
Acid Basic Account - Drenagem Ácida de Mina

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Chapter 6 
Tim Kania 
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection 
Ebensburg, PA 1593 1 
Laboratory methods for performing acid-base ac- 
counting overburden analysis (ABA) have been thor- 
oughly detailed in previous publications. Sobek et al. 
(1978) formally presented a step-by-step laboratory 
protocol for performing ABA on mine overburden and 
is frequently cited as the source document. However, 
earlier publications described the application of ABA 
principals to mine overburden testing (West Virginia 
University, 197 1 ; Grube et al., 1973; Smith et al., 
1974; Smith et al., 1976). In 1988 Energy Center, 
Inc., under contract to the Department of Environ- 
mental Resources, Small Operator Assistance Program 
(SOAP), produced a detailed report on overburden 
sampling and testing wall et al., 1988). This latter 
document included a detailed description of considera- 
tions appropriate to planning an overburden analysis 
and to collecting the samples; it also added a boil step 
to the NP determination methodologies and provided a 
detailed description of methods for determining forms 
of sulfur. 
Th~s chapter focuses on aspects ofthe ABA proce- 
dures which have been somewhat dontroversial because 
of the effects that they can have on the reported results; 
it will not detail the laboratory protocols required to 
perform ABA. 
Components of ABA.. 
ABA is based on the premise that the propensity for 
a site to produce acid rnine drainage can be predicted 
by quantitatively determining the total amount of acid- 
ity and alkalinity the strata on a site can potentially 
The maximum potential acidity (expressed as a 
negative) and total potential alkalinity (termed neutrali- 
zation potential) are then summed. If the result is 
positive, the site should produce alkaline water, if it is 
negative, the site should produce acidic water. Sobek 
et al., (1978) defined any strata with a net potential 
deficiency of 5 tons per 1000 tons (ppt) or greater a s 
being a potential acid producer. The maximum poten- 
tial acidity (MPA) is stoichiometrically calculated from 
the percent sulfur in the overburden. The appropriate 
calculation factor is somewhat controversial. Sobek et 
al. (1978), noting that 3.125 g of CaC03 is theoreti- 
cally capable of neutralizing the acid produced from 1 
g of S (in the form of FeS2 ), suggested that the amount 
of potential acidity in 1000 tons of overburden could 
be calculated by multiplying the percent S times 3 1.25 . 
This factor is derived from the stoichiometric relation- 
ships in equation 6.1 and carries the assumption that 
the C02 exsolves as a gas. 
Cravotta et al., (1990) suggested that, in backfills 
where COz cannot readily exsolve, the C 0 2 dissolves 
and reacts with water to form carbonic acid and that 
the maximum potential acidty in 1000 tons of over- 
burden should then be derived by multiplying the per- 
cent S times 62.50. 
The neutralization potential (NP) is determined by 
digesting a portion of the prepared sample in hot acid, 
ankl then by titrating with a base to determine how 
much of the acid the sample consumed. NP represents 
carbonates and other acid neutralizers and is commonly 
expressed m terms of tons CaC03 per 1000 tons of 
overburden (ppt). Negative NP values are possible, 
and are sometimes derived from samples of weathered 
rock that contain residual wezithering products which 
produce acidity upon dissolution. 
Interpretation of ABA data involves the application 
of numerous assumptions; some of the more significant 
assumptions often used are: 
all sulfur in a sample will react to form acid; 
all material in the sample which consumes acld 
during digestion in the lab will generate alkalinity in 
the field; 
the reaction rate for the sulfur will be the same as 
the dissolution rate for the neutralizing material. 
NP and percent sulfur values below certain thresh- 
old levels do not influence water quality. 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methods for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
As these assumptions imply, interpretation of ABA 
data is far more complicated than simply summing the 
MPA and NP values. Chapter 1 1 titled "Interpretation 
of Acid-Base Accounting Data" discusses these as- 
sumptions in more detail. 
