
7º ANO INGLÊS - Home school palmas

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Faça como milhares de estudantes: teste grátis o Passei Direto

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Prévia do material em texto

CRONOGRAMA: 26 de outubro a 7 de novembro de 2020. 
 Compreensão de textos orais de cunho descritivo ou narrativo. Utilização de apoio visual para um 
entendimento global. 
 Trabalhar os diferentes objetivos de leitura. 
 (EF07LI04) (EF07LI09) (EF07LI06) (EF07LI07) 
Escola Municipal Aurélio Buarque de Holanda 
AULAS 1 E 2 
Human history is marked by inequality and social injustice, especially between blacks and 
whites. Many black personalities made history in the fight for equal rights. Perhaps you know 
some of these so important people! 
Before reading the following text, THINKING about the questions below. 
 Do you know who was Martin Luther King? 
( ) Yes. He was an american civil rights campaigner. 
( ) No, I don‟t know who was him. 
 How many black people do you know that were very important in the fight for rights 
( ) one people. 
( ) two people. 
( ) three or more people. 
 Who were they? Where were they from? 
 Before reading the text below, take a look its title, image and structure. What do you 
expect to read about? 
Now, let‟s read the text below. 
Disponível em: https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation-now/2018/02/02/martin-luther-king-jr-timeline/1061525001/ Acesso em 20 de 
setembro de 2020. 
Agora, vamos responder as questões abaixo. 
1. What is the main objective of the text, Timeline: The life of Martin Luther King Jr.? 
A) To present details about the family of Martin Luther King Jr. 
B) To show details on the political and social life of Martin L. king Jr. 
C) To present very important people in our history. 
D) To present the most important events in the life of Martin Luther King Jr. 
2. According to the text, where was Martin Luther King born? Mark the correct option. 
Timeline: The life of Martin 
Luther King Jr. 
1929. Jan. 15: Michael King is born in Atlanta, Georgia, 
U.S. His father changes the boy‟s name, as well as his 
own, to Martin Luther King several years later. 
1944. Sept. 20: King enrolls at Morehouse College after 
passing the entrance exam at age 15. 
1946. Aug. 6: The Atlanta Constitution publishes a letter 
to the editor from King supporting minority rights. 
1948. June 8: King graduates from Morehouse College 
with bachelor‟s degree in sociology. 
1953. June 18: King and Coretta Scott are married near 
Marion, Ala. 
1955. June 5: King earns doctorate from Boston 
1956. Jan. 30: King‟s home is bombed while he is speaking 
at a meeting. 
1961. Dec. 16: King and hundreds of others are arrested 
in desegregation campaign in Albany, Ga. 
1962. July 27: King is arrested at a prayer vigil in Albany 
and spends two weeks in jail. He leaves Aug. 10. 
1963. Aug. 28: King delivers his “I Have a Dream” speech 
at the Lincoln Memorial as more than 200,000 
demonstrators take part in the March on Washington for 
Jobs and Freedom. 
1964. Dec. 10: King wins Nobel Peace Prize. 
1968. April 4: King is shot and killed on the balcony of the 
Lorraine Motel. 
April 9: King is buried in Atlanta. 
A) He was born in Atlanta, Canada. 
B) He was born in Pernambuco, Brazil. 
C) He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, U.S. 
D) He was born in the Transkei, South Africa. 
3. Marque a tradução correta para a frase: “I Have a Dream”. 
A) “Eu tenho um sonho” B) “Eu quero um sonho” 
C) “Eu quero lutar” D) “Nós temos um sonho” 
4. According to the text, who was Coretta Scott? 
A) Coretta Scott was Martin Luther King‟s daughter. 
B) She was Martin Luther King Jr‟s wife. 
C) Coretta Scott was Martin Luther King Jr‟s mother. 
D) She was Martin Luther King Jr‟s sister. 
5. According to the text, when did he receive the Nobel Peace Prize? 
A) He never received the Nobel Peace Prize. 
B) He received the Nobel Peace Prize before he married. 
C) Martin Luther King Jr received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1968. 
D) He received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. 
Nesta aula, vamos praticar o nosso listening, ampliar o vocabulário e nos divertirmos! 
Click no link abaixo para assistir a história. Dê atenção a pronúncia das palavras, faça uma 
relação de palavras que você ainda não conhece, pesquise seus significados e aumente o seu 
Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jbxrzaoTCZY Acesso em 22 de setembro de 2020. 
AULAS 4 E 5 
A fable is a type of short story that is told to teach a moral lesson. Fables are usually about 
animals or plants that can talk and act like people. Do you like fables? What fables do you know? 
Listen and read a fable about the relationship between two animals. 
Acesse o link abaixo e ouça a fábula a seguir. Não esqueça de acompanhar a leitura, observe 
também a pronúncia das palavras. Depois, tente fazer a leitura em voz alta. 
The lion and the mouse 
A lion was asleep in the sun one day. A little mouse came out to play. The little mouse ran 
up the lion‟s neck and slid down his back. The lion caught him with a great big smack! 
„I‟m going to eat you!‟ the lion roared, his mouth open wide. 
„No, no, please don‟t!‟ the little mouse cried. „Be kind to me and one day I‟ll help you.‟ 
„I‟m a lion! You‟re a mouse! What can you do?‟ The lion laughed, very hard, and the 
mouse ran away. 
But the mouse was out walking the very next day. He heard a big roar, and squeaked 
