrativos e pronomes demonstrativos)
	this that
	these those
1- This e these são usados para referir-se a algo ou alguém próximo daquele que fala.
2- That e those são usados para referir-se a algo ou a alguém que está longe daquele que fala.
This is a book and that is a pen.
These are my brothers and those are Mary’s.
Four Little letters
 A professor of Yale university, a famous private university in the United States, was visiting England. Once, after an academic dinner at the University of Oxford, he more or less invited himself to make a speech.
 “As you know,” he began, “I come from Yale, and I want to make my speech around those four little letters.”
 “Y,” said he, “stands for Youth: our society is a young one…” And he talked about Youth for fifteen minutes.
 “Now A,” he said, “is for Ambition, the great American virtue…” And he spoke for twenty minutes on Ambition.
 “L stands for Learning,” he continued, and gave fifteen more minutes to Learning.
 “And E for that great institution, Education…” And he spoke twenty minutes on Education. He finally sat down and asked his neighbor’s opinion about the speech.
 “The speech itself was very good,” was the answer, “but we are glad that you are not from Massachusetts Institute of Technology.”
In this exercise you must complete the sentences using words extracted from “Four little Letters”.
1- “A” is the first ---------------- of the alphabet.
a) subject b) letter c) dinner d) society 
e) opportunity
2- A friend of mine gave a party last week. He ------------- all his friends.
a) began b) talked c) spoke d) invited
e) asked
3- Gandhi was a --------------- man (he was not big), but he was a great man.
a) favorite/glad b) long/good c) little/great
d) small/young e) great/ambitious
4- As you know, the green in the Brazilian flag ----------------- our forests.
a) stands for b) listens to c) knows d) comes from
e) enjoys
5- John and I live next door to each other. We are ---------------.
a) virtues b) answers c) speeches d) opinions
e) neighbors
6- In my -------------- (when I was young) I had many ambitions. Now I have very few.
a) learning b) youthc) modesty d) institution
e) education
7- A friend of mine hates whiskey. He likes ----------------- drink except whiskey.
a) any other b) not many c) very few d) more or less
e) around
1- Complete with this, that, these or those.
a) -------------- my first year in -------------- school.
b) -------------- birds over there are eagles.
c) -------------- car across the street is mine.
d) ------------- are my fingers. -------------- are yours.
REFLEXIVE AND EMPHASIZING PRONOUNS (pronomes reflexivos e de ênfase)
1- Para indicar uma ação reflexiva, isto é, que recai sobre o sujeito. Neste caso, são usados após o verbo. Exemplos:
I hurt myself during the game last night.
Helen cut herself in the kitchen this morning.
2- Para dar ênfase. Neste caso, são usados após o sujeito ou no final da oração, significando ‘mesmo(a)/os(as)’. Exemplos: 
I myself drive my car.
We ourselves solved that problem.
I drive my car myself.
We solved that problem ourselves.
*É possível dar ênfase a outro elemento na frase. Exemplo: I spoke to the president himself. 
3- Acompanhados da preposição by, possuem o significado de ‘sozinho’ ou ‘por si só’, ou ainda ‘por conta própria’. 
Exemplo: Peter likes to travel by himself.
Em orações no imperativo, usa-se yourself para o singular e yourselves para o plural. Exemplos: 
Mary, look at yourself in the mirror!
Children, enjoy yourselves!
 Como Muito¿
 The American tourist had little money on him (just a few dollars) as he knew that there were a lot of thieves in that area. He walked for some minutes and then entered a little restaurant near his hotel. There were a lot of people in the restaurant, and there weren’t many tables, but he finally found a free table near the kitchen.
 He looked at the menu. There were a lot of dishes with complicated names, but the tourist had little trouble in finding the name of that famous Brazilian dish: “feijoada”. He didn’t eat much (there was too much salt in the beans) and after finishing dinner he decided to “practice” his Portuguese. He took a small dictionary out of his pocket and looked up the word “how”. Naturally, he found “como”. Next, he looked up “much” and found “muito”.
