

Prévia do material em texto

Strategies to deal with vocabulary
Choose the best translation for the sentences below::
1- Everyone had a good time at the ball.
a- Todos jogaram bola.
b-Todos gastaram seu tempo no jogo de bola
c- Todos se divertiram no baile.
d- Jogar bola é bom para todos.
e- O jogo de bola levou um bom tempo
2- Policemen in Japan do not carry any arms. 
a- A polícia no Japão é carregada de armas.
b- Os policiais do Japão carregam as pessoas nos braços.
c- A polícia do Japão não carrega os bandidos feridos.
d- Os policiais no Japão não tatuam seus braços
e- Os policiais no Japão não portam armas. 
3- I have to replace these batteries or my m.p.5 won´t work.
a- Eu tenho que recolocar a bateria do meu carro.
b- Eu tenho que trocar a bateria do meu Formula 5.
c- Eu tenho que colocar pilhas no meu m.p.5
d- Eu tenho que trocar as pilhas do meu m.p.5 ou ele não vai tocar.
e- Eu tenho que trazer pilhas novas pro meu carro.
The concepts of receptive and productive vocabulary
In this class, it is very important to understand the differences between receptive and productive vocabulary.
One of the broadest definitions we can apply to the knowledge of vocabulary is that you learn a word when you know its meaning. This definition, however, is too broad and too general. We feel we need more details, more specific definitions about vocabulary learning. You need to know, for example, when we speak about vocabulary, we refer either to the oral form ( the one we use to speak and listen) and the written form ( the one we use to write and read). Within these two forms the vocabulary can be receptive ( in the listening and reading) and productive ( in speaking and writing). Another important information about vocabulary knowledge is that, in general terms, the receptive vocabulary is larger than the productive one in any language.
In the text below, written by Maria Auxiliadora Bezerra, you will have a brief summary of concepts linked to receptive and productive vocabulary that although meant to Portuguese classes are very valuable to any Language classes:
Textual production requires, among another items, a
vocabulary selection which is adequate to the explored
subject, to the typology of the text, and to its degree of
formality. For the proficient writer, this may not cause any
difficulty. However to the learner it might become a great
problem, mainly because of the treatment that is usually given
to the text on Portuguese classes of basic teaching. Ignoring
the psychosociolinguistic nature of the text interferes in the
student learning. In this way, the student begins to write based
on oral language patterns (which belongs to the students
background). The problems in the diversified uses of lexical
units seem to reveal a non-construction of cognitive patterns
related to textual forms and linguistic uses, associated to the
non-use of learning strategies, helping the progress of the
receptive vocabulary to the productive vocabulary.
A produção textual requer, entre outros itens, uma seleção lexical adequada ao assunto abordado, ao gênero de texto e a seu grau de formalidade. Para o escritor proficiente, essa adequação pode não causar dificuldades, no entanto para o aprendiz ela pode se apresentar como desafiadora, sobretudo devido ao tratamento que, em geral, é dado ao texto nas aulas de português do ensino básico. A desconsideração da natureza psicossociolinguística do texto interfere na aprendizagem do aluno, que termina por escrever textos quase sempre com base nos moldes do oral
coloquial (que conhece bem). As dificuldades no uso diversificado de unidades lexicais parecem demonstrar uma não construção de esquemas cognitivos relacionados a tipos e gêneros textuais e registros lingüísticos, além do não-uso de estratégias de aprendizagem, favorecendo a passagem
de vocabulário receptivo para o produtivo.
To understand new vocabulary in reading is totally possible even if we do not know the exact meaning of some of the words in a text.. We can use the inference strategy to grasp the general or approximate meaning of the word or employ other necessary strategies already studied in lesson 4.
You have to agree that knowing a word goes beyond the idea of only knowing the word and its meanings. Let´s go back to the issue of what knowing a word means. It is important to know how to recognize a word while we are reading a text. For example, the word matter belongs to the English lexicon while the word sprechen does not. This is an important step. Another step is to know that the word matter means assunto, questão, ou importar, etc,. But just knowing the meanings taken from the dictionary does not guarantee the comprehension of the word in the varied contexts it may appear.
Difficult or unknown vocabulary
When we think of vocabulary which it is difficult, we should also think that in our native language we do not have a precise knowledge of a 100% of the vocabulary we find in an academic text. Every text has lexical items which represent a certain number of unknown words which can be difficult or not.
Here are some lexical items which generally bring some difficulty to the readers:
Idiomatic Expressions
They are lexical items composed by many words which have a specific meaning when kept together.
Example: When my sister tells her stories she drives me crazy!
(Quando minha irmã conta suas histórias ela me deixa maluca!)
Se tentarmos traduzir a frase com sentido usual das palavras, ela perderá todo o sentido e teríamos uma tradução como esta: “ Quando minha irmã conta suas histórias ela dirige meu louco!
Words with multiple meanings
Words with multiple meanings also poses a problem for readers. They demand that readers be conscious that there are many possibilities of meanings and choose the write meaning for a certain context. These words are area, random,face,comfort, among others.
