
Neuroanatomia em inglês

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Mariana Rocha Cruz – UNIFESO- TURMA 102 @maridejaleco 
-Central Nervous System (CNS); 
-Nucleus: Gruop pf neuron within the CNS; 
-Tract: Bundle of axons; 
-Afferente: arive; 
-Efferente: exit; 
-Pheripheral Nervous System (PNS): Cranial 
and peripheral nerves ; 
-Ganglia: Group of nerves outside of CNS; 
-Somatic Nervous System: Afferent and 
efferent system that regulate motor 
innervation of smooth muscle and glands 
and sensory information from the internal 
-Gray matter: Is a major component of 
the central nervous system, consisting of 
neuronal cell bodies, neuropil (dendrites and 
unmyelinated axons), glial cells (astrocytes 
and oligodendrocytes), synapses, and 
-White matter: It contains nerve fibers 
(axons), which are extensions of nerve 
cells (neurons). Many of these nerve fibers 
are surrounded by a type of sheath or 
covering called myelin. Myelin gives 
the white matter its color. 
What is gross? It is thing you can see with 
your eyes naked 
Neuroanatomy Neuroanatomy 
Terminology Gross Anatomy 
Mariana Rocha Cruz – UNIFESO- TURMA 102 @maridejaleco 
-Frontal pole, 
-Caudal pole, 
-Brain stem, 
-Sulci (grooves), 
-Gyri (bumps), 
-Central sulcus, 
-Lateral Fissure ( or Sylvius Fissure), 
-Preocciptal notch: Boundary between 
temporal lobe and occiptal lobe, 
-Superior longitudinal sulcos, 
-Longitudinal fissure. 
-Frontal: Exective functions, personality, 
decision making; 
-Pariental: Primary sensory cortex and 
association cortex ; 
-Temporal: Primary visual cortex; 
Mariana Rocha Cruz – UNIFESO- TURMA 102 @maridejaleco 
-Insula: Pain, especially visceral; 
-Limbic: Emotional, arousal, motivation, 
-Paracentral Lobe 
-Parietooccipital lobe 
-Corpus callosum: White matter fiber 
-Brain Stem 
-Cingulate Gyrus: Around the top of corpus 
-Cingulate Sulcos 
-Parahippocampal gyrus: Combined with the 
cingulate gyrus forms the lymbic lobe 
-Collateral sulcos 
-Surrond the entire CNS, 
Main functions: 
-Support vascular elements, 
-Enclose the subarachnoide . 
Outermost layer, 
“Though mother”, 
-Falx cerebri: It’s a sickle-shaped fold of 
dura mater that lies in the midliine between 
the two cerebral hemispheres. 
It’s narrow end in front is attached to the 
internal frontal crest and the crista galli. 
It’s broad posterior part blends in the 
midline with the upper surface of the 
tentorium cerebelli, 
The superior sagital sinus runs in its upper 
fixed margin, the inferior sagittal sinus 
Mariana Rocha Cruz – UNIFESO- TURMA 102 @maridejaleco 
runs in its lower concave free margin, and 
the straight sinus runs along its 
attachment to the tentorium cerebelli. 
-Falx cerebelli: Is a small, sickle-shaped fold 
of dura mater that is attached to the 
internal occipital crest and proojects 
forward between the two cerebelar 
Its posterior fixed margin contain the 
occipital sinus 
-Tentourium cerebelli: Is a crescente-
shaped fold of dura mater that roofs over 
the posterios cranial fossa. 
It covers the upper surface of the 
cerebellum and supports the occipital lobes 
of the cerebral hemispheres. 
-Diapgragma sellae: Is a small circular fold 
of dura mater that forms the roof for 
the sella túrcica. 
A small opening in it’s center allows 
passage os the stalk of the pituary gland. 
Thick dense inelastic membrana and the 
outmost layer of the meninges, 
-Endosteal layer (outer) 
-Meningeal Layer (inner) 
They are closely United execept along 
certain lines, where they separete to form 
venous sinuses. 
Endosteal layer: 
-Periosteum – inner surface of the skull 
-Not contínuos with dura mater of spinal 
Meningeal layer: 
-Dura mater proper, 
-Covering the brain, 
-Continuos with dura mater of spinal cord, 
-Folded inwards as 4 septa between part 
of the brain, 
-The function of these septa is to restrict 
the rotatory displacement of the brain, 
Mariana Rocha Cruz – UNIFESO- TURMA 102 @maridejaleco 
-Middle layer, 
-Encloses the subarachnoide space, 
-Cerebrospinal fluid, 
-Blood vessels, 
-Arachnoid granulations 
Subdural space: 
Relatively narrow over the surfase of the 
cerebral hemisphere, but sometimes 
becomes much wider in áreas as the base 
of the brain, the widest space is called 
subarachnoide cisterns. 
The cisterna cerebellomedulares lies 
between inferior surface of the 
cerebellum and roof of 4th ventricle. 
The cisterna interpeduncularis lies between 
2 cerebral hemispheres. All the cisternae 
are in free communication with on another 
and with the remainder of subarachnoid 
Subdural haematoma: 
Mariana Rocha Cruz – UNIFESO- TURMA 102 @maridejaleco 
Pia mater is a vascular membrane covered 
by mesothelial cells, 
Closelu invests the brain, covering the gyri, 
desending into the deepest sulci and closely 
applied to the cortical surface 
It extends out over the cranial nerves and 
fuses with their epineurium, 
The cerebral arteries entering the 
substance of the brain, carry a sheat of 
pia mater with them, 
The pia mater forms the tela choroidar, 
The tela choroidae fuse fuse with 
ependyma to forma choroid plexus

Outros materiais