In addition to the percent sulfur and NP detennina- 
tions, two other measured parameters in an ABA over- 
burden analysis are paste pH and fizz. Other derived 
values are calculated from one or more of the measured 
parameters and from other information such as the 
sample thickness, density and areal extent. The de- 
rived values used may vary somewhat but typically 
include calculations of maximum potential acidity, tons 
of neutralization potential, tons of potential acid@, 
and tons net neutralization potential for each sample, 
as well as for the entire bore hole. The derived values 
are also discussed in the chapter of this document 
whch deals with the interpretation of ABA overburden 
Paste pH 
The paste pH test is described in the previously ref- 
erenced manuals on ABA protocol (Sobek et al., 1978; 
No11 et al., 1988), however, in Pennsylvania, it has 
fallen into general Qsuse over the past several years. 
A portion of the prepared sample is mixed with deion- 
ized water, and then tested with a pH probe after one 
hour. The paste pH test may indicate the number of 
free hydrogen ions in the prepared sample, but, since 
pyrite oxidation reactions are time dependent, the paste 
pH results provide little indication of the propensity of 
a sample to produce acid mine drainage. In fact, the 
paste pH of a unweathered, high-sulfur sample is likely 
to be near that of the deionized water, whlle a weath- 
ered sample with relatively low percent sulfur, but 
which includes a small amount of residual weathering 
products, may have a significantly depressed paste pH. 
Because of its limited usefulness in helping predict the 
potential for acid mine drainage production, the paste 
pH test often is no longer performed, and for mine 
permit applications m Pennsylvania, it is not a required 
component of ABA. 
Percent Sulfur 
Since acid mine drainage results from accelerated 
weathering of sulfide minerals, the amount of sulfur in 
a sample, or in an overburden column, is obviously an 
important component of ABA. As noted above, ABA 
uses the percent sulfur to predict the "maximum po- 
tential acidity" or MPA that a particular overburden 
sample or column could produce if all the sulfur reacts. 
Sulfur determinations for ABA are often performed 
for total sulfir only, however, determinations for forms 
of sulfur are sometimes included. Sulfur generally oc- 
curs in one of three forms in the rock strata associated 
wth coals in Pennsylvania: sulfide sulik-, organic sul- 
fur, and sulfate sulfur. Sulfide sulfiir is the form 
which reacts with oxygen and water to form acid mine 
drainage. The sulfide minerals most commonly associ- 
ated with coals in Pennsylvania are pyrite and mar- 
casite, both of whch are FeS2, chemically. Other 
sulfide minerals such as chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) and 
arsenopyrite (FeAsS) may also be present in small 
amounts. Organic sulfur is that sulfur which occurs in 
carbon-based molecules in coal and other rocks with 
significant carbon content; since organic sulfirr is tied 
up in compounds that are stable under surface condi- 
tions, it is not considered a contributor to acid mine 
drainage. Organic sulfur can represent a significant 
fraction of the total sulfur found in coal seams. Data 
from the Penn State Coal Data Base show that the av- 
erage percent organic sulfur in several frequently 
mined coals in Pennsylvania ranges from a low of 0.55 
% for the Upper Kittanning Coal to a high of 1.32 % 
for the ClarionCoal, with an overall average of 0.74%. 
Sulfate sulfur is often overlooked because in humid 
climates it generally is found in relatively small con- 
centrations due to its high solubility. However, when 
present in Pennsylvania, sulfate sulfur often occurs in 
partially weathered samples as the reaction by- 
products of sulfide mineral oxidation. When solubi- 
lized, these weathering by-products are the source of 
the contaminants found in acid mine dramage, so when 
determinations for forms of sulfur are done, sulfate 
sulhr must be considered in the calculation of MPA. 
Alkaline earth sulfate minerals such as gypsum 
(CaSOJ can also contribute to the sulfate sulfiu frac- 
tion, but generally are not abundant in coal-bearing 
rocks in Pennsylvania. Where they are present, the 
W i n e earth sulfate minerals do not contribute to 
Commonly used methods of performing total sulfur 
determinations are high temperature combustion meth- 
ods (ASTM D4329), the Eschka Method (ASTM 
D3 177) and the Bomb Washing Method (ASTM 
D3 177). Of these methods, the high temperature com- 
bustion methods are the simplest and most frequently 
used and provide accurate, reproducible results 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methods for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
Common methods used for determining forms of sulhr 
include ASTM D2492 and an EPA method. Noll et 
al., (1988) present an ASTWPA Combination 
method which the authors of that document felt com- 
bined the most desirable features of the other two 
Theoretically, the total of the sulfate and sulfide 
sulfur components should be a better indcator of the 
amount of reactive sulfur in a sample than should total 
sulfur. However, a laboratory study (Hedin and Er- 
ickson 1988) showed that total sulfur was related more 
strongly to leachate test results than was pyritic sulfur. 