Meaning transfer
Meaning transfer happens when we use a word that originally does not belong to a specific area . When I use the expression ‘galloping inflation’ , it means that inflation is increasing.
This is an example of a metaphor. Let´s read about Metaphor Cognitive Theory:
 Nos últimos anos, porém, com o advento da Linguística Cognitiva, a investigação desses dois processos figurativos (metáfora e metonímia) sofreu uma verdadeira revolução. Essa revolução foi inaugurada com a publicação da obra Metaphors We Live By (1980) de George Lakoff e Michael Johnson. Nessa obra, os autores propõem uma inovadora teoria sobre a metáfora que, nos últimos anos, vem ganhando espaço no cenário da Linguística Cognitiva.
A teoria proposta por Lakoff & Johnson ficou conhecida como a TEORIA COGNITIVA DA METÁFORA, que postula que metáforas e metonímias não são apenas figuras de linguagem, como afirmavam os estudos tradicionais sobre os fenômenos linguísticos; ao contrá-
rio, estão além da linguagem e da literatura. Essa teoria concebe a metáfora e a metonímia como autênticos mecanismos cognitivos. Nesse sentido, elas pertencem ao pensamento, ou melhor, pertencem à cognição humana.
Essa nova abordagem sobre os processos metafórico e metonímico permitiu à Linguística Cognitiva postular que o pensamento humano é corporificado, metafórico e majoritariamente inconsciente. O nosso pensamento é corporificado, pois estruturamos o nosso conhecimento sobre as coisas do mundo partindo de nossa própria experiência corporal. Nosso pensamento é metafórico, uma vez que organizamos o nosso conhecimento sobre domínios mais abstratos através de nosso entendimento sobre domínios mais concretos. O nosso pensamento é inconsciente, porque não nos damos conta de todas as operações cognitivas acionadas para processar a construção de um dado sentido em um determinado contexto. As projeções metafóricas, as projeções metonímicas e as analogias empregadas na construção de sentidos são realizadas inconscientemente pela mente humana, determinando o caráter inconsciente de nosso pensamento
 ( Fernandes& Guedes )
Aspects of formality and informality in writing
In this lesson, we will write letters and e-mails using informal and formal language. We will also present suggested expressions employed in different letters and e-mails.
Of course writing is not just either formal or informal; there are different levels of formality and informality.
Think about how you would talk to different people if you were discussing about last night´s football game, for example:
When you talk to a close friend:
“How good was that game mate? Bloody terrific, hey?
When you talk to someone you know but are not close too, such a parent of a friend:
“ I heard that Flamengo had an awesome win last night”
When you talk to a stranger in a lift:
“Did you by any chance see the Flamengo game last night?”
As you move away from people you know closely, you get more and more formal in your speech. The same goes for writing for an audience- pick the appropriate level of formality or informality for the situation. And remember, what one person thinks is a slightly formal piece of writing, another may think s highly informal.
Watch the vídeo “Pé na Rua- Cartas ou e-mails,hein?. Then answer the following question?
Do you still send letters?
This is an example of the structuring of an informal letter. Look at the informal letter and choose the most suitable option.
      2nd May
Dear John(,)   
Thanks for your last letter and the nice photos………… Sorry, but I have to finish. Hope to hear from you again. 
Take care, 
 Peter - the date: top right hand corner (day/month-BE - or month/day-AE)
- comma after name not necessary, but begin after that with a CAPITAL letter
- ending: Take care, Cheers, Yours, Love, then a comma and your name
1- Which of the endings is not proper for an informal letter:
A- Cheers
B- Faithfully
C- Love
2- Which sentence is likely to be found in the letter above:
A- You had a great time, mate!
B- I could notice that you enjoyed yourself!
C- It was a pleasure to read about your nice holidays! 3- Which of the greetings suits an informal letter?
A- Sirs
b- Dear Rachel
C- Madam
Formal and informal writing
In this class, it is very important to understand the differences between formal and informal language in writing.
A scale from informal to formal language
Informality or attempts to mirror the spoken language is most obvious in the encoded informality of sms messages or emails which use many spoken language forms and where rules of grammar and capitalisation are often ignored.   These informal aspects occur when we are using the technology to communicate fast. At the other end of this scale of informality – formality are the pieces of “polished” written work which may go into a student portfolio for evaluation, for example. 
cu at 2nite,
H & k p 
Luv to see you next week but I can´t
Make Thursday, what about fri or 
Tom, why are you looking so pessimistic about this issue??? The more you know the more it hurts... in my opinion the more you know the better...You don’t tell “secrets” that friends have told you to others, NO MATTER WHAT
I thought it was very interesting that you brougt this up Veronica, because I must admit that I got so caught up in the story, that thinking of its possibilities in class never crossed my mind.
During a lifetime we meet hundreds, if not thousands of people that will have some effect on us. We might see some of these people only on the street for a second or two, while others become true friends. Still, there are some people in our lives that have been a big part of us forever, and most people are lucky to have them in their lives for a very long time.
