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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Prévia do material em texto

	Você concluiu a avaliação para Inglês 1 
Confira o resultado:
	     Questões Corretas =  10,00
	     Questões Erradas =  0,00
	Questão 1
Look at the times and complete the sentences.
	- Good morning! What time is it?
- It´s 8:15
_______ past eight.
	It’s lunch time! It’s 12:00
	I have English class at 9:50
	ten _________ ten.
	Good afternoon! It´s 5:30
	half _________ five.
	Look at the clock. It’s 3:05
	__________ past three.
The correct sequence is:
Sua resposta: a quarter – twelve – to – past – five (em 13/7/2018 12:55:58)
	Questão 2
Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns:
I – YOU – HE – SHE – WE - THEY
	Charles is from France. __________ is here now.
Monica is a police officer. __________ is Portuguese.
What’s your name? And where are __________ from?
Hi. My name’s Vivien Brown. __________ am from the United States.
My brothers are fantastic. And __________ are single. Interested? (Hehehe)
The answers appear in the following order:
Sua resposta: He – She – You – I – They (em 13/7/2018 12:57:55)
	Questão 3
Look at the map. The TRUE information is:
Sua resposta: The Police Station is beside the Fire Department. (em 13/7/2018 13:01:26)
	Questão 4
Read the information about Beth.  
The correct sequence of places is:
	Beth lives in a small city. In her city there is a:
Sua resposta: road – church – beach – river – park – bus stop (em 13/7/2018 13:02:01)
	Questão 5
Look at the map. The TRUE information is:
Sua resposta: The Italian Restaurant is on the corner of Hill Avenue and Main Street. (em 13/7/2018 13:03:04)
	Questão 6
Read the text.
	My name is Carl. I am an English journalist. I am in France at the moment. Here in Paris people call me Mr. Robson. I am single. My mother’s name is Caroline Robson. She is a French architect. My father’s name is Joseph Robson. He is an English geologist.
The TRUE sentence is:
Sua resposta: Caroline is an architect. (em 13/7/2018 13:05:15)
	Questão 7
Look at the map to complete the sentences.
          The hotel is __________ West Street.
          The bus station is __________ the school.
          The zoo is ____________ the police station.
          The library is __________ the city hall and the post office.
The correct sequence is:
Sua resposta: on – next to – opposite – between (em 13/7/2018 13:23:42)
	Questão 8
Read the text.
	My name is Minia Blanco. This is my family. We are Spanish. My son is a photographer. He is in Italy at the moment. My daughter loves children, she is a teacher. My husband is a photographer too. Father and son work for the Ediciones El País S.L., a Spanish journal. Oh, my son’s name is Alberto and my daughter’s name is Ana. My husband is José Blanco. Our children, Alberto and Ana, are fantastic. We are very happy.
The INCORRECT information is:
Sua resposta: José is Ana’s husband. (em 13/7/2018 13:25:35)
	Questão 9
Look at the watch and answer the question: What time is it?
Sua resposta: It’s half past seven. (em 13/7/2018 13:36:09)
	Questão 10
Look at the calendar and complete the sentences to the correct week-day name.
The judo match is on _____. / The soccer game is on _____. / The volleyball game is on _____. / The basketball game is on _____.
Sua resposta: Sunday – Saturday – Thursday – Wednesday (em 13/7/2018 13:37:28)
	 Questão Correta: 
	 Questão Incorreta: 
	 Questão Parcial: 
	Você concluiu a avaliação para Inglês 1 
Confira o resultado:
	     Questões Corretas =  10,00
	     Questões Erradas =  0,00
	Questão 1
Match the situations with the corresponding dialog in English.
	1 - Dois amigos se encontrando.
	( )
	- Good night children!
	2 - Uma pessoa pedindo ajuda à outra, à noite.
	( )
	- Thank you!
- My pleasure. Have a nice day.
	3 - Um pai colocando os filhos para dormir.
	( )
	- Good evening! Can you help me?
	4 - Um rapaz e uma senhora se cumprimentando pela manhã.
	( )
	- Hi there!
- Hello, Gil, what’s up?
	5 - Cena pela manhã, uma pessoa agradecendo e se despedindo da outra em um serviço de atendimento.
	( )
	- Good morning Mrs. Lopes.
- Hello, William. How are you?
The correct sequence is:
Sua resposta: 3 – 5 – 2 – 1 – 4 (em 3/8/2018 21:25:06)
	Questão 2
Complete the sentences. Use: AM – IS – ARE
	I __________ married. Michel, my husband, _____________ a police officer. My son _____________ a firefighter. He _________ in Haiti at the moment. My daughter loves children, she _________ a teacher. Our children, Gabrielle and Rafael, ______________ fantastic. My family ____________ special! We ______________ very happy.
The answers appear in the following order:
Sua resposta: am – is – is – is – is – are – is – are (em 3/8/2018 21:26:30)
	Questão 3
Look at the map. The TRUE information is:
Sua resposta: The Italian Restaurant is on the corner of Hill Avenue and Main Street. (em 3/8/2018 21:28:36)
	Questão 4
Look at the lottery results. The correct sequence is:
Sua resposta: eighteen; thirty; five; forty-nine; twenty-two; fifty-three (em 3/8/2018 21:30:11)
	Questão 5
Look at the map. The TRUE information is:
Sua resposta: The department store is on the corner of 1st Avenue and Pine Street. (em 3/8/2018 21:32:39)
	Questão 6
Regarding the events and the months, choose the FALSE sentence: (Reference: Brazil)
Sua resposta: The Father’s Day is in March. (em 3/8/2018 21:36:45)
	Questão 7
Complete the sentences with the correct pronouns:
I – YOU – HE – SHE – WE - THEY
	Charles is from France. __________ is here now.
Monica is a police officer. __________ is Portuguese.
What’s your name? And where are __________ from?
Hi. My name’s Vivien Brown. __________ am from the United States.
My brothers are fantastic. And __________ are single. Interested? (Hehehe)
The answers appear in the following order:
Sua resposta: He – She – You – I – They (em 3/8/2018 21:37:19)
	Questão 8
Read the text to complete the family tree.
	My name is Minia Blanco. This is my family. We are Spanish. My son is a photographer. He is in Italy at the moment. My daughter loves children, she is a teacher. My husband is a photographer too. Father and son work for the Ediciones El País S.L., a Spanish journal. Oh, my son’s name is Alberto and my daughter’s name is Ana. My husband is José Blanco. Our children, Alberto and Ana, are fantastic. We are very happy.
Match the names at the correct place in the family tree. The correct sequence is:
Sua resposta: 3 – 1 – 2 – 4 (em 3/8/2018 21:40:08)
	Questão 9
Look at the calendar and fill the blanks with the corresponding week-day name. The correct sequence is:
Sua resposta: Thursday – Monday – Tuesday – Friday – Sunday – Saturday – Wednesday (em 3/8/2018 21:42:37)
	Questão 10
Look at the watch and answer the question: What time is it?
Sua resposta: It’s half past seven. (em 3/8/2018 21:43:25)
	 Questão Correta: 
	 Questão Incorreta: 
	 Questão Parcial:

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