Since pyritic sulfur is the form which contributes most 
significantly to acid mine drainage, these results indi- 
cate problems wth pyntic sulfur detemunations. A 
review of the methods for sulfur determinations de- 
scribed in No11 et al., (1988) reveals that the methods 
for total sulfur determinations have a relatively high 
degree of precision with few notable interferences and 
precautions, while the forms of sulfur determination 
methods described involve lesser degrees of precision 
and more numerous potential interferences and precau- 
tions. Stanton and Renton ( 198 1) examined the nitric 
acid dissolution procedure, which is the cornerstone of 
the most frequently used methods for determining py- 
ritic sulfur, including ASTM D2492; they found the 
procedure frequently does not succeed in digesting all 
the pyrite in a sample, thus underestimating the pyritic 
fraction of the sulfur in the sample. Brady and Smith 
(1990) compared total sulfur and forms of sulfur de- 
terminations performed by various laboratories. Their 
findings include: 
While the results generated by each laboratory were 
internally consistent in terms of the ratio of pyritic 
sulfur to total sulfur, there were sigruficant hffer- 
ences between laboratories in the median percent 
pyritic sulfurhotal sulfur. Where duplicate samples 
were available fiom different laboratories, differ- 
ences were noted in the pyritic determinations, but 
total sulfur determinations were comparable. 
There was no significant difference in the percent. 
pyritic sulfur/total sulfur between rock types 
(excluding coal). (lks finding contradicts one of 
the primary reasons for doing determinations for 
forms of sulfur: that some rock types contain sig- 
mficant percentages of orgmc sulfur.) 
With one exception, all laboratories whose data was 
used in the study used a high temperature combus- 
tion method for determining weight percent total 
sulfur. The high temperature combustion results 
compared well on duplicate samples, while the py- 
ritic results on the same samples did not. 
Standards are availablc fiom the National Institute 
of Standards for total sulfur but not for pyritic sul- 
fur . 
A wide range of methods for determining pyritic 
sulfur were in use and individual laboratories had 
their own variations of the methods. 
One of the commonly used methods of pyritic sulfbr 
determinations, ASTM D2492, was developed for 
use on coal and is probably not appropriate for de- 
terminations on rock overburden, according to 
ASTM Committee D-5 on Coal and Coke. 
Figures 6.1 and 6.2 (data taken from Brady and 
Smith (1990)) compare total sulhr determinations and 
pyritic sulfur determinations of two different laborato- 
ries wluch performed analyses on duplicate samples. 
The hgh ? value for the total sulfur determinations 
indcate a strong correlation, and the low r2 value for 
the pyritic determinations indicates a weak correlation. 
.. --.-- 
re 6.2 C w m n & p e r m ~ Iqn% sample analysis 
Tts f ~ r @ticaxe; sanlples mxlyzxi by two different 
fatt?f!". .. ., ... .. .. .. . ... . ... .... . .. . ... .. . . 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methods for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
The above findings can be summarized as: Total 
sulfur determinations are typically simple to do, are 
reproducible, and can be calibrated and verified using 
available standards; pyritic sulfur determinations are 
done using a variety of methods (sometimes not stan- 
dardized, and at least one of which is considered inap- 
propriate for rock samples), produce results which are 
often not reproducible between laboratories, and can- 
not be calibrated and verified using available stan- 
dards. Given these considerations, and that pyritic 
sulfur is the most abundant form in coal overburden 
(but not necessarily in the coal), total sulfur determi- 
nations currently provide the best basis for calculating 
Fizz Rating 
The importance of the fizz rating on AE3A results is 
much underestimated and has often not received ap- 
propriate consideration. The fizz test is frequently 
presented as a minor part of the neutralization potential 
test; however the fizz test can have a large impact on 
the reliability and reproducibility of NP data, so it is 
discussed separately here. The fizz rating can be used 
as a check on the NP determination, since there should 
be a qualitative correlation between the two. More 
importantly, however, the fizz rating determines the 
volume and the strength of the acid which is used to 
digest the prepared sample, which in turn can affect the 
NP determination results (Evans and Skousen, 1995; 
Skousen et al., 1997). The NP result is then somewhat 
dependent on the fizz test results, and the fizz test re- 
sults are a matter of human judgment. 
