
teste aula 04

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23/03/2018 Conteúdo Interativo
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Exercício: CEL0550_EX_A4_201701048787_V1 23/03/2018 01:26:32 (Finalizada)
Disciplina: CEL0550 - LEITURA E REDAÇÃO EM LÍNGUA INGLESA 201701048787
Ref.: 201701858353
 1a Questão
Which reading strategy would be used for a telephone directory?
Detailed Reading
Ref.: 201701063637
 2a Questão
Leia o texto com atenção e assinale a razão apontada para o autor como sendo a responsável por manter a religião
viva no coração humano. .
World Religions
 From the earliest known the evidence of human religion by Homo sapiens neanderthalensis around 100,000 years ago
to the present day, religion continues to be a very influential aspect of human lives. Today, there are numerous
challenges and problems faced by humans from every possible background, location and social class. Every day people
must face issues of health, safety and mortality. It is because of these daily challenges that religion continues to exist.
Religion is the universal tool for explaining things which we do not understand through the context the known physical
world. Although there are countless religions, each different from the other, they all serve the same purpose. Each
answers questions which all humans seem to be programmed to ask: Why are we here?
Violence and stress motivgate people to look for comfort in religion.
Different backgrounds are a plausible reason.
Religion can explain things that cannot be understood by human mind.
 Everyday challenges and problems faced by humans.
Fear from eternal damnation make people run to churches.
Ref.: 201701065301
 3a Questão
 Mark the alternative in which all the words are formed by adding a prefix to a root word: (Marque a alternativa em que
todas as palavras são formadas pelo adição de um adjetivo a um radical)
angry, mad, furious, inflamed
carpenter, wood, hammer, nail
 coordinate, hemisphere, ultraviolet
had, head; their, there; sale, sail
clearish, chairs, won¿t, obligation

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