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	1a Questão (Ref.:201705601558)
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	Experts agree that there is more involved to language learning than just the cognitive aspect.
Which of the following should we take into account as far as language learning is concerned?
	Teachers evidence life-long learning.
	Motivation is not a key element in the process of language learning. Students may develop  the ability of learning anything regardless of any affective component.
	The success of a learning task is very much dependent upon the teachers¿ attitudes towards learning.
	Experts agree that motivation is a complex and powerful factor in  learning how to move around a city
	Language learning also has an affective component.
	2a Questão (Ref.:201705601538)
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	Dafei (2007) argues that there are three important levels at which students' control can be exercised. One of them refers to cognitive process.
Which of the following is not  adequate as far as cognitive process is concerned?
	Cognition is the process of acquiring knowledge through our thoughts, experiences, and senses.
	The first step in cognitive learning is paying attention. So in order to begin learning, a student must be paying attention to what they are experiencing.
	Cognitive learning refers to the psychology of learning.
	Whenever you see or hear something new, you go through a series of cognitive processes, which are the processes that result in learning.
	The control over the cognitive process has nothing to do with the control over the learning content.
	3a Questão (Ref.:201705601561)
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	What is the teacher's role as a mediator?
The following are appropriate answers, EXCEPT FOR:
	To teach them to reflect on the foreign language as a social practice.
	To teach them to reflect on their research findings;
	To guide the students on how to organize and how to deal with their study material.
	To act as a ruler so that students will keep silent during his/her explanations.
	To show students how to develop research attitude.
	4a Questão (Ref.:201705601560)
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	It is usually impracticable to teach all four language skills in most Brazilian public and private schools due to several adverse conditions we can find them in.
Which are they?
	Reduced working hours, overcrowded classrooms, poor command of oral skills on the part of most teachers and poor/ no language teaching materials.
	The classes only take place once a week in most schools, poor language materials, the salaries teachers receive, the fact that there are no TVs in the classrooms.
	The social level of most students in the classrooms, teachers who have no interest for their profession, the English language is hard to be learned, lack of good teaching materials.
	Students ' inability to learn foreign languages, the age they start learning English, books which are, in most cases, not available.
	Lack of control over the students by the teachers, noisy classrooms, the  language methods used by the teachers, the lack of motivation by the students.
	5a Questão (Ref.:201705601565)
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	When does learning occur?
	When most of the students in class get good grades in the tests.
	When students memorize all the topics which were presented in class by the teacher.
	When  students develop basic knowledge of certain topics studied in the classes. 
	As teachers and students interact while they explore the subject together, learning occurs.
	When students do very well in spelling competitions.
	6a Questão (Ref.:201705601567)
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	What  should teachers  keep in mind ?
All the items are appropriate, EXCEPT FOR
	That  students ought to be able to investigate their alternative conceptions freely.
	That students ought to memorize all the concepts which were taught in class.
	That  students ought  to apply their knowledge to other areas of thinking.
	That  true understanding comes from students being in charge of their own learning process.
	That students need to test their own theories.
	7a Questão (Ref.:201705601220)
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	Choose the CORRECT alternative:
	Language learners are faced on a daily basis with the task of acquiring, and retaining, new vocabulary. One of the main tasks of a language teacher, then, is to help students in each and every necessary translation in relation to an acquired language
	Language learners are faced on a daily basis with the task of acquiring, and retaining, new vocabulary. One of the main tasks of a language teacher, then, is to help students develop a sufficiently large vocabulary.
	Language learners never deal wih the task of acquiring, and retaining, new vocabulary. One of the main tasks of a language teacher, then, is to help students develop a sufficiently large vocabulary.
	Language learners are never faced on a daily basis with the task of acquiring, and retaining, new vocabulary. One of the main tasks of a language teacher, then, is to help students develop a small vocabulary.
	Language learners are faced on a daily basis with the task of acquiring, and retaining, new vocabulary. One of the main tasks of a language teacher, then, is not to help teachers develop a sufficiently large vocabulary.
	8a Questão (Ref.:201705601571)
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	Mastering a foreign language is not an easy task. Knowing words and how to use them adequately is a relevant task to anyone.
Read the following passage and fill in the blanks with the appropriate options:
"McCarten suggests that foreign students who know, for example, the most frequent  ...... words should be able to understand about 80% of the words in a text. If they learn the most frequent ......  words their level of understanding might rise to 88.7%."
	4,000 - 6,000
	1,000 - 3,000
	3,000 - 6,000
	2,000 - 5,000
	5,000 - 7,000
	9a Questão (Ref.:201705601227)
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	According to what has been discussed in classes about autonomy and learning, what activityCOULD NOT be linked to this perspective:
	Problem-based learning
	Field trips and practicals
	A choice of questions in exams or essays
	Teachers centered activities
	Group discussions
	10a Questão (Ref.:201705601229)
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	We all know that autonomy-supportive teachers have specific characteristics that stimulate their students in order to be independent when learning a second language. Think about this characteristics and choose the alternative that does not represent an autonomy-supportive teachers attitude:
	They listen to students.
	They are not interested students' opinions as much as they are in results.
	They take students¿ emotional perspectives.
	They give answers to student-generated dialogues.
	They allow students to manipulate classroom materials.

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