The fizz test is performed by adding one to two 
drops of 25% HC 1 to a small amount of the prepared 
sample (Sobek et al., 1978). The degree of reaction is 
observed and recorded, according to a four-tiered sys- 
tem where the reaction is judged to be none or 0, slight 
or 1, moderate or 2, strong or 3. (Other systems with 
more levels have been used for reporting fizz results. 
However, given the obvious difficulties inherent to a 
test based on qualitative judgment, additional levels of 
judgment can only imply a precision which is not ob- 
There is an additional consideration which further 
complicates the subjective nature of the fizz test. 
Thresholds for NP and percent sulfur are often used in 
interpreting AE3A. The theory behind using thresholds 
is that strata which produce NP or percent sulfur val- 
ues below the thresholds are thought to have little im- 
pact on postmining water quality. However, these 
same strata often represent the greatest mass of the 
overburden and can "dilute" the effects of the strata 
with significant NP and percent sulhr if they are in- 
cluded in the calculations of total NP and MPA for the 
site. In Pennsylvania a thresholdvalue of 30 is often 
used for NP. A threshold value of a 1 (slight fizz) is 
also often used. The fizz threshold tends to label a 0 or 
no fizz as being "bad" and higher fizz ratings as being 
"good." Strata identified as having a 0 fizz will not be 
counted as contributing potential alkalinity to post- 
mining water quality which could result in a negative 
permitting decision. Even with the best intentions of 
the lab personnel performing the test, one cannot ex- 
pect objective and reproducible results from a subjec- 
tive test with a particular outcome pre-labeled as either 
good or bad. This is not to suggest that the use of 
thresholds is inappropriate, but to point out another 
precaution concerning reported fizz test results. 
Evans and Skousen (1995) suggested a two-tiered 
fizz rating system which would combine the 0 and 1 
fizz ratings into a single category and a 2 or 3 fizz 
rating into a second category. They reported that dur- 
ing a round robin sample testing study conducted by 
representatives of West Virginia University, Consoli- 
dation Coal Company (Consol), and the Pennsylvania 
DER (now DEP) on samples processed at the Penn 
State Materials Research Laboratories, the fizz ratings 
varied significantly between laboratories for certain 
samples. The laboratories then used different normali- 
ties and volumes of acid to perform the NP determina- 
tions on those samples, as dictated by the fizz ratings. 
The NP values varied considerably, and generally were 
higher when a larger volume of acid was used to digest 
the samples. When the Consol lab ran the NP determi- 
nations for each sample twice, with a different volume 
of acid each time, the determination that was made 
with the higher volume of acid produced a higher NP in 
each case. The differences were often great enough to 
change the interpretation one would make regarding the 
alkaline-producing potential of the sample. Table 6.1 
displays fizz and NP data generated by the WW and 
Consol laboratories during the round robin test and 
shows how fizz rating, acid volume and acid normality 
can affect NP results. Most of the samples included in 
Table 6.1 were selected for the study because visual 
observation suggested that they were siderite-rich; 
therefore, the differences in the fizz results and NP de- 
terminations between laboratories are probably more 
representative of what one would expect for siderite- 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methodr for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
Table 6.1 Fizz test results and NP determinations for replicate overburden samples. 
samples in accordance with both Sobek and Geochem recommendations; autotitrated to pH 7.0. 