Questions of Genre and Appropriacy
We have so far discussed text genres in terms of degrees of formality and informality. We also need to be aware of appropriacy within this same scale. Native speakers of a language will more easily and automatically adjust language to suit degrees of formality, but non-native speakers need not only to learn new vocabulary, but also be given guidance on the appropriate use of new words. We had an example of a lower secondary pupil who innocently wrote to his class contact in Australia, “When I
woke up this morning, I felt like shit”. This caused an angry response from the class teacher in Australia and nearly torpedoed a whole emailing project.
We also need to be sensitive to others’ reactions to our use of language, especially in giving response, for example in a forum discussion or email exchange. The lack of the visual signals which are a natural part of a face to face exchange makes this particularly important, since comments which are intended to be brief may be interpreted as brusque or hurtful. For example in a face to face discussion we might say something like “Yes, but what about……?” In a  written response situation this may need to be wrapped up in the form of “ This is a very good idea, but have you also considered….”
Mount Celebres, CA 65286
October 5, 2004
Ms. Betty Johnson
Accounts Payable
The Cooking Store
765 Berliner Plaza
Industrial Point, CA 68534
Dear Ms. Johnson:
It has come to my attention that your company, The Cooking Store has been late with paying their invoices for the past three months.In order to encourage our customers to pay for their invoices before the due date, we have implemented a discount model where we'll give you 2% off your invoice if you pay us within 10 days of receiving the invoice.I hope that everything is going well for you and your company. You are one of our biggest customers, and we appreciate your business. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555. 
Sincerely,SignatureBob Powers
Accounts Receivable 
How to Write a Letter
The art of writing a letter takes practice, knowledge about proper form and the ability to put into words your feelings, thoughts, and/or ideas. If you learn the basic parts of a letter, it will help you to create letters for a variety of occasions.
Parts of the Letter:
Your address
At the top of your letter, you will put your address, so the reader will know where to send their reply to.
Seu endereço
Na parte de cima da carta, coloque seu endereço.
Put the date on which the letter was written in the format Month Day Year i.e. June, 8, 2010.
Coloque a data neste formato: Mês,dia,ano.
Inside Address
The inside address is only required for a business letter and will include the address of the person you are writing to along with the name of the recipient, their title and company name. If you are not sure who the letter should be addressed to either leave it blank or try to put in a title, i.e. "Director of Human Resources".
O endereço de quem recebe a carta
O endereço de quem recebe a carta junto com o nome, seu título e o nome da firma, só é necessário em cartas comerciais. Se você não souber o nome da pessoa que vai ler a carta, mande apenas um título geral “Diretor dos Recursos Humanos” ou não escreva nada
The Greeting
The greeting will address the individual that the letter is being sent to. This is usually completed in the form of "Dear Clara" or "Hey Sofia", for less formal letters.
A saudação
A saudação será enviada à pessoa que vai receber a carta. Se for informal ‘Dear Anne’, ‘Hey Anne’
The Introductory Paragraph
The first paragraph will generally outline the purpose for the letter and the reason that the letter is being sent. This can address any issues that are outstanding and is used to set the tone for the entire rest of the letter. .
Parágrafo introdutório
O primeiro parágrafo geralmente faz um resumo do propósito e da razão pela qual a carta está sendo enviada. No primeiro parágrafo se estabelece o tom do resto da carta.
The Body
The body of the letter will expand upon the introductory paragraph and the individual can extend their thoughts and feelings further when it comes to the letter. The body of the lettercan be anywhere from multiple pages for personal letters, to one page or two pages for most business letters and other types of proposals.
O corpo da carta
È a expansão dos pensamentos expostos no parágrafo introdutório. O corpo pode ter várias páginas se for uma carta pessoal ou uma ou duas páginas se for cartas comerciais ou cartas com propostas.
The Closing
In the closing of the letter, the individual will close the letter and finish any thoughts that have been mentioned. The closing of the letter comes in various forms from yours truly, for those individuals that are familiar with one another, to a traditional sincerely which is a versatile closing that can be used in a variety of letters detailing many situations.
O fechamento
No fechamento, deve-se concluir o que foi escrito no corpo.Pode ser Yours truly, para quem se conhece ou Sincerely para situações mais gerais.
The Presentation of the Letter
The presentation of the letter can be hand-written for less formal letters that are addressed to friends and family members, especially thank-you letters. In the case that you have illegible handwriting, you may want to consider typing the letter in these cases, although proper etiquette dictates against this type of behavior
Cartas podem ser manuscritas para situações menos formais, especialmente cartas de agradecimento.A letra deve ser compreensível.
 Formal letters which are written on behalf of businesses to or professional contacts should remain typewritten and grammatical and spelling error free. These types of letters should be legible and professional and therefore typing the letter is one of the most effective ways to ensure that the letter demonstrates a professional appearance through the entire course of the letter, thereby creating a positive impression on the recipient of the letter.
Cartas formais são escritas para contatos comerciais e profissionais e devem ser revisadas para que não contenham erros. Estas cartas devem ser digitadas e o tom deve ser profissional em toda a carta, criando assim uma imagem positiva em quem a recebe.