 “I can’t understand why so many Americans find Portuguese difficult,” he thought to himself. The waiter was near him, so the tourist touched him in the arm and asked with a smile: “Como muito¿”
These sentences contain important words from “Como Muito¿” Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- A person who serves food at the tables in a restaurant is a ---------------------------.
a) salt b) language c) meal d) waiter e) thief
2- They ------------ gold in Serra Pelada some years ago.
a) walked b) entered c) thought d) found e) asked
3- She ordered rice and beans for dinner. I ordered rice and beans too. We ordered -------------------- dish.
a) some b) the same c) just a few d) the next
e) a free
4- very ----------- people are able to speak a foreign language perfectly.
a) a few b) few c) little d) a lot of e) so many
5- The children understood that problem without any ----------------.
a) trouble b) dishes c) pocket d) smile e) arm
6- He was all ----------------- in a corner of the room. He was alone there.
a) to himself b) free c) difficult d) able 
e) by himself
7- We looked at the menu. ----------------, we weren’t able to understand it.
a) Then b) Next c) Near d) How much e) However
8- I didn’t know the meaning of that word, so I ---------------------------- in the dictionary.
a) looked at it b) took it out c) looked it up
d) touched it e) had it
1- Complete with reflexive or emphasizing pronouns.
a) I ---------------------- want to go there.
b) Be careful or you will cut ----------------------- , Jimmy.
c) Margareth saw ---------------------- in the mirror.
d) He made the cake ------------------------.
e) That woman lives by -----------------------.
f) The players hurt ----------------------- in the football game.
g) We -------------------- should answer these questions.
h) behave ---------------------- , boys!
i) The monkey ---------------------- ate all these bananas.
j) Mr. Anderson is blaming ------------------- for the accident.
what – o que, qual, quais
what time – que horas
what for – para que
which – qual (indica escolha e pode ser acompanhado de of)
who – quem
whose – de quem
when – quando
why – por que
where – onde, aonde
how – como
how old – qual a idade, quantos anos
how much – quanto(a)
how many – quantos(as)
how big/large – qual o tamanho, de que tamanho
how tall – qual a altura (para pessoas e algumas coisas)
how high – qual a altura (só para coisas)
how long – quanto tempo, qual o comprimento
how far – qual a distância
how wide – qual a largura
how deep – qual a profundidade
how often – com que frequência, qual a frequência
What would you like to see now¿
Which do you like best¿
which of those books would you like to read¿
Why are you so sad today¿
Whose apartment is that¿
How much money have you got¿
How many girls are there in your classroom¿
How tall are you¿
How long have you studied English¿
How far is it from here to Canada¿
How often do you go out for dinner¿
*Quando os pronomes what, which e who forem sujeito numa oração interrogativa, não há verbo auxiliar. Exemplos:
What happened to you¿
Who came here this morning¿
Everything is “O.K.”
 One of the stories about the origin of “O.K.” is about an old Indian chief with a very strange name. 
The Americans were not able to say it, but it was something similar to “O.K.”. This Indian was very friendly and accepted everything the American colonists said. So, every time they wanted to say everything was correct, they said it was ”O.K.”.
 But experts who study old Greek texts have another theory. Hundreds of years ago, every Greek teacher wrote “Ola” (Everything) “Kala” (Good) or simply “O.K.” at the end of any school paper which didn’t have any mistakes.
 From ancient Greece to America and from there to the rest of the world. At least the world agrees on something – two little letters!
These sentences contain important words from Everything is “O.K.”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- Adele is very popular. ---------------------- knows her.
a) Everybody b) Nobody c) Everything 
d) Everywhere e) Something
2- Every good student studies -------------- an hour a day.
a) at last b) sure c) at least d) every time
e) certainly
3- Oscar Niemeyer was ----------------- in architecture.
a) world b) expert c) school paper 
d) mistake e) end
4- Aristotle and Socrates lived in --------------- Greece.
a) ancient b) interesting c) modern
d) friendly e) able
5- ----------- Brazilian knows who Pelé is.
a) None b) No c) Some d) Anybody e) Any
6- Everybody accepts your plan. Everybody --------------- your plan.
a) comes from b) asks c) wrote D) agrees on
e) said
7- A mule is -------------------- to a donkey.
a) Greek b) strange c) similar to d) simply
e) fine
1- Complete with the correct interrogative words.
a) “------------- are you¿” “I’m Joseph.” 
b) “------------- do you live¿” “I live in Rio.”
c) “------------- are you today¿” “I’m fine thanks.”
d) “------------- is your birthday¿” “On January the first.”
e) “------------- are you¿” “I’m 17.”
f) “-------------- do you do¿” “I’m a student.”
g) “-------------sisters do you have¿” “I have only one.”
h) “------------- are you here¿” “Because I’d like to get a job.”
i) “-------------- curriculum is this¿” “It’s mine, sir.”
j) “-------------- would you like to earn¿” “ $ 200.”