**@I results based on digestion in 80 ml of 0.1N HCl. NP2 results based on digestion in 20 ml of 0.1N HCI for 0 fizz, 
40 ml of 0.1N for 1 fi, and 80 ml of 0.5N for 3 fuz. Manually titrated to pH 7.0. 
rich samples as opposed to samples with low siderite 
content. Skousen et al., (1997) reported that when 
three different laboratories performed fizz deterrnina- 
tions on replicates of 3 1 samples, all three laboratories 
assigned the same fizz rating to only 13 of the 3 1 sam- 
Reducing the number of tiers in the fizz test should 
reduce the amount of judgment required and conse- 
quently the subjectivity of the test. However, running 
the NP test with a reduced number of fizz test possi- 
bilities means that some samples would be digested in 
dfferent volumes of acid than they would using the 
methods in Sobek et al. (1978) and No11 et al. (1988). 
Users of NP data need to be aware that changing the 
volume of acid used to dgest a sample can change the 
NP results. 
Skousen et al. (1997) described a protocol for a 
quantitative method of rating overburden samples 
based on the percent insoluble residue. Twenty ml of 
10% HC1 is added to 2.0 g of the prepared sample 
which has been dried in an oven. The solution is agi- 
tated until evolution of COz is observed to cease. The 
solution is passed through a weighed filter, the filter 
plus residue are then dried and weighed, and the per- 
cent insoluble residue is calculated. The rating is then 
used to determine the volume and strength of acid used 
in the NP digestion; for that purpose the carbonate 
rating numbers are considered to be equivalent to the 
fizz rating values described in Sobek et al. (1978) and 
No11 et a]., (1988). The NP and fizz determinations 
reported in Skousen et al., (1997) were run on repli- 
cates of the overburden samples, but the percent in- 
soluble residue test was only run by one of the labs. 
As noted by the authors of that study, the method needs 
to be hrther tested to validate the proposed rating sys- 
tem and to provide a yardstick for comparing NPs 
based on the fizz test to those based on the percent in- 
soluble test. One potential problem with the percent 
insoluble res~due test is that, for some samples, the 
results may vary sigruficantly when the percent HCI 
used in the digestion is changed (Keith Brady, personal 
communication). The samples stuQed by Skousen et 
al. (1997) were subjected to X-ray diffraction and 
characterized as belonging to one of four groups, based 
on their mineral and elemental content. Fe, Ca, S, and 
Si. When the percent insoluble residue test was per- 
formed on replicates of some of the samples using dif- 
fering percents HCl, the results changed significantly 
for the iron-rich samples (Fe group) whlch included the 
samples with relatively high siderite content. (See Ta- 
ble 6.2.) The results for one of the carbonate-rich 
samples (Ca2) also changed significantly. These re- 
sults raise questions concerning which % HC1 should 
be used to achieve results which rate the carbonate in 
the samples in an accurate and reproducible way. 
Given the difficulties which the current fizz rating 
system introduces into NP determinations, a reproduci- 
ble, objective carbonate-rating test could significantly 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methods for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
Table 6.2 Comparison of percent insoluble residue to %HC1 used to digest the sample. 
(Samples which were digested with all three % HCI were tested at the DEP laboratory in Harrisburg, PA. For the samples di- 
gested in 10°/o and 50% HCI, the 10% digestion was done at West Virginia University and the 50% digestion was done at the PA 
Geologic Survey. Samples which were digested twice in the same percent HCl were duplicate samples.) 
improve the reproducibility of NP data. Until such a 
test is refined, individuals who generate and interpret 
ABA data need to be much more aware of the influence 
of the fizz test values on the NP determinations. 
Where fizz test results and NP values seem to be at 
odds, further testing would be prudent. 
When a carbonate rating system other than the fa- 
miliar four-tiered fizz test is used, data interpretation 
mil1 have to be adjusted and interpretive rationales will 
have to be "recalibrated." 
Neutralization Potential (NP) 
The first step of the NP test is to conduct a qualita- 
tive fizz test on a small mount of the prepared sample 
as described earlier in this chapter. Based on the fizz 
test results, an appropriate volume and normality of 
HC 1 is selected then added to 2.0 grams of the pre- 
pared sample. (See Table 6.3.) Reagent water is added 
to bring the total volume to 100 ml (Noll et al., 1988). 