As well as outward presentation, it is important to determine the tone which will be written in the letter, including a professional tone or a tone that will be taken with friends or family members in a more informal setting. Read through the letter once it has been completed to ensure that the tone remains the same. The tone can be adjusted based on the language which is used through the letter, as well as the greetings (familiar as opposed to formal).
 Cohesion and coherence in reading 
Cohesion is one of the two qualities that give a written or spoken text unity and purpose, the other being coherence. It refers to the use of linguistic devices to join sentences together, including conjunctions, reference words, substitution and lexical devices such as repetition of words, collocations and lexical groups.
In this lesson, you will learn that being aware of the structure of the sentence in English can help you recognize the grammatical class an unknown word belongs to. If you find a sentence which is difficult to be understood, try to identify the types of words. Let´s read the example below.
 “ The extraordinary jewelers carved extremely beautiful ornaments from jade”
“ The extraordinary jewelers carved extremely beautiful ornaments from jade”
To understand the sentence above, you need to identify the following elements:
1- Where is the verb?
2- What is the subject of this verb?
3- Does this verb ask for a complement? Yes? No? Which one?
What is the function of the other words in the sentence? 
Some possible answers for these questions would be.
Words which end in –ed can be very commonly classified as verbs. We can assume that carved is the verb of the sentence.
As you know, the natural order of sentences in English is SVO ( subject-verb-object), so the subject must be The extraordinary jewelers.
To answer question number 3, you should know the meaning of the verb. Check the word in the dictionary and find out that carved means entalhar ou esculpir. Well, if someone carved, he/she carved something. This thing is the complement of the verb, So, what comes after the verb is the object.    
There are other cues that can indicate the function of words in the sentence:
identify the nouns in the sentence. If you look at the words, you will see the endings may vary, some of them end in y, others in s. The ending s, for example, may suggest the words jewelers and ornaments may be in the plural.
perceive the word extraordinary, which is in the group of the words on the left of the verb, seem to modify jewelers, which is a noun, and must probably be an adjective.
Notice that in the group on the right we have several words. The first is extremely. As you know the ending –ly is characteristic of adverbs, even if you do not know the meaning of the word, you can perceive that it modifies the term which follows, in this sentence, beautiful, which is a well-known adjective. If it is an adjective, all we have to do is to find the noun, ornaments.
Techniques to achieve cohesion
To achieve cohesion, the link of one sentence to the next, consider the following techniques:
Repetition. In sentence B (the second of any two sentences), repat a word from sentence A. 
Synonymy. If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat. This strategy is called 'elegant variation.' 
Antonymy. Using the 'opposite' word, an antonym, can also create sentence cohesion, since in language antonyms actually share more elements of meaning than you might imagine. 
Pro-forms. Use a pronoun, pro-verb, or another pro-form to make explicit reference back to a form mentioned earlier. 
Collocation. Use a commonly paired or expected or ighly probable word to connect one sentence to another. 
Enumeration. Use overt markers of sequence to highlight the connection between ideas. This system has many advantages: (a) it canPro-forms. Use a pronoun, pro-verb, or another pro-form to make explicit reference back to a form mentioned earlier. 
Collocation. Use a commonly paired or expected or highly probable word to connect one sentence to another. 
Parallelism. Repeat a sentence structure. This technique is the oldest, most overlooked, but probably the most elegant method of creating cohesion.
Transitions. Use a conjunction or conjunctive adverb to link sentences with particular logical relationships.
Identity. Indicates sameness.
that is, that is to say, in other words, ... 
Opposition. Indicates a contrast.
but, yet, however, nevertheless, still, though, although, whereas, in contrast, rather, ...
Addition. Indicates continuation.
and, too, also, furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides, in the same way, again, another, similarly, a similar, the same, ...
Cause and effect.
therefore, so, consequently, as a consequence, thus, as a result, hence, it follows that, because, since, for, ...
Indefinites. Indicates a logical connection of an unspecified type.
in fact, indeed, now, ...
Concession. Indicates a willingness to consider the other side.
admittedly, I admit, true, I grant, of course, naturally, some believe, some people believe, it has been claimed that, once it was believed, there are those who would say, ...
Exemplification. Indicates a shift from a more general or abstract idea to a more specific or concrete idea.
for example, for instance, after all, an illustration of, even, indeed, in fact, it is true, of course, specifically, to be specific, that is, to illustrate, truly, ...