RELATIVE PRONOUNS (pronomes relativos)
São usados para relacionar dois elementos e concordam com a palavra que vem antes deles, ou seja, o antecedente.
1- Quando o antecedente for pessoa usa-se:
a) who ou that se a função do pronome for de sujeito (seguido de verbo). Exemplo:
This is the girl who/that likes classical music.
b) who, whom, that ou omite-se o pronome se a função for de objeto (não seguido de verbo). Exemplo:
Those are the people who/whom/that/ Mary invited to her party.
c) whom se houver uma preposição antes do pronome. Exemplo:
Peter was the boy with whom she went out for dinner.
2- Quando o antecedente for coisa ou animal usa-se:
a) which ou that se a função do pronome for de sujeito. Exemplo:
The house which/that belongs to Mary is very comfortable.
b) which, that ou omite-se o pronome se a função for de objeto. Exemplo:
All the courses which/that/ I had at the university were good.
c) which se houver uma preposição antes do pronome. Exemplo:
The city in which they live is very small.
*Nesse caso, pode ser substituído por where. Exemplo:
The city where they live is very small.
Não se usa that nem se omite o pronome quando a oração estiver entre vírgulas (isto é, quando for uma oração adjetiva explicativa). Exemplos:
This book, which I bought yesterday, is really good.
Mr. Taylor, who is an engineer, works for General Motors.
3- O pronome whose significa ‘cujo(s)’, ‘cuja(s)’. É sempre seguido de um substantivo e, embora seja possível utilizá-lo com um antecedente referente a objetos, é mais usado para pessoas. Exemplos:
The woman whose husband works for me is Mrs. Brown.
That is the book whose cover is torn.
For his Eyes Only
 At the age of eighteen uncle William joined the army. But the idea of spending a whole year of his life in the army wasn’t a very pleasant one, so when the army eye-specialist called his name Uncle William decided to pretend that he could not see well. When the doctor told him to read a chart, he said:
 “What chart¿ I can’t see any chart!”
 The doctor then pointed to a chair and said: “Just sit down in that chair in front of the wall.”
 “What chair¿ What wall¿” asked my uncle with a puzzled expression.
 The eye-specialist then told my uncle he could go. He said the army could not accept blind people. Uncle William was then free from military service because of poor eyesight.
 My uncle was very happy and decided to celebrate by going to a nearby cinema. The film was excellent and he enjoyed it immensely, but at the end my uncle had an unpleasant surprise: that army eye-specialist was sitting next to him, his face red with anger.
 Before the doctor could open his mouth Uncle William touched him in the arm and said: “Excuse me, madam, can you tell me if this bus goes to New York¿”
These sentences contain important words from “For his Eyes Only”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- People who can’t see are ------------------------.
a) happy b) blind c) true d) eye-specialist 
e) quick
2- --------------- may cause violence.
a) Eyesight b) Anger c) Surprise d) Wall 
e) Chart
3- The actor ----------------- to be crying, but he wasn’t, of course.
a) said b) asked c) told d) accepted 
e) pretended
4- Pilots can drive really ----------------------.
a) fast b) just c) next to d) in front of e) angry
5- It rained the ---------------- day yesterday. It rained for twenty-four hours.
a) free b) poor c) well d) whole e) red
6- At the age of eighteen Brazilian boys ------------- the army.
a) join b) sit down c) think d) spend e) read
7- We couldn’t find a solution to that problem. We were all ----------------.
a) nearby b) puzzled c) pleasant d) unpleasant
e) clever
8- we ---------------------- the show immensely. We ------------------------ ourselves immensely there. (Fill both blanks with the same verb.)