(Note that there are variations between the methods 
described in No11 et al (1988) and in Sobek et al. 
(1978). %s discussion is based on the methods de- 
scribed by No11 et al.) The solution is boiled for ap- 
proximately 5 minutes, which is intended to dissolve 
potential neutralizers in the sample After the solution 
is cooled, it is titrated with NaOH to a pH of 7.0; the 
end point is to be held for 30 seconds. The NP in 
terms of tons per thousand tons of rock (ppt) is thencalculated from that amount of acid that was neutral- 
ized by the sample. 
Carbonate minerals, such as calcite and dolomite, 
are known to be the major contributors to groundwater 
alkalinity in the coal regions of Pennsylvania. The 
acid-digestion step of the NP test is suspected of dis- 
solving various silicate minerals, whch results in an 
NP determination that overstates the amount of car- 
bonate minerals in a sample. Lapakko (1993), worlung 
with rock samples from metals ore in Minnesota, re- 
ported that silicate minerals such as plagioclase dis- 
solve and neutralize acid at relatively low pH values 
such as those which occur in acid mine drainage or 
during a NP titration; however, he also noted that since 
thls dissolution will only take place at low pH values, it 
is unlikely to help maintain a drainage pH of accept- 
able quality. His test results, based on leaching stud- 
ies, also indicated that the rate of acid neutralization by 
silicate minerals was not adequate to maintain a drain- 
age pH of 6.0 or above. 
Siderite (FeC03) has long been suspected of inter- 
fering with the accuracy of NP determinations and of 
complicating the interpretation of the data (Meek, 
198 1; Momson et al., 1990; Wirarn, 1992; Leavitt et 
al., 1995). Siderite is common in Pennsylvania coal 
overburdens. Samples with significant amounts of 
siderite can make it difficult to hold xhe final end point 
Table 6.3 Volume and Normality of KC1 used to do NP digestion based on the sample fizz rating. (After 
Sobek and others (1978) and No11 and others (1988).) 
None (0) 
Slight (1) 
Moderate (2) 
Strong (3) 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methodsfor Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
of the titration with NaOH (Noll et al., 1988). If iron 
in solution from the siderite is not completely oxidized 
when the titration is terminated, then the calculated NP 
value will be overstated, since complete oxidation of 
the iron would produce additional acidity An uncer- 
tain titration end point can obviously affect the repro- 
ducibility of the NP results. Skousen et al. (1997) also 
found that laboratories tended to assign different fizz 
ratings to replicates of samples with high siderite con- 
tent. As noted in the earlier section of this chapter 
which dealt with fizz ratings, assigning different fizz 
ratings to the same sample can change the acid volume 
and strength used in the NP digestion step, which will 
affect the NP results. 
Meek (1981) and Momson et al., (1990) proposed 
adding a hydrogen peroxide step to the NP determina- 
tion procedures to eliminate the problems with the 
method caused by siderite. Momson and Scheetz 
(1994) performed ABA tests on four samples using 
both the method described in Noll et al. (1988) and 
their modified approach. Under the modified method, 
after the sample was digested in acid, it was filtered 
into a vacuum flask. The filtering was done to ensure 
that the H202 &d not oxidize pyrite or other solids m 
the undigested portion of the sample. Tht: solution was 
then transferred to a 400 ml Pyrex beaker, and the 
vacuum flask was rinsed with 125 ml of deionized wa- 
ter. Five to 7.5 ml of 30 wt % H202 was added to the 
solution whch was then boiled for three to five min- 
utes. After cooling, the solution was then titrated to 
pH 7.0 with NaOH. The NP for each sample was 
lower when the mdf ied method was used, and was 
significantly lower for the three samples known to 
contain a significant amount of siderite. 
