

Prévia do material em texto

	Name	Mica	granite	leucitite
	SiO2	37.7	71.3	46.2
	TiO2	0.64	0.31	1.2
	Al2O3	7.33	14.32	14.4
	Fe2O3	3.99	1.21	4.1
	FeO	5.36	1.64	4.4
	MnO	0.19	0.05	0.0
	MgO	20.6	0.71	7.0
	CaO	12.2	1.84	13.2
	Na2O	0.71	3.68	1.6
	K2O	5.33	4.07	6.4
	P2O5	0.78	0.12	0.4
	CO2	0.00	0.05
	Total	94.83	99.30	98.90
	Quartz (Q)		29.07
	Corundum(C)		0.92
	Orthoclase(Or)		24.05
	Albite(Ab)		31.14
	Anorthite(An)	1.07	8.03	13.21
	Nepheline(Ne)	3.25		7.33
	Diopside(Di)			36.17
	Hypersthene(Hy)		3.36
	Olivine(Ol)	40.82		2.21
	Magnetite(Mt)	5.79	1.75	5.94
	Ilmenite(Il)	1.22	0.59	2.28
	Apatite(Ap)	1.81	0.28	0.93
	Leucite(Lc)	23.63		29.66
	CaDiSilicate(Cs)	17.25		1.23
	Kaliophilite(Kp)	0.77
	Calcite(Cc)		0.11
	Solidification Index	44.22	14.79	44.44
	Differentiation Ind.	26.89	84.26	36.99
	Color Index	47.82	5.70	46.61
	Agpaitic Index	0.95	0.73	0.66
	Mg#	85.44	39.83	70.10
	Olivine fo	36.27		1.89
	Olivine fa	4.55		0.32
	Diopside wo			19.07
	Diopside en			14.74
	Dioside fs			2.29
	Hypersthene en		1.77
	Hypersthene fs		1.59
Wt. % of total rock as normative forsterite in Ol. (Fo + Fa) sum to Ol.
Wt. % of total rock as normative fayalite in olivine. (Fo + Fa) sum to Ol.
Wt. % of total rock as normative wollastonite component in Di. (Wo + En + Fs) sum to Di.
Wt. % of total rock as normative enstatite component in Di. (Wo + En + Fs) sum to Di.
Wt. % of total rock as normative ferrosilite component in Di. (Wo + En + Fs) sum to Di.
Wt. % of total rock as normative enstatite component in Hy. (En + Fs) sum to Hy.
Wt. % of total rock as normative ferrosilite component in Hy. (En + Fs) sum to Hy.
Based on Wt. %s. SI = 100*MgO/(MgO+FeO+Fe2O3+Na2O+K2O).
From Kuno.
Sum of Q, Or, Ab, Ne, Ks and Lc. From Thornton and Tuttle (1960) Chemistry of Igneous rocks: pt. I, Differentiation Index. Am. J. Sci. 258, p. 665-84.
Total normative mafics; i.e., Di+Hy+Ol+Mt+Hm+Il+Ac.
True color index is based on mode.
Molar( Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3
100 * Molar Mg/(Mg + Fe)
Things to remember:
Click on the NORM button to calculate your analysis. Tell the program how many analyses you want to calculate (1 column for each analysis).
Don't erase column A or you won't know where to put your data and you won't know what your results are!
Don't add rows before ROW 59! The Visual Basic Macro is looking in specific rows for specific information. If you move things around, the program will not work.
Currently, Rows 16 and 43 list the sum of the chemical analysis and norm respectively. These are calculated by the Spreadsheet and not by Visual Basic. Therefore, you can Fill Right on those rows to calculate the sums for each column. This may assess whether you have input your analysis correctly.
The program does not normalize to 100%. If you start with less than 100%, your norm will also have <100% (It may anyway).
Save your results by moving the data from the INPUT Sheet to another sheet. 
The CIPW norm calculation scheme is from:
Kelsey (1965) Calculation of the C.I.P.W. norm. Mineralogical Magazine, v. 34, p. 276-282. 
Most of the analyses on the "Major Rock Types" Sheet are from Le'Maitre (1976) J. Petrol 17: 589. The associated norms are calculated by THIS spreadsheet and not those reported by Le Maitre. In some cases, the values may differ, especially on ultramafic rocks, as it appears that Le Maitre used some other norm calculation routine. 
Not all norm calculations are the same, and some reported norms may differ from those calculated herein.