This paragraph comes from the opening of
Stanislaw Lem's Memoirs Found in a Bathtub
I couldn't seem to find the right room — none of them had the number designated on my pass. First, I wound up at the Department of Verification, then the Department of Misinformation, then some clerk from the Pressure Section advised me to try level eight, but on level eight they ignored me, and later I got stuck in a crowd of military personnel — the corridors rang with theirvigorous marching back and forth, the slamming of doors, the clicking of heels, and over that martial noise, I could hear the distant music of bells, the
tinkling of metals. Now and then janitors would go by with steaming percolators, now and then I would stumble into rest rooms where secretaries hastily renewed their make-up, now and then agents disguised as elevator men would strike up conversations — one of them had an artificial leg and he took me from floor to floor so many times that after a while he began waving to me from a distance and even stopped photographing me with the camera-carnation in his lapel. By noon we were buddies, and he showed me his pride and joy, a tape recorder under the elevator floor. But I was getting more and more depressed and couldn't share his enthusiasm
Read the paragraph above and choose the most appropriate answers: 
1-‘ First, I wound up at the Department of Verification-----‘, first has the meaning of 
A- contrast
B- addition
C- enumeration
2- “Now and then”, in the sentence ‘---now and then I would stumble into rest rooms ----, has the meaning of 
A- repetition 
B- enumeration
3- In the sentence ‘But I was getting more and more depressed and couldn´t share his enthusiasm.’, but means
A- transition of addition
B- transition of contrast
C- transition of concession
Watch the vídeo ‘Palavra puxa palavra-Coesão’ and choose the best answers:
1- A quebra de unidade lógica pode ser intencional para provocar uma situação de
A- confusão
B- tristeza
C- humor
D- calor
E- incerteza
2- No exemplo do pintor Salvador Dali, há um elemento utilizado para surpreender, para demonstrar uma incoerência intencional. Os relógios que são desconstruídos mostram a passagem rápida do tempo. Esta incoerência é demonstrada através de 
A- uma metáfora
B- um contraste
C- uma coesão
D- uma estrutura
E- um predicado
3- No bilhete a palavra “porque” é utilizada para
A- estabelecer um contraste
B- estabelecer uma diferença
C- estabelecer uma causa
D- estabelecer um acréscimo
E- estabelecer um código
 Coherence and Unity: Part (a) 
Decide which transitions to use from the list below the paragraph. 
Second, Also, Another reason is that, For example, 
Moreover, However,On the other hand, First, One reason is that 
The best choice
      There are three major airports near Washington, D.C., but the traveller to Washington should be careful about which one he or she chooses.     Baltimore-Washington International Airport, which is located near the city of Baltimore, is a good international airport. _________ it is not the best choice for a traveller who wants to visit Washington. _________ it is 
relatively far from the city of Washington itself. _________ a passenger bus trip between Baltimore and Washington is somewhat expensive. Dulles International Airport is a slightly better choice, since it is located closer to the city. _________ if a traveller arrives in the early evening, he or she will encounter rush-hour traffic, which is not a good way to begin a trip to the city. _________ may be Washington-Reagan National Airport.  There are two reasons for this. _________ this airport is the closest to the city. _________ it is located on the Metro train system, which is a convenient method of transportation, allowing a traveller to travel almost anywhere he or she likes in the city of Washington.
Complete the thesis by studying the topic sentences
Change this to show importance
In the past, most women stayed at home to take care of housework ____________ cooking or cleaning. Women’s liberation has meant that this situation has been changed, and in modern society women are playing an almost equal role to men in employment. This has had significant effects, _______ in terms of the ________, for example by ________________ and increasing children’s __________________________, and also for society itself with ______________
Use pronouns to avoid repetition
The salary of a woman in her lifetime is generally much less than that of a man. A woman can nevertheless make a big addition to the family income. One result of adding to the family income is an improved quality of life. By helping to keep a stable salary for the family, the pressure on the husband is much reduced, soimproving both the husband’s and the wife’s good feeling. Andthe things that can be bought by the family will also be raised.So the family can have enough money to buy more luxuries such as foreign travel and a family car.
Secondly is the promotion of independence in the children. Some might argue that having both parents working might be harmful to the children because of a lack of care by parents. But such children have to learn to look after themselves at an earlier age, and their parents often depend on them to help with the housework. So this teaches them important life skills.
 Identification and use of morphological and syntactical cues to recognize words
	In this lesson, we will recognize the root of words as well as their prefixes and suffixes. We will also study what (false) cognates are. Syntax will be used as a resource to find the meaning, not always exact, of words, in order to do so, it will be important to study intransitive and transitive verbs, prepositional phrases, adjectives order, functions of verbs. 
Let´s establish some definitions for the concepts mentioned above:
A root word is the most basic form of a word that is able to convey a particular description, thought or meaning.
A prefix refer to an attachment before a shorter word or stem. A stem is the main part of the word.
A suffix refers to an attachment after the end of an existing word or stem, serving to form a new word or functioning as an inflectional ending, for example s or es for the third person plural in the present.
False cognates which can also be named, false friends, are normally words derived from Latin which appear in different languages with a similar orthography , and have the same origin, but that as time passed by, acquired different meanings.
Watch part of the film ‘Spanglish’ and choose the most appropriate answers:
1- What kind of knowledge do you think would help the women most:
A- the syntax of the sentences
B- the variation of words
C- gestures, false cognates and understanding of sounds.
2- There are differences among the women, but the most important one is
A- cultural
	3-The American woman and the Spanish one show :
A-no consideration for each other
B-respect for each other
C-they are guilty
In this lesson, we are going to study the following lists with some common Latin roots:.
