
ui 1[2] homework answers

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UI-1[2] Homework Answers 
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Part A 
1. e 
2. c 
3. d 
4. a 
5. b 
Part B 
Student’s own answers. 
Part C 
1. Hey, I haven’t seen you here before. Are you new? 
2. Looks like class is about to start. Nice talking to you! 
3. Well, I’d better get going. It’s getting late…. 
4. Ok, I’d better get back to work. 
5. Pleased to meet you. How was your flight? 
6. Thanks for your help. See you later. 
7. So, how do you know Dana? 
8. Sorry to bother you, but how does this machine work? 
9. Good morning! How was your weekend? 
10. Good luck with the meetings. Please feel free to call if you need anything. 
Part D 
1. depressing 
2. boring 
3. amused 
4. embarrassing 
5. astonished 
6. frightened 
Part E 
1. interested 
2. exciting 
3. satisfied 
4. shocking 
5. disappointed 
6. exhausted

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