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6a aula
	1a Questão
	Mark the only option which is not true about metaphors
	Metaphors are only figures of speech
	Metaphors are cognitive devises
	Metaphors can represent our daily thoughts.
	Metaphor is a figurative process
	Metaphors belong to the human cognition
A teoria proposta por Lakoff & Johnson ficou conhecida como a TEORIA COGNITIVA DA METÁFORA, que postula que metáforas e metonímias não são apenas figuras de linguagem, como afirmavam os estudos tradicionais sobre os fenômenos linguísticos; ao contrário, estão além da linguagem e da literatura. Essa teoria concebe a metáfora e a metonímia como autênticos mecanismos cognitivos. Nesse sentido, elas pertencem ao pensamento, ou melhor, pertencem à cognição humana.
	 2a Questão
	Choose the best translation for the sentences below: Everyone had a good time at the ball.
	Todos jogaram bola.
	O jogo de bola levou um bom tempo
	Todos se divertiram no baile.
	Todos gastaram seu tempo no jogo de bola
	Jogar bola é bom para todos.
To have a good time = to have fun, to enjoy ourselves. 
	 3a Questão
	Mark the option with the right meaning of ´took off´ in the sentence ´The plane took off at 3:15`.
	took off means arrived
	took off means left the ground
	took off means caught the people
	took off means touch the ground
	took off means returned
take off = 1. If an aircraft, bird, or insect takes off, it leaves the ground and begins to fly: 2. to suddenly start to be successful or popular: 3. to suddenly leave somewhere, usually without telling anyone that you are going.
	 4a Questão
	Leia o texto com atenção e selecione a alternativa que apresenta a seqüência correta em que as palavras aparecem no texto Mama Mia: U.S. Ranks 28th in Best Place to be a Mother by Lesley Kennedy - May 5th/ Time Magazine According to the organization's 11th annual report, which ranks the_____________ places to be a mother, Norway and Australia are________ spots, while the United States places at just number 28 -- down from 27 in 2009. The reason? America's maternal______ rate -- one in 4,800 -- is one of the highest in the____________ world, according to Save the Children. Also factoring in: The U.S. ranks behind many other wealthy nations in terms of maternity__________ policies.
	best and worst - the top - mortality - developed - leave.
	mortality - best and worst - the top - developed - leave.
	best and worst - leave - developed - the top - mortality.
	the top - leave - developed - best and worst - mortality.
	best and worst - leave - developed - the top - mortality.
U.S. Ranks 28th in Best Place to be a Mother by Lesley Kennedy - May 5th/ Time Magazine According to the organization's 11th annual report, which ranks the BEST AND WORST (melhores e piores) places to be a mother, Norway and Australia are THE TOP (no topo) spots, while the United States places at just number 28 -- down from 27 in 2009. The reason? America's maternal MORTALITY (mortalidade)  rate -- one in 4,800 -- is one of the highest in the DEVELOPED (desenvolvido, primeiro mundo) world, according to Save the Children. Also factoring in: The U.S. ranks behind many other wealthy nations in terms of maternity LEAVE (maternity leave = licença maternidade) policies.
	 5a Questão
	Leia a letra da música de Bon Jovi
 Should I? Could I? Have said the wrong things right a thousand times If I could just rewind I see it in my mind If I could turn back time, you'd still be mine You cried, I died I should've shut my mouth, things headed south As the words slipped off my tongue, they sounded dumb If this old heart could talk, it'd say you're the one I'm wasting time when I think about it
Que expressão pode ser encontrada na letra que poderiam explicar a palavra rewind (retrocesso)?
	Sounded dumb
	Slipped off
	shut my mouth.
	Wasting time
	Turn back in time
Rewind = turn back in time = voltar no tempo.
	 6a Questão
	Destaque em cada umas das listas de palavras abaixo aquela que NÂO pertence à categoria principal em maiúsculas: 1. HAIR: curly/ blond/wavy/ stubborn/red 2. WEIGHT: plump/introvert/skinny/fat/ thin/slim 3. SKIN: embroidering/ white/dark/spotty/wrinkled 4. HOBBY: singing/sewing/painting/cooking/talking 5. SUBJECTS: Portuguese, Arts, Travelling,History, Geography Assinale a alternativa que aponta corretamente as palavras que não pertencem às categorias apresentadas:
	1- wavy 2- /skinny 3-plump 4- talking 5-Travelling
	1- stubborn 2- introvert 3-embroidering 4- talking 5-Travelling
	1- blond 2- thin 3- wrinkled 4- talking 5-Arts
	1-curly 2- introvert 3- spotty 4- talking 5- Portuguese
	1-red 2- fat 3-embroidering 4- sewing 5-Travelling
1. HAIR: curly/ blond/wavy/ stubborn/red
2. WEIGHT: plump/introvert/skinny/fat/ thin/slim
3. SKIN: embroidering/ white/dark/spotty/wrinkled
4. HOBBY: singing/sewing/painting/cooking/talking
5. SUBJECTS: Portuguese, Arts, Travelling,History, Geography 
stubborn = personality
introvert = personality
embroidering = skin
talking = personality
travelling = subjects
	 7a Questão
	Escolha a alternativa em que a palavra em negrito (SUCH) dê à frase um sentido similar ao do exemplo do enunciado.
The service was so good we had to leave a tip.
	It was a service such good we had to leave a tip.
	It was a good service such we had to leave a tip.
	It such was a good service we had to leave a tip.
	It was such a good service we had to leave a tip.
	It was a good such service we had to leave a tip.
Such is a determiner; so is an adverb. They often have the same meaning of very¿orvery¿orto this degree¿:
Those are such good chocolates.
Those chocolates are so good.
We use such + noun phrase and so + adjective or adverb phrase:
She is such a great cook.
Not: She is so great cook.
That was so unpleasant. (so + adjective)
Not: That was such unpleasant.
Why do you drive so fast? (so + adverb)
Not: Why do you drive such fast?
	 8a Questão
	Read the sentence and choose the option which best completes the following sentence: If you think that doing this maths problem is a -------------, you just have to try it.
	pros and cons
	ups and downs
	now and then
	odds and ends
	piece of cake
Piece of cake = idiom = it means that something is very easy.

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