Latin root Basic meaning Example words
-dict-to say,contradict, dictate, diction, edict, predict 
-duc-to lead, bring, take,deduce, produce, reduce
-gress-to walk,digress, progress, transgress
-ject-to throw,eject, inject, interject, project, reject, subject
-pel-to drive,,compel, dispel, impel, repel
-pend-to hang,append, depend, impend, pendant, pendulum
-port-to carry, comport, deport, export, import, report, support
-scrib-, -script-to write, describe, description, prescribe, prescription, subscribe, subscription, transcribe, transcription 
-tract-to pull, drag, draw,attract, contract, detract, extract, protract, retract, traction
-vert-to turn, convert, divert, invert, revert
From the example words in the above table, it is easy to see how roots combine with prefixes to form new words. For example, the root -tract-, meaning “to pull,” can combine with a number of prefixes, including de- and re-. Detract means literally “to pull away” (de-, “away, off”) and retract means literally “to pull back” (re-, “again, back”). The following table gives a list of Latin prefixes and their basic meanings.
Latin prefix Basic meaning Example words
co-together coauthor, coedit, coheir
de-away, off; generally indicates reversal or removal in English deactivate, debone, defrost, decompress, deplane
dis-not, not any disbelief, discomfort, discredit, disrepair, disrespect
inter-between, among international,interfaith, intertwine, intercellular, interject
Non, not, nonessential, nonmetallic, nonresident, nonviolence, nonskid, nonstop
post- after postdate, postwar, postnasal, postnatal
pre-before preconceive, preexist, premeditate, predispose, prepossess, prepay
re-again; back, backwardrearrange, rebuild, recall, remake, rerun, rewrite
sub-undersubmarine, subsoil, subway, subhuman, substandard
trans-across, beyond, through transatlantic, transpolar
Words and word roots may also combine with suffixes. Here are examples of some important English suffixes that come from Latin:
Latin suffix Basic meaning Example words
-able, -ibleform adjectives and mean “capable or worthy of” likable, flexible
-ationforms nouns from verbs creation, civilization, automation, speculation, information
-fy, -ifyform verbs and mean “to make or cause to become”purify, acidify, humidify
-mentforms nouns from verbs entertainment, amazement, statement, banishment
-ty, -ityform nouns from adjectives subtlety, certainty, cruelty, frailty, loyalty, royalty; eccentricity, electricity, peculiarity, similarity, technicality
Here is a list of false cognates. Take a look at them!
Actually (adv) - na verdade ..., o fato é que ... 
Adept (n) - especialista, profundo conhecedor 
Agenda (n) - pauta do dia, pauta para discussões 
Amass (v) - acumular, juntar 
Anticipate (v) - prever; aguardar, ficar na expectativa 
plication (n) - inscrição, registro, uso 
Appointment (n) - hora marcada, compromisso profissional 
Appreciation (n) - gratidão, reconhecimento 
Argument (n) - discussão, bate boca 
Assist (v) - ajudar, dar suporte 
Assume (v) - presumir, aceitar como verdadeiro 
Attend (v) - assistir, participar de 
Audience (n) - platéia, público 
	Balcony (n) - sacada 
Baton (n) - batuta (música), cacetete 
Beef (n) - carne de gado 
Cafeteria (n) - refeitório tipo universitário ou industrial 
Camera (n) - máquina fotográfica 
Carton (n) - caixa de papelão, pacote de cigarros (200) 
Casualty (n) - baixa (morte fruto de acidente ou guerra), fatalidade 
Cigar (n) - charuto 
Collar (n) - gola, colarinho, coleira 
College (n) - faculdade, ensino de 3º grau 
Commodity (n) - artigo, mercadoria 
Competition (n) - concorrência 
Comprehensive (adj) - abrangente, amplo, extenso 
Compromise (v) - entrar em acordo, fazer concessão 
	Contest (n) - competição, concurso 
Convenient (adj) - prático 
Costume (n) - fantasia (roupa) 
Data (n) - dados (números, informações) 
Deception (n) - logro, fraude, o ato de enganar 
Defendant (n) - réu, acusado 
Design (v, n) - projetar, criar; projeto, estilo 
Editor (n) - redator 
Educated (adj) - instruído, com alto grau de escolaridade 
Emission (n) - descarga (de gases, etc.) 
Enroll (v) - inscrever-se, alistar-se, registrar-se 
Eventually (adv) - finalmente, conseqüentemente 
Exciting (adj) - empolgante 
Exit (n, v) - saída, sair 
Expert (n) - especialista, perito 
Exquisite (adj.) - belo, refinado 
Fabric (n) - tecido 
Genial (adj) - afável, aprazível 
Graduate program (n) - Curso de pós-graduação 
Gratuity (n) - gratificação, gorjeta 
Grip (v) - agarrar firme 
Hazard (n,v) - risco, arriscar 
Idiom (n) - expressão idiomática, linguajar 
Income tax return (n) - declaração de imposto de renda 
Ingenuity (n) - engenhosidade 
Injury (n) - ferimento 
Inscription (n) - gravação em relevo (sobre pedra, metal, etc.) 