Jake Lowenstern, USGS December 2000
		Mica	hornblende	Nepheline	Phonolite	Syenite	trachyte	granite	rhyolite	Adamellite	Granodiorite	rhyodacite	Dacite	Tonalite	diorite	andesite	monzonite	latite	trachy-	trachybasalt	gabbro	norite	diabase	basalt	basanite	nephel	hawaiite	anorthosite	pyroxenite	peridotite	Harzburgite	dunite	peridotite
		Peridotite	andesite	Syenite															andesite
	Oxide (Wt.%)
	SiO2	37.7	57.3	54.99	56.19	58.58	61.21	71.3	72.82	68.65	66.09	65.55	65.01	61.52	57.48	57.94	62	61.25	58.15	49.21	50.14	50.44	50.14	49.2	44.3	40.6	47.48	50.28	46.27	42.26	39.93	38.29	42.26
	TiO2	0.64	1.02	0.6	0.62	0.84	0.7	0.31	0.28	0.54	0.54	0.6	0.58	0.73	0.95	0.87	0.78	0.81	1.08	2.4	1.12	1	1.49	1.84	2.51	2.66	3.23	0.64	1.47	0.63	0.26	0.09	0.63
	Al2O3	7.33	16.9	20.96	19.04	16.64	16.96	14.32	13.27	14.55	15.73	15.04	15.91	16.48	16.67	17.02	15.65	16.01	16.7	16.63	15.48	16.28	15.02	15.74	14.7	14.33	15.74	25.86	7.16	4.23	2.35	1.82	4.23
	Fe2O3	3.99	4.58	2.25	2.79	3.04	2.99	1.21	1.48	1.23	1.38	2.13	2.43	1.83	2.5	3.27	1.92	3.28	3.26	3.69	3.01	2.21	3.45	3.79	3.94	5.48	4.94	0.96	4.27	3.61	5.48	3.59	3.61
	FeO	5.36	2.55	2.05	2.03	3.13	2.29	1.64	1.11	2.7	2.73	2.03	2.3	3.82	4.92	4.04	3.08	2.07	3.21	6.18	7.62	7.39	8.16	7.13	7.5	6.17	7.36	2.07	7.18	6.58	6.47	9.38	6.58
	MnO	0.19	0.11	0.15	0.17	0.13	0.15	0.05	0.06	0.08	0.08	0.09	0.09	0.08	0.12	0.14	0.1	0.09	0.16	0.16	0.12	0.14	0.16	0.2	0.16	0.26	0.19	0.05	0.16	0.41	0.15	0.71	0.41
	MgO	20.6	2.74	0.77	1.07	1.87	0.93	0.71	0.39	1.14	1.74	2.09	1.78	2.8	3.71	3.33	2.02	2.22	2.57	5.17	7.59	8.73	6.4	6.73	8.54	6.39	5.58	2.12	16.04	31.24	33.18	37.94	31.24
	CaO	12.2	6.11	2.31	2.72	3.53	2.34	1.84	1.14	2.68	3.83	3.62	4.32	5.42	6.58	6.79	4.17	4.34	4.96	7.9	9.58	9.41	8.9	9.47	10.19	11.89	7.91	12.48	14.08	5.05	2.9	1.01	5.05
	Na2O	0.71	3.52	8.23	7.79	5.24	5.47	3.68	3.55	3.47	3.75	3.67	3.79	3.63	3.54	3.48	3.73	3.71	4.35	3.96	2.39	2.26	2.91	2.91	3.55	4.79	3.97	3.15	0.92	0.49	0.31	0.2	0.49
	K2O	5.33	2.91	5.58	5.24	4.95	4.98	4.07	4.3	4	2.73	3	2.17	2.07	1.76	1.62	4.06	3.87	3.21	2.55	0.93	0.7	0.99	1.1	1.96	3.46	1.53	0.65	0.64	0.34	0.14	0.08	0.34
	P2O5	0.78	0.42	0.13	0.18	0.29	0.21	0.12	0.07	0.19	0.18	0.25	0.15	0.25	0.29	0.21	0.25	0.33	0.41	0.59	0.24	0.15	0.25	0.35	0.74	1.07	0.74	0.09	0.38	0.1	0.13	0.2	0.1
	CO2	0.00		0.20	0.08	0.28	0.09	0.05	0.08	0.09	0.08	0.21	0.06	0.14	0.10	0.05	0.08	0.19	0.08	0.1	0.07	0.18	0.16	0.11	0.18	0.60	0.04	0.14	0.13	0.30	0.09	0.43	0.3
	Total	94.83	98.16	98.22	97.92	98.52	98.32	99.30	98.55	99.32	98.86	98.28	98.59	98.77	98.62	98.76	97.84	98.17	98.14	98.54	98.29	98.89	98.03	98.57	98.27	97.70	98.71	98.49	98.70	95.24	91.39	93.74	95.24
	Quartz (Q)		10.96			0.86	4.95	29.07	32.89	25.04	22.33	22.61	22.71	16.15	10.29	12.39	13.38	14.26	7.75		0.82	0.31	0.98					0.55