a) enjoyed b) touched c) believed d) called
e) pointed to
1- Complete with the correct relative pronoun.
a) This the woman ----------------- caused that accident.
b) Do you know the girl -------------- called me¿
c) Did you see the magazines -------------- were here¿
d) The teacher ---------------- I met is Mr. Brown.
e) The woman --------------- dress is black is sally.
f) That is the only person in ------------- I trust.
g) That is the newspaper in -------------- you were mentioned.
h) The record -------------------- I bought is excellent.
i) Who is the lawyer with ------------- you spoke¿
j) They are the doctors --------------- I’d like to meet.
1- Some (algum; alguma; alguns; algumas) e derivados são usados:
a) em orações afirmativas. Exemplos:
He has something to give you.
I need to go somewhere tonight.
b) em orações interrogativas quando se espera uma resposta afirmativa ou em orações que indiquem uma sugestão, oferecimento ou pedido. Exemplos:
Would you like some coffee¿
Would you like somebody to help you¿
2- Any (qualquer; algum; nenhum) e derivados são usados:
a) em orações afirmativas. Exemplos:
Eat any fruit you want.
You can buy anything you need here.
Anybody is able to do this exercise.
b) em orações interrogativas. Exemplos:
Have you got any questions¿
Did you say anything¿
Did anyone called me today¿
c) em orações negativas. Exemplos:
I don’t want any help from you.
Mary didn’t dance with anybody yesterday.
They haven’t gone anywhere lately.
nobody/no one
3- No (nenhum) e derivados são usados em orações com sentido negativo, mas com o verbo na afirmativa, pois a negação está no próprio quantitative adjective ou quantitative pronoun. Exemplos:
She has no money with her at the moment.
Nobody knows where Peggy is now.
My friends have nowhere to go this weekend.
4- Every (cada, todo) e derivados são usados tanto em orações afirmativas como negativas e interrogativas. Exemplos:
I looked for you everywhere last week.
Unfortunately I didn’t buy everything I needed last month.
Did everybody have fun on their vacation¿
*Quando os quantitative pronouns são sujeito em orações afirmativas, são seguidos de verbo na 3ª pessoa do singular. Exemplos:
Everybody is happy today.
Nobody knows where you are.
*None significa ‘nenhum’. Não confundir com no one (ninguém). None equivale a no + substantivo. Compare estas duas respostas:
“Do you have any money¿”
“No, I have no money.”
“No, I have none.”
Fasten your Seat Belts
 The passengers know they are going to land soon. They can now here the captain’s voice over the loudspeaker: “Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. This is your captain, Captain Doolittle, speaking. We will be landing at Houston Airport in a few minutes. I wish you a pleasant stay in Houston and I have a surprise for you. I am sure you will like it. Well, after a very long career I am finally going to retire. This will be my last landing and I will make it something very special.
We are all going to celebrate. You will never forget it. So, will you fasten your seat belts, please¿”
 In a few seconds the plane was flying down, up, back, down,and then along again. And after that perfect loop Captain Doolittle made the aircraft land smoothly and safely.
 The passengers and the crew shouted enthusiastically: “Well done!” “Wonderful!” and they all clapped their hands. everybody was happy except a little man who was standing in the aisle at the back of the plane. he had a very sad expression and he was all wet, as from rain.
 “What a wonderful landing!” said one of the passengers near him. 
 “Oh, I suppose it was,” said the little man, “but it was a bad thing that I was in the toilet.”
In this exercise you must complete the sentences using words extracted from “Fasten your Seat Belts”.