Intend (v) - pretender, ter intenção 
Intoxication (n) - embriaguez, efeito de drogas 
Jar (n) - pote 
Journal (n) - periódico, revista especializada 
Lamp (n) - luminária 
Large (adj) - grande, espaçoso 
Lecture (n) - palestra, aula 
Legend (n) - lenda 
Library (n) - biblioteca 
Location (n) - localização 
Lunch (n) - almoço 
Magazine (n) - revista 
Mayor (n) - prefeito 
Medicine (n) - remédio, medicina 
Moisture (n) - umidade 
Motel (n) - hotel de beira de estrada 
Notice (v) - notar, aperceber-se; aviso, comunicação 
Novel (n) - romance 
Office (n) - escritório 
Parents (n) - pais 
Particular (adj) - específico, exato 
Pasta (n) - massa (alimento) 
Policy (n) - política (diretrizes) 
Port (n) - porto 
Prejudice (n) - preconceito 
Prescribe (v) - receitar 
Preservative (n) - conservante 
Pretend (v) - fingir 
Private (adj) - particular 
Procure (v) - conseguir, adquirir 
Propaganda (n) - divulgação de idéias/fatos com intuito de manipular 
Pull (v) - puxar 
Push (v) - empurrar 
Range (v) - variar, cobrir 
Realize (v) - notar, perceber, dar-se conta, conceber uma idéia 
Recipient (n) - recebedor, agraciado 
Record (v, n) - gravar, disco, gravação, registro 
Refrigerant (n) - substância refrigerante usada em aparelhos 
Requirement (n) - requisito 
Resume (v) - retomar, reiniciar 
Résumé (n) - curriculum vitae, currículo 
Retired (adj) - aposentado 
Senior (n) - idoso 
Service (n) - atendimento 
Stranger (n) - desconhecido 
Stupid (adj) - burro 
Support (v) - apoiar 
Tax (n) - imposto 
Trainer (n) - preparador físico 
Turn (n, v) - vez, volta, curva; virar, girar 
Vegetables (n) - verduras, legumes 
Now you are going to check some grammatical tips that help you find meanings of the words more easily
1- Adjective order in English may be a little a little fuzzy. . But, in general adjectives come after nouns: a beautiful blond and intelligent girl
2- Transitive and intransitive verbs often cause confusion. Let's begin with a simple definition:
Transitive Verb Transitive verbs take direct objects. The vast majority of verbs in English are transitive.Examples:
I took my books to class.
We played chess last night
Notice that transitive verbs always take objects. You will always be able to ask a question beginning with 'What' or 'Whom'.Examples:
I paid the bill last week. - What did you pay?
She studies Russian. - What does she study?
Intransitive Verbs: Intransitive verbs do not take direct objects.
Examples: Peter's situation improved.
They slept peacefully.
You can recognize that a verb is intransitive because it does not have a passive form.
Jack sits in the corner when he reads. NOT The corner is sat when Jack reads.
Peter arrived early. NOT Early was arrived Peter.
Transitive AND Intransitive
Some verbs with multiple meanings are transitive or intransitive depending on their usage. The verb 'run' is a good example. When used in the sense of physical exercise, 'run' is intransitive.
Helen ran every weekend when she was at college.
'Run' used in the sense of managing a company is transitive.
Jennifer runs TMX Inc.
3- Phrasal Verbs
A phrasal verb consists of two or three words that when used together have a different meaning from the individual words which form them. Take a look at the chart below 
Come back returned
( He came back home yesterday!)
Catch on become popular
( Easter medicine catches on with western doctors.
In the morning I attended a meeting between management and union representatives. The discussion was very comprehensive, covering topics like working hours, days off, retirement age, etc. Both sides were interested in an agreement and ready to compromise. The secretary recorded everything in the notes. Eventually, they decided to set a new meeting to sign the final draft of the agreement.
Back at the office, a colleague of mine asked me if I had realized that the proposed agreement would be partially against the company policy not to accept workers that have already retired. I pretended to be really busy and late for an appointment, and left for the cafeteria. Actually, I didn't want to discuss the matter at that particular moment because there were some strangers in the office.
After lunch I attended a lecture given by the mayor, who is an expert in tax legislation and has a graduate degree in political science. He said his government intends to assist welfare programs and senior citizens, raise funds to improve college education and build a public library because he assumes this is what the people expect from the government.
Choose the mostappropriate option to complete the sentences:
‘Extremely large industrial areas’ can be translated as:
A- Indústrias em areas extremas
B-Grandes e extremas áreas 
C-Áreas industriais extremamente grandes
D-Indústrias em areas muito grandes
E-Extremamente grandes areas de indústria
2- Her paintings consisted of mainly
A- garden red pictures roses
B- garden red pictures roses
C- roses red garden pictures
D- pictures red garden roses
E- red rose garden pictures
3- The plane took off at 3:15
A- took off means arrived
B- took off means returned
C- took off means left the ground
D- took off means touch the ground
E- took off means caught the people
Indique a palavra que completa a oração:
1) I don’t like the ______________ of your dress.
	( ) necklace ( ) collar 
2) The teachers asked the students to read a ____________ by Machado de Assis.
	( ) novel ( ) soap opera 
3) As we are not very hungry, let’s have just a ____________.
	( ) lunch ( ) snack 
4) Sidney was a colony for British ____________ till 1482, when it became a city.
	( ) convict ( ) sure 
5) Martin Luther King fought against racial ___________.