Evans and Skousen (1995) found that NP values 
were not appreciably different when samples were 
analyzed both with and without the hydrogen peroxide 
step; however they found that reproducibility between 
laboratories did improve when the hydrogen peroxide 
step was used. They also found that when the hydro- 
gen peroxide step was performed without filtering the. 
solution, the results sometimes did not compare well 
with other ABA methods, probably due to the oxida- 
tion of pyrite in the residue by H202. In fact, oxidation 
of pyrite with Hz02 has been used as a method of pre- 
dicting the acid-producing potential of overburden 
(O'Shay, et al., 1990). Morrison and Scheetz (1994) 
used samples known to include a significant amount of 
siderite (determined by X-ray difiaction) in their com- 
parative study, which may be why their results showed 
that the hydrogen peroxide step reduced NP 
Skousen et al. (1 997) subjected 3 1 overburden 
samples of known mineralogy (determined by X-ray 
diffraction) to four variations of the NP test. The 
variations were defined by the authors ofthat paper as: 
1) (Sobek), the standard Sobek method (Sobek et al., 
1978); 2) (Boil), a method that includes boiling of the 
sample for five minutes during the digestion step (Noll 
et al., 1988); 3) (HzOz), the same as the boil method 
except that after digestion the sample is filtered and 
treated with Hz02 before titratlon; 4) (SobPer), the 
same as the Sobek method except that H20z is added to 
the sample (no filtration) after the first titration. 
Among their findings the authors concluded: 
The four variations on the NP test produced similar 
results for samples containing l~ttle pynte or 
The SobPer method gave lower NP values than the 
other methods for samples which included signifi- 
cant amounts of pyrite, due to oxidation of the py- 
rite by HzOz in the unfiltered samples. 
Compared to the other three methods, the H202 
method provided: The lowest NP values for samples 
with significant siderite content, the best reproduci- 
bility between the laboratories which participated in 
the study; results which were the most consistent 
with soxhlet leachate results. 
Autotitration at a slow setting is preferable to hand 
titration, especially for samples with significant 
siderite content. 
Skousen et al. (1997) briefly describe a method to 
perform NP determinations with the H20z step. If the 
hydrogen peroxide step pcrforms according to its in- 
tent, it should generally decrease the NP's of strata 
w1t.h a significant siderite content, but should not ap- 
preciably affect the NP values of strata that do not in- 
clude significant amounts of siderite. It should also 
lead to better reproducibility of NP data between labo- 
ratories, especially for samples with significant siderite 
Other Methods of Determining 
Carbonate Content 
The NP test has been adapted and widely used to 
approximate the carbonate content of mine overbur- 
dens largely because it is relatively quick, inexpensive, 
and easy to perform. However, as noted in this chap- 
ter, it may not always provide results which are accu- 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methodsfor Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
rate and reproducible. Other methods of determining 
carbonate content have occasionally been used in 
Pennsylvania on hlgh risk-sites or on sites where the 
NP test provided questionable results. 
Morrison et al. (1990) suggested COz coulometry 
as an alternative method for determining carbonate 
content of overburden samples and reported promsing 
results, however, the method has not been widely 
adopted for characterizing overburden samples to date. 
X-ray dimaction, which can give detailed mfonna- 
tion on the overburden mineralogy, has been used on a 
few sites in Pennsylvania. In cases where X-ray dif- 
fraction has been used and where fizz test ratings and 
NP results seemed in conflict and suggested the pres- 
ence of siderite (results which showed significant NP 
values for samples whch did not fizz), the X-ray dif- 
fraction results verified the presence of the siderite. 
In situations where NP data provlde ambiguous 
results and/or where mining presents a risk to sigrufi- 
cant uses of nearby groundwater or surface water 
sources, tools such as X-ray diffraction andCOa mu- 
lometry are available and should be considered to ver- 
ify the NP results. 
Three aspects of ABA overburden analysis labora- 
tory techques create problems with reproducibility 
and accuracy of data. 
Difficulties in performing forms of sulfur determi- 
nations can lead to unreliable results if pyritic sulfur 
determinations are used to calculate MPA instead of 
total sulfur determinations. Since pyritic sulfur is typi- 
cally the largest component of total sulfur m coal over- 
burdens, and since total sulfur determinations can be 
done more reliably, MPA calculations should be based 
on total sulfur and not pyritic sulfur. 
The importance of the qualitative fizz rating in 
ABA has often been overlooked. The fizz rating can 
significantly affect the outcome of NP determinations. 
