
Atividade de Língua Inglesa Nono Ano

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As frases abaixo estão escritas no presente simples. Transforme cada uma delas utilizando o 
Present Perfect. 
Escreva as respostas em seu caderno e envie a imagem. 
a. Did Roberto visit Vancouver? ____________________________________________ 
b. Yes, he did. __________________________________________________________ 
c. Mrs. Smith didn’t read the book. __________________________________________ 
d. He was a teacher. ____________________________________________________ 
e. Were you in jail? ______________________________________________________ 
f. I didn’t clean my room. _________________________________________________ 
g. No, they weren’t. _____________________________________________________ 
h. Was she sick? _______________________________________________________ 
i. Did he swim in the ocean? _____________________________________________ 
Preencha as frases abaixo com as informações entre parênteses. 
a. Oh no! I have _______________ _______________ my cell phone! (to lose) (just) 
b. No, Pat and Sue haven’t ___________ ___________ (to arrive) (yet) 
c. Has Mr. Smith (have) _______________ ____________breakfast? (to arrive) (yet) 
d. A: Has he (call) _______________? (to call) (yet) 
e. Yes, I have __________ ___________ this book. (to read) (already) 
f. No. I have ___________ _____________ lobster before. (to eat) (never)

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