1- It was raining and I had no umbrella. I was all --------.
a) sure b) pleasant c) wet d) wonderful e) bad
2- All the people working on a plane are the ------------.
a) crew b) career d) passengers d) ladies
e) gentlemen
3- It was a perfect landing. The jet plane landed ------------------------.
a) enthusiastically b) smoothly and safely
c) well done d) a few e) as from
4- My father ---------------- (he stopped working) at the age of 65.
a) celebrated b) showed c) retired d) wished
e) shouted
5- The passage between the rows of seats in a cinema or a plane is -------------------.
a) an aircraft b) a seat belt c) a loudspeaker
d) an aisle e) a stay
6- The captain told the passengers to --------------- their ----------------------- and not to smoke.
a) fasten/seat belts b) hear/voice c) forget/stay
d) fly/flags e) clap/hands
7- All the seats were occupied, so he was ----------------- in the back of the room.
a) standing b) landing c) staying d) sitting
e) flying
8- In a normal flight the aircraft flies ---------------- the sky most of the time.
a) near b) up c) down d) along e) back
1- Complete with the correct quantitative adjective or pronoun.
a) The dog is barking. There must be ---------------- nearby.
b) “Would you like to eat --------------¿” “No, I don’t want -----------------.”
c) “Are there --------------- cokes here¿” “No, there aren’t.”
d) he’s not thirsty. He wants to drink ------------------.
e) I bought ---------------- cookies for you.
f) ------------------- in the classroom could answer that exercise. It was too difficult.
g) I didn’t find my dictionary but it must be -------------- around here.
h) listen, ------------------ is knocking on the door.
i) ----------------- comes to him who waits. (proverb)
j) When I got home last night I was very hungry, so I wanted to eat ---------------- but there was -------------- food left.
A Sweet Demonstration
 A diabetic has too much in his blood as well as in his urine. The fact that diabetic urine is sweet to the taste was often used amusingly by Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, a distinguished American physician who was also famous as a poet, in his lectures to Harvard medical students.
 He used to point to a beaker of urine on the table and say: “Now I will demonstrate that urine can be sweet.” Then he would dip his finger into the beaker and taste. After that he would say: “Gentlemen, would you do the same, please¿”
 After the demonstration Holmes would smile and then show his disappointment. “You lack observation, gentlemen – a highly important factor in medical diagnosis”, he would say. “I said I would demonstrate that urine could be sweet, and you did not note that I put my index finger in the beaker but tasted my middle finger instead.”
In this exercise you must complete the sentences using words extracted from “A sweet Demonstration”.
1- The sun gives us light and --------------------.
a) aim b) heat c) hormones d) middle finger
e) index finger
2- That young man ------------------ experience for the job.
a) lacks b) functions c) tastes d) says e) puts
3- they speak English ------------------ French in Canada.
a) also b) properly c) as well as d) then 
e) simply
4- professor Clarke often gave ---------------- in the auditorium.
a) lectures b) sugars c) taste d) poetry 
e) disappointment
5- They do not -------------- smoking here. So, please don’t smoke.
a) maintain b) note c) show d) ask e) allow
6- My father ------------------ play soccer as a boy. now he’s too old for that.
a) used to b) smiled c) suffered from d) produced
e) discovered
7- The baby ------------------- her hand into the soup.
a) converted b) dipped c) amused d) pointed to
e) knew
8- ------------- of water is a serious problem in this city.
a) Kind b) Lack c) Blood d) Bloodstream
e) Glass
9- A ---------------- is a doctor of medicine.
a) gland b) gentlemen c) physician d) level
e) diagnosis
10- It was very late, -------------------- we stayed at home.
a) too much b) amusingly c) the same d) highly
e) therefore
 “Travelers would finish their journeys before dark. If they can’t they should carry a piece of bread with salt on it. If you are a farmer, you should leave a candle burning all night in the barn. You also ought to close the doors and windows of your house very carefully.”
 Until early in this century, some people in certain country areas of Britain remembered these instructions on October 31st. This day is called Halloween, the time of witches and ghosts. Some people believed that after dark a traveler might meet a supernatural being. This spirit might take him to the other world. However, if he carried a piece of bread with salt on it, he would be protected. Evil spirits might try to harm the milk in the cows. The candle protected them. You ought to remember to close all doors and windows. If not, spirits might enter the house and never leave it.
 Halloween was originally a Celtic festival, and it is still celebrated, mainly by children, in some parts of Britain as well as in most of the United States.
These sentences contain important words from “Halloween”. Choose the words that correctly complete each sentence.
