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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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16 milhões de materiais de várias disciplinas

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Passei Direto grátis

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Você viu 9, do total de 9 páginas

Prévia do material em texto

Pergunta 1
1 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Identify subjects and variablesGenerate numerical measures of center of spread of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the distribution.
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. Here again, is the distribution of number hours of exercise per week for 50 male college student:
What do you expect the relationship between the mean and the median of this distribution to be?
		Resposta Selecionada:
The mean will be larger than the median
	Resposta Correta:
The mean will be larger than the median
Pergunta 2
1 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Generate graphical displays of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the overall pattern of the distribution. Identify subjects and variables
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. 
Here again, is the side-by-side boxplots that display the delivery time distributions (in minutes) of two pizza shops – “Big Slice” and “City Pizza”
Which pizza shop has more variability in delivery times?
		Resposta Selecionada:
 Big Slice
	Resposta Correta:
 Big Slice
	Feedback da resposta:
	This is correct.
Pergunta 3
0 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Identify subjects and variablesGenerate numerical measures of center of spread of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the distribution.
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. Here again, is the distribution of number hours of exercise per week for 50 male college student:
What are appropriate numerical measures of center and spread in this case?
		Resposta Selecionada:
The mean and the median.
	Resposta Correta:
None of the above.
Pergunta 4
0 em 1 pontos
	Questions 1-3 are related to the following information:
A college professor records the following information for each of the 55 students enrolled in her class:
• Gender
• Year (Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior)
• Number of missed classes
• Midterm score
• Extra credit (1 – Submitted, 2 – Not submitted)
• Final exam score
Skills: Understand the structure of a data set and identify different type of variables. Identify subjects and variables
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. 
What are the individuals in this dataset?
		Resposta Selecionada:
The six pieces of information recorded on each student
	Resposta Correta:
The 55 students enrolled in the professor’s class
Pergunta 5
1 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Calculate appropriate conditional percentages.
Identify subjects and variables "multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. 
What is the correct percentage conversion of Too Many sodas for the Female response?
		Resposta Selecionada:
	Resposta Correta:
	Feedback da resposta:
	Correct! You used Females and Too Many. Great job!
Pergunta 6
0 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Generate graphical displays of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the overall pattern of the distribution. Identify subjects and variables
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. 
Here again, is the side-by-side boxplots that display the delivery time distributions (in minutes) of two pizza shops – “Big Slice” and “City Pizza”
Which pizza shop has a larger percentage of deliveries that take between 25 and 35 minutes?
		Resposta Selecionada:
Big Slice
	Resposta Correta:
City Pizza
Pergunta 7
1 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Generate graphical displays of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the overall pattern of the distribution.
Identify subjects and variables"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. 
The side-by-side boxplots below display the delivery time distributions (in minutes) of two pizza shops – “Big Slice” and “City Pizza”
75% of Big Slice deliveries take: 
		Resposta Selecionada:
More than 25 minutes
	Resposta Correta:
More than 25 minutes
	Feedback da resposta:
	This is correct.
Pergunta 8
1 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Identify subjects and variables
Generate numerical measures of center of spread of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the distribution.
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. Based on the collected data 16% of self-employed individuals work less than how many hours per week?
		Resposta Selecionada:
	Resposta Correta:
	Feedback da resposta:
	This is correct. Based on the Standard Deviation Rule approximately 68% of self-employed individuals work between 39 and 55 hours. This means that approximately 16% of self-employed individuals work less than 39 hours and 16% work more than 55 hours.
Pergunta 9
0 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Calculate appropriate conditional percentages. Identify subjects and variables
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. Which numbers would be used to convert to a percentage for Male, Not Enough?
		Resposta Selecionada:
	Resposta Correta:
Pergunta 10
0 em 1 pontos
	Skills: Generate graphical displays of the distribution of a quantitative variable and use them to summarize the overall pattern of the distribution.Identify subjects and variables
"multiple choice" question: select the correct answer. Here again, is the side-by-side boxplots that display the delivery time distributions (in minutes) of two pizza shops – “Big Slice” and “City Pizza” 
Within which delivery time interval would you expect to find the largest number of City Pizza deliveries?
		Resposta Selecionada:
Between 35 and 40 minutes
	Resposta Correta:
Between 25 and 30 minutes

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