when he saw the king of the jungle tied to a tree. But the mouse had a plan to set him free. The 
mouse worked quickly and chewed through the rope. 
The lion said, „Oh little mouse, I had no hope. You were right, little mouse –thank you, I‟m 
free. You‟re the best friend there ever could be!‟ 
Disponivel em: https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/sites/kids/files/attachment/short-stories-story-time-the-lion-and-the-mouse-transcript.pdf 
Acesso em: 16 de setembro de 2020. 
Disponivel em:https://www.google.com/search?q=o+le%C3%A3o+e+o+rato Acesso em: 16 de setembro de 2020. 
Disponivel em: https://www.google.com/search?q=o+le%C3%A3o+e+o+rato Acesso em: 16 de setembro de 2020. 
Agora, vamos responder as questões abaixo. 
6. Where is this text from? 
A) It is from a magazine. 
B) It is from a book. 
C) It is from a website. 
D) It is from a newspaper. 
7. In the text, the prevalent time is: 
A) the past simple. 
B) the future. 
C) the present. 
D) the present continuous. 
8. What is the moral of this fable? 
A) One bad turn deserves another. 
B) Little friends may prove great friends. 
C) What you throw away today may be missing tomorrow. 
D) The strongest always win. 
Retire do texto a frase que descreve as cenas abaixo de acordo com a imagem. 
AULAS 6 E 7 
Boys and girls are still treated differently in today‟s world. Did you know that about 62 
million girls around the world are not in school? Watch the following campaign vídeo promoted by 
Plan International. 
Para assistir ao vídeo do texto 1, clique no link abaixo. 
Text 1 
Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gy7N2G_Hz_Y Acesso em: 22 de setembro 2020. 
11. What is the campaign video about? 
A) It‟s rights of children and adolescents. 
B) It's about prejudice, racism. 
C) It‟s about the importance of education for girls. 
D) It is about violence against children and adolescents. 
12.Complete the sentences below according to the Blenda's speech in the video. Use the words 
from the box below. 
 Because I am a girl I _______________ braiding my sister‟s hair, ________________ or 
playing with my friends. 
 Drawing __________________ and solving equations. 
 Because I am a girl I have _________________. 
 When I grow up I want be a ___________________ and judge or maybe a 
 And I dream of having a family with my _______________ love. 
 But I know of none of these dreams will ______________ true. 
Para leitura do texto a seguir, observe as palavras parecidas com o português e o uso de 
imagens, bem como a relação entre os elementos verbais e não verbais 
Text 2 
scientist – come – dreams – love – doctor – true – dancing – diagrams 
Now, answer the questions below. 
13. What is the genre of this text? 
A) It‟s a comic strip. 
B) It‟s a poster. 
C) It‟s a cartum. 
D) It's a magazine cover. 
14. What is the purpose of this campaign? 
Disponível em: https://br.pinterest.com/pin/176062666660277823/?nic_v2=1a3IFg9Ip Acesso em: 22 de setembro de 2020. 
15. What do text 1 and text 2 have in common? 
16. Education representes opportunity and it is the right of every child. In your opinion, how to 
education can change children's lives? 
Do you know how cinema came about? 
It was at the end of the 19th century, in 1895, in France, the brothers Louis and Auguste Lumière 
invented cinema. In the first half of this century, the photography had already been invented by 
Louis-Jacques Daguerre and Joseph Nicéphore Niepce, making this revolutionary creation 
possible in the world of the arts and cultural industry: cinema. 
Disponível em: https://www.bonde.com.br/educacao/passado-a-limpo/voce-sabe-como-surgiu-o-cinema--228618.html Acesso em: 23 de setembro 
de 2020. 
Do you like movies? What‟s your favorite kind of movie? What‟s your favorite actor or actress? 
Assista ao videoclipe clicando no link abaixo. 
Disponível em: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi4188651801?playlistId=tt2850386&ref_=tt_ov_vi Acesso em: 23 de setembro de 2020. 
Now, answer the questions below. 
17. The video clip above is a: 
A) Documentary. B) Trailer. C) Meme. D) Interview. 
18. What's the character's name that introduce family? 
A) Sandy. B) Eep. C) Ugga. D) Thunk. 
19. What is the purpose of the vídeo above? 
Abaixo temos o link de um lindo conto de fadas. 
Let's watch a fairy tale? 
Para assistir o vídeo, clique no link abaixo. 
Disponível em: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMrMILXMUaQ&t=344s Acesso em: 24 de setembro de 2020. 
Good Studies!!! 
Cronograma: 26/10 a 7/11/2020 
“Fairy tales are: narratives that, an millennia ago, appeared anonymously and began to circulate 
among the people of antiquity, becoming with time in what we know today as a popular tradition.” 
COELHO, Nelly Novaes. Literatura Infantil: teoria, análise, didática. São Paulo: Moderna, 2000. Disponível em: 
http://www.filologia.org.br/linguagememrevista/2/12.pdf Acesso em: 24 de setembro de 2020. 
How many fairy tales do you know? Do you like fairy tales? How many fairy tales have 
you read yet? What is your favorite fairy tale? What was it about? 
Fonte: http://www.diaadiaeducacao.pr.gov.br/ 
1) Who says „I‟ll huff and I‟ll puff and I‟ll blow your house down‟? 
a) a giant 
b) a wolf 
c) a witch 
2) Snow White eats a poisoned: 
a) apple 
b) orange 
c) banana 
3) Cinderella wears shoes made of: 
a) glass 
b) gold 
c) silk 
Good Studies!!!

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