	Corundum(C)							0.92	1.06	0.30	0.26	0.26																				1.04
	Orthoclase(Or)		17.20	32.98	30.97	29.25	29.43	24.05	25.41	23.64	16.13	17.73	12.82	12.23	10.40	9.57	23.99	22.87	18.97	15.07	5.50	4.14	5.85	6.50	11.58	3.00	9.04	3.84	3.78	2.01	0.83	0.47	2.01
	Albite(Ab)		29.79	29.23	35.42	44.34	46.29	31.14	30.04	29.36	31.73	31.05	32.07	30.72	29.95	29.45	31.56	31.39	36.81	29.36	20.22	19.12	24.62	24.62	12.23		33.59	26.65	7.78	4.15	2.62	1.69	4.15
	Anorthite(An)	1.07	21.72	3.77	1.51	7.26	7.01	8.03	4.69	11.49	17.32	15.00	19.99	22.56	24.40	26.03	13.97	15.60	16.56	20.07	28.76	32.21	25.00	26.64	18.39	7.38	20.61	54.50	13.52	8.34	4.61	0.99	8.34
	Nepheline(Ne)	3.25		21.89	16.52															2.25					9.65	21.96
	Diopside(Di)		4.56	4.55	7.10	5.32	2.14						0.07	1.48	4.66	4.81	3.73	2.01	3.89	11.77	13.60	10.00	13.47	14.03	21.00	32.40	10.86	4.78	42.11	11.17	6.58		11.17
	Hypersthene(Hy)		4.71			4.18	2.15	3.36	1.44	6.04	7.46	6.35	5.83	10.70	12.59	9.52	6.18	4.60	6.27		22.20	27.27	19.35	15.33			0.24	5.03	6.19	15.84	22.21	15.91	15.84
	Olivine(Ol)	40.82		0.65																8.54				1.42	12.86	2.50	9.28		15.24	46.42	45.61	66.83	46.42
	Magnetite(Mt)	5.79	5.62	3.26	4.05	4.41	4.34	1.75	2.15	1.78	2.00	3.09	3.52	2.65	3.62	4.74	2.78	4.62	4.73	5.35	4.36	3.20	5.00	5.50	5.71	7.95	7.16	1.39	6.19	5.23	7.95	5.21	5.23
	Ilmenite(Il)	1.22	1.94	1.14	1.18	1.60	1.33	0.59	0.53	1.03	1.03	1.14	1.10	1.39	1.80	1.65	1.48	1.54	2.05	4.56	2.13	1.90	2.83	3.49	4.77	5.05	6.14	1.22	2.79	1.20	0.49	0.17	1.20
	Apatite(Ap)	1.81	0.97	0.30	0.42	0.67	0.49	0.28	0.16	0.44	0.42	0.58	0.35	0.58	0.67	0.49	0.58	0.76	0.95	1.37	0.56	0.35	0.58	0.81	1.72	2.48	1.72	0.21	0.88	0.23	0.30	0.46	0.23
	Leucite(Lc)	23.6313.68
	CaDiSilicate(Cs)	17.25
	Kaliophilite(Kp)	0.77
	Wollastonite(Wo)				0.59
	Hematite(Hm)		0.70															0.10
	Calcite(Cc)			0.45	0.18	0.64	0.20	0.11	0.18	0.20	0.18	0.48	0.14	0.32	0.23	0.11	0.18	0.43	0.18	0.23	0.16	0.41	0.36	0.25	0.41	1.36	0.09	0.32	0.30	0.68	0.20	0.98	0.68
	Total	95.61	98.17	98.23	97.93	98.53	98.33	99.30	98.55	99.32	98.86	98.28	98.59	98.77	98.63	98.77	97.85	98.18	98.15	98.56	98.31	98.91	98.05	98.59	98.31	97.76	98.73	98.50	98.78	95.27	91.40	93.75	95.27
	Solidification Index	44.22	31.06	11.31	13.22	17.75	12.95	14.79	9.84	19.03	26.56	25.05	28.78	32.32	34.09	35.36	24.59	25.13	26.12	32.54	40.71	42.83	36.46	38.81	37.55	37.40	30.77	64.63	51.97	31.43	18.95	7.08	31.43
	Differentiation Ind.	26.89	57.94	84.10	82.91	74.45	80.67	84.26	88.34	78.04	70.19	71.39	67.60	59.10	50.64	51.41	68.94	68.52	63.52	46.67	26.54	23.57	31.45	31.12	33.46	38.64	42.63	31.05	11.57	6.16	3.45	2.17	6.16
	Color Index	47.82	17.54	9.61	12.33	15.51	9.95	5.70	4.11	8.85	10.49	10.58	10.52	16.22	22.69	20.73	14.18	12.86	16.93	30.22	42.29	42.37	40.65	39.77	44.34	47.90	33.68	12.42	72.52	79.86	82.84	88.11	79.86