Since the fizz rating is a qualitative test, reproducible 
results can be elusive, and where multiple labs per- 
formed fizz tests on replicates of samples reproducibil- 
ity was poor (Evans and Skousen, 1995, Skousen et 
al., 1997). The fizz rating determines the normality 
and volume of acid which is used to digest the sample; 
when the normality and volume of acid changes, so 
does the NP result. Reducing the subjectivity of the 
fizz test by reducing the number of choices in the rat- 
ing system from 4 to 2 as suggested by Evans and 
Skousen (1995) could result in more consistent NP 
determinations. However, when the number of fizz 
rating possibilities are reduced, some samples are di- 
gested in a larger volume of acid than they would under 
the traditional way of performing the tests, resulting in 
higher NP determinations. The interpretive rationale 
applied to ABA data will have to be "recalibrated if a 
carbonate rating system other than the traditionally 
used four-tiered system is ultimately adopted 
The quantitative method of rating carbonate content 
of overburden samples by determining the percent in- 
soluble residue, as described by Skousen et al. (1997), 
requires acldtional testing to determine if it could be 
used as a more objective option than the fizz test for 
rating carbonate content. The percent HC1 used to di- 
gest the samples may significantly affect the percent 
insoluble residue for siderite-rich samples. 
Siderite, a common mineral in Pennsylvania coal 
overburdens, can interfere with NP determinations, 
generally resulting in values that are high relative to the 
amount of calcium carbonate in the sample. Addmg a 
hydrogen peroxide step (such as described by Skousen 
et al., (1997)) to the NP determinations reduces the 
interference of siderite and does not appreciably affect 
NP determinations for samples without significant 
amounts of siderite. NP determinations run with the 
hydrogen peroxide step provide better reproducibility 
between laboratories and produce results whch better 
represent the true carbonate content of the rock. 
Literature Cited 
Brady, K.B.C., and M. W. Smith, 1990. Pyritic sulfur 
analyses for coal overburden: Differences between 
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Symposium on Mmng, University of Kentucky, 
Lexington, Kentucky, pp. 53-58. 
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Effectiveness of the addition of alkaline materials at 
surface mines in preventing or abating acid mine 
drainage: Part 1. Theoretical considerations. In: 
Proceedings: 1990 Mining and Reclamation 
Conference and Exhibition, Charleston, WV, pp. 221- 
Evans, P. and J. Skousen, 1995. Effect of digestion 
method on neutralization potential of overburden 
samples containing siderite. In Proceedings: 1995 
National Meeting of the American Society for Surface 
Mining and Reclamation, Gillette, Wyoming, pp. 696- 
Chapter 6 - Laboratory Methods for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update 
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mine waste drainage pH. Report to the westem 
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Morrison, J.L., S.D. Atkinson, and B.E. Scheetz, 1990. 
The use of COZ coulometry in Merentiating and 
quantifying the carbonate phases in the coal-bearing 
strata of western Pennsylvania: Its applicability in 
interpreting and modifying neutralization potential 
(NP) measurements. In: Skousen, J., J. Sencindiver, 
and D. Samuel, eds, Proceedings of the 1990 mining 
and reclamation conference and exhibition, Charleston, 
West Virginia, pp. 243-248. 
Morrison, J.L., B.E. Scheetz, 1994. Overburden 
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April 12, 1994, PFDAFR-486-043,68 p. 
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Ovehurden sampling and testing manual. Contract 
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O'Shay, Tracey, L. R. Hossner, and J. B. Dixon, 1990. A 
modified hydrogen peroxide oxidation method for 
determination of potential acidity in pyritic overburden. 
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Brady, L. Cohen, and P. Ziemkiewicz, 1997. 
Neutralization potential of overburden samples 
	Return to Coal Mine Drainage Prediction and Pollution Prevention in Pennsylvania
	Chapter 6. Laboratory Methods for Acid-Base Accounting: An Update
	Components of ABA
	Paste pH
	Percent Sulfur
	Fizz Rating
	Neutralization Potential (NP)
	Other Methods of Determining Carbonate Content
	Literature Cited

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