1- A ---------------- is a period of one hundred years.
a) country b) century c) journey d) light 
e) country area
2- ---------------- produce milk.
a) Barns b) Evil spirits c) Cows d) Salt 
e) The dark
3- There was no electricity, so I asked for a ---------------.
a) sunset b) meal c) piece of bread d) evening
e) candle
4- Cows --------------- fly.
a) should b) ought to c) can’t d) might e) would
5- Paper ---------------- easily.
a) remembers b) believes c) burns d) closes
e) leaves
6- Children love the story of “Plutt, the little ------------.
a) witch b) ghost c) farmer d) traveler
e) being
7- There are a lot of Japanese in Brazil, ----------------- in São Paulo.
a) carefully b) as well as c) early d) mainly
e) still
8- don’t be afraid. the dog won’t -------------- you.
a) protect b) call c) harm d) meet e) carry
9- They live in Copacabana. ---------------- , they seldom go to the beach.
a) Until b) However c) Most of d) Once
e) Inside
10- I know the problem is difficult, but I’ll ---------- again.
a) follow b) finish c) happen d) enter e) try 
VERBS (verbos)
KINDS OF VERBS (tipos de verbos)
Os verbos em inglês podem ser de três tipos: ordinary (comuns), auxiliary (auxiliaries) e modal (modais). 
Os ordinary verbs são aqueles verbos que indicam ação, estado, movimento, sentimento, etc. Eles possuem as formas vebais do infinitive (infinitivo), past participle (particípio passado) e –ing forms (gerund and present participle) (gerúndio e particípio presente) e são divididos em dois grupos:REGULAR VERBS (verbos regulares)
São verbos que possuem a terminação –ed no past e no past participle. Exemplos:
to blush – blushed – blushed (ruborizar)
to call – called – called (chamar, ligar)
to develop – developed – developed (desenvolver)
to lock – locked – locked (tramcar)
to play – played – played (tocar, brincar, jogar)
to push – pushed – pushed (empurrar)
to rest – rested – rested (descansar)
to stay – stayed – stayed (ficar, permanecer)
to travel – traveled – traveled (viajar)
to work – worked – worked (trabalhar)
Notas ortográficas relativas ao past e ao past participle:
*Verbos terminados em E recebem apenas –d. Exemplo: 
to dance – danced – danced (dançar)
*Verbos terminados em Y precedido de consoante trocam o Y por I e recebem –ed. Exemplos:
to cry – cried – cried (chorar, gritar)
to worry – worried – worried (peocupar-se) 
*aos verbos terminados em C, acrescenta-se K e depois –ed. Exemplos:
to mimic – mimicked – mimicked (imitar)
to traffic – trafficked – trafficked (traficar)
*Verbos monossílabos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante (exceto X, Y e W) dobram a consoante final e recebem –ed. Exemplos:
to kid – kidded – kidded (zombar, coçoar)
to slip – slipped – slipped (escorregar)
Mas: to fix – fixed – fixed (consertar)
*Verbos dissílabos terminados em consoante + vogal + consoante também dobram a consoante final e recebem –ed. Exemplos:
to permit – permitted – permitted (permitir0
to prefer – preferred – preferred (preferir)
Mas: to offer – offered – offered (oferecer), pois a sílaba tônica é a primeira.
*Em inglês britânico, é comum dobrar a consoante final (principalmente L e M) mesmo que a sílaba tônica seja a primeira. Exemplos:
to travel – travelled (britânico), traveled (americano)
to program – programmed (britânico), programmed (americano)
IRREGULAR VERBS (verbos irregulares)
São os verbos que não formam o past e o past participle com o acréscimo de –ed conjuntamente. De modo geral, os verbos irregulares podem apresentar:
a) a mesma forma no infinitive, past e past participle. Exemplos:
to bet – bet – bet (apostar)
to cut – cut – cut (cortar)
to hurt – hurt – hurt (machucar)
to let – let – let (deixar, permitir)
to shut – shut – shut (trancar)
to spread – spread – spread (espalhar)
b) a mesma forma no past e past participle.
to bleed – bled – bled (sangrar)
to hold – held – held (segurar)
to lead – led – led (conduzir)
to make – made – made (fazer)
to meet – met – met (encontrar, conhecer)
to say – said – said (dizer)
to sleep – slept – slept (dormir)
to weep – wept – wept (chorar)
c) as três formas diferentes.
to be – was/were – been (ser, estar)
to break – broke – broken (quebrar)
to give – gave – given (dar)
to freeze – froze – frozen (congelar)
to forget – forgot – forgotten (esquecer)
to shake – shook – shaken (sacudir, agitar)
to sing – sang – sung (cantar)
to take – took – taken (tomar)
to write – wrote – written (escrever)
Obs.: mais adiante será fornecida uma lista dos verbos irregulars mais usados.