	Agpaitic Index	0.95	0.53	0.93	0.97	0.84	0.85	0.73	0.79	0.69	0.58	0.62	0.54	0.50	0.46	0.44	0.67	0.64	0.64	0.56	0.32	0.27	0.39	0.38	0.54	0.81	0.52	0.23	0.31	0.28	0.28	0.23	0.28
	Mg#	85.44	57.70	34.94	41.78	46.64	35.88	39.83	32.51	40.57	50.50	59.76	52.71	54.12	54.68	55.42	50.63	58.50	53.74	56.80	61.99	66.36	56.08	60.05	64.48	60.61	54.01	62.31	77.84	88.28	88.48	86.91	88.28
	Olivine fo	36.27		0.39																6.12				0.96	9.56	2.08	6.86		12.62	41.26	41.61	56.64	41.26
	Olivine fa	4.55		0.27																2.43				0.46	3.30	0.42	2.42		2.62	5.16	4.00	10.19	5.16
	Diopside wo		2.44	2.33	3.71	2.75	1.11						0.03	0.76	2.39	2.49	1.91	1.08	2.03	6.11	7.00	5.16	6.89	7.25	10.94	17.05	5.66	2.48	22.14	5.91	3.49		5.91
	Diopside en		2.11	1.37	2.67	1.77	0.75						0.02	0.44	1.41	1.62	1.14	0.93	1.46	4.15	4.33	3.27	4.04	4.71	7.63	12.94	3.93	1.66	16.74	4.71	2.83		4.71
	Dioside fs			0.85	0.71	0.80	0.28						0.01	0.28	0.86	0.69	0.67		0.39	1.49	2.26	1.56	2.53	2.05	2.39	2.35	1.26	0.64	3.15	0.53	0.25		0.53
	Hypersthene en		4.71			2.89	1.57	1.77	0.97	2.84	4.33	5.21	4.41	6.53	7.83	6.67	3.89	4.60	4.94		14.58	18.47	11.90	10.68			0.18	3.62	5.21	14.22	20.43	13.67	14.22
	Hypersthene fs					1.30	0.58	1.59	0.46	3.20	3.13	1.14	1.42	4.17	4.76	2.85	2.29		1.32		7.62	8.79	7.45	4.65			0.06	1.40	0.98	1.61	1.78	2.23	1.61
Analyses in columns B to AG are from Le Maitre (1976),J. Petrol 17: 589). Norms are calculated by this spreadsheet. Note that the norms reported by Le Maitre sometimes differ from those calculated herein, especially for ultramafic rocks. Evidently, he used a different norm calculation scheme than that of Kelsey (1965).
Sum of Q, Or, Ab, Ne, Ks and Lc. From Thornton and Tuttle (1960) Chemistry of Igneous rocks: pt. I, Differentiation Index. Am. J. Sci. 258, p. 665-84.
Molar( Na2O + K2O)/Al2O3
100 * Molar Mg/(Mg + Fe)
Wt. % of total rock as normative forsterite in Ol. (Fo + Fa) sum to Ol.
Wt. % of total rock as normative fayalite in olivine. (Fo + Fa) sum to Ol.
Wt. % of total rock as normative wollastonite component in Di. (Wo + En + Fs) sum to Di.
Wt. % of total rock as normative enstatite component in Di. (Wo + En + Fs) sum to Di.
Wt. % of total rock as normative ferrosilite component in Di. (Wo + En + Fs) sum to Di.
Wt. % of total rock as normative enstatite component in Hy. (En + Fs) sum to Hy.
Wt. % of total rock as normative ferrosilite component in Hy. (En + Fs) sum to Hy.
Total normative mafics; i.e., Di+Hy+Ol+Mt+Hm+Il+Ac.
True color index is based on mode.
Based on Wt. %s. SI = 100*MgO/(MgO+FeO+Fe2O3+Na2O+K2O).
From Kuno.

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