Drinks on the House
 A man entered a pub one very cold night. “Good evening, sir,” said the owner of the pub. “You must be cold. What will you have¿”
 “Thank you, a whiskey,” said the man.
 The man drank the whiskey and was preparing to leave when the owner of the pub asked for payment. “Now you must pay,” he said. 
 “Oh, no,” said the man, “I don’t have to pay. I remember very well – you invited me to have a drink. I thought it was very kind of you.”
 The owner of the pub turned to the only other customer present, who was a lawyer, and asked for support. The lawyer thought for a moment and said: “I must agree with the man. He’s right, you know. There was an offer and acceptance. Legally, that’s a contract.”
 The owner of the pub, furious, ordered the man out of his pub. “You mustn’t come here again!” he shouted.
 Five minutes later the man returned.
 “I said you mustn’t come here again!” shouted the owner of the pub, his face red with anger.
 “You must be mad. This is the first time I visit a pub,” said the man, in a very calm voice.
 The owner of the pub, with a puzzled expression said: “Well, I must apologize then. All I can say you must have a double!”
 “Thanks very much,” said the man, with a smile, “and we mustn’t forget our lawyer friend here. He must be thirsty. I’m sure he’ll have one too.”
Refer to the text and answer the following questions. 
1- Do English words have more than one meaning¿
2- What do I mean if I say my brother is my double¿
3- When the man in the story enter the pub¿
4- What did the man do after he drank the whiskey¿
5- Did the man refuse to pay¿
6- Was there another customer in the pub¿ What was he¿
7- Was the man legally right or wrong¿
8- Did the man return to the pub¿ When did he do that¿
9- The owner of the pub said, “You must have a double.” Did he think he was talking to the same man or to another person exactly like him¿
10- Was there another “offer and acceptance” at the end of the story¿
1- Write the following verbs in the past.
a) to sleep ---------------- b) to sing -------------------
c) to vomit --------------- d) to open ------------------
e) to omit ---------------- f) to hit -----------------
g) to hurt ------------------ h) to close ----------------
i) to sit ----------------- j) to skip ------------------
k) to wish ---------------- l) to pretend ----------------
m) to intend --------------- n) to try ----------------
o) to do ----------------- p) to panic ----------------
q) to mix --------------- r) to stand -----------------
s) to draw --------------- t) to walk ----------------
AUXILIARY VERBS (verbos auxiliares)
Os auxiliary verbs são utilizados com os ordinary verbs na formação dos tempos verbais.
to be (ser, estar)
Auxiliar usado na formação dos continuous tenses (tempos contínuos). Exemplos:
He is studying verbs now.
The children were sleeping when I got home.
Obs.: To be pode ser o verbo principal da oração, ou seja, um ordinary verb. Exemplo:
She is an excellent lawyer.
to do (como auxiliar não possui tradução para o português)
Auxiliar usado nas formas negativa e interrogativa do simple present (presente simples) e do simple past (passado simples):
a) simple present – do, does. Exemplos:
Do you speak English fluently¿
Does Bob study with you¿
They don’t like to study anything.
b) simple past – did. Exemplos:
Did you see your cousin yesterday¿
Did tom dance a lot last night¿
They didn’t come here last week.
Pamela didn’t behave well at the class.
To do pode ainda ser o verbo principal de uma oração significando ‘fazer’. Exemplo:
I did my homework yesterday.
to have – ter
Auxiliar usado na formação dos perfect tenses (tempos perfeitos). Exemplos:
I have studied a lot lately.
Have you finished your homework¿
To have também pode ser o verbo principal de uma oração, significando ‘ter’, ‘possuir’. Exemplos;
She has a new car.
Do you have any money¿
She doesn’t have a big house.

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