	( ) loss ( ) prejudice
6) Denim is a ________________ used for making jeans.
	( ) factory ( ) fabric 
7) There was an enormous demonstration against the government’s economic ___________ .
	( ) police ( ) policy 
8) We borrowed that old magazine from the public ____________.
	( ) library ( ) bookstore 
9) The main exit was only three feet ____________.
	( ) large ( ) wide 
10) The _____________ said: “Private farm”. Keep out!
	( ) news ( ) notice
11) Aunt Jennie left me all her property when she died because I was the only ____________ she had.
	( ) parent ( ) relative 
12) Nothing can be worse than the ____________ of health.
	( ) loss ( ) prejudice 
13) The robber was ____________ when he was running away from the bank.
	( ) arrested ( ) dragged 
14) The boyfriend didn’t ____________ to hurt his girlfriend’s feelings. 
	( ) pretend ( ) intend 
15) After a short rest, he felt ready to ____________ his work. 
	( ) resume ( ) summarize
16) I’m going to buy an ____________in the North.
	( ) state ( ) estate 
17) We are very proud of our daughters’ ____________in their studies.
	( ) exit ( ) success 
18) ____________ are popular TV serials watched by thousands of people.
	( ) novels ( ) soap operas 
19) There is nothing special about that car. It is quite ____________.
	( ) ordinary ( ) disgusting 
20) Professor Spillane will give a ____________ on Maya architecture.
	( ) lecture ( ) reading
21) He’s a former ____________. He spent ten years in jail.
	( ) sure ( ) convict
22) May 13, 1888 is the ____________ of the signing of the abolition of slavery in Brazil.
	( ) data ( ) date
23) ____________ believe inflation will fall.
	( ) smart ( ) experts
24) People think he is very wealthy, but ____________ he is too poor.
	( ) actually ( ) nowadays
25) I’m sorry, sir, those shoes are not ____________ in your size.
	( ) available ( ) appraised
 The writing of argumentative paragraphs
Hi, students.
	In this lesson we will write argumentative paragraphs so that the students will be able to write essays for their final paper .We will organize argumentative paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting sentences and concluding sentences. Our aim is to keep a logical coherence of thought, employing the main connectors. 
	We can write paragraphs in many different ways, however when we refer to argumentative paragraphs, we suggest the following way of organizing it:
Topic sentence( sentence frasal)
First supporting sentence (primeira sentença de apoio)
Second supporting sentence ( segunda sentença de apoio)
Third supporting sentence ( terceira sentença de apoio)
Concluding sentence ( sentença final que resuma a sentença frasal)
An argument is a series of logically connected sentences that state a position and present reasons to support it. You must organize an argument carefully. A poorly organized argument may confuse, rather than persuade, your audience. The order most often used in persuasive writing includes four steps, or parts: position statement, clarifying remark, supporting sentences, concluding sentence. 
Let´s watch a video about argumentative paragraphs. 
You must pay close attention to the steps presented in the video
Find the topic sentence:
	Anthropology is the study of humankind, especially of Homo sapiens, the biological species to which we human beings belong. It is the study of how our species evolved from more primitive organisms; it is also the study of how our species developed a mode of communication known as language and a mode of social life known as culture. It is the study of how culture evolved and diversified. And finally, it is the study of how culture, people, and nature interact wherever human beings are found.
Paragraph Unity
To achieve paragraph unity, a writer must ensure two things only. First, the paragraph must have a single generalization that serves as the focus of attention, that is, a topic sentence. Secondly, a writer must control the content of every other sentence in the paragraph's body such that (a) it contains more specific information than the topic sentence and (b) it maintains the same focus of attention as the topic sentence.
This generalization about paragraph structure holds true for the essay in particular. The two major exceptions to this formula for paragraph unity are found in fiction (where paragraph boundaries serve other functions, such as indicating when a new speaker is talking in a story) and in journalism (where paragraphs are especially short to promote 'visual' ease by creating white space).
The purpose of argumentative writing is to influence the reader, or audience. When you write a persuasive paragraph or composition, you want your audience to accept an idea, to take some sort of action, or both. The following paragraph is an example of argumentative writing.
Although many people complain about modern technology, it has made the world a better place. (2) The function of technology is to provide scientific, efficient ways of doing things. (3) Modern technology makes it possible for farmers to produce increasing amounts of food. (4) Every day, in hospitals around the world, lives are saved through devices made possible by technology.(5) Millions of people earn their livelihoods because of such inventions as the airplane, the automobile, and the computer. (6) Because of technology, people today do not have to labor as hard as people used to. (7) Contrary to the claims of its detractors, modern technology has benefited the world greatly.
Sentence number (1) is the topic sentence. It states the opinion that the writer wants the audience to accept.
Sentence number(2) supports the opinion expressed in the topic sentence,
From sentence number(3) to sentence number(6), the writer gives reasons to support his or her opinion.
Sentence number(7) is a concluding sentence.
Limiting the topics
When you write a paragraph, you must keep in mind that the main idea must be preserved and that the paragraph should be as specific as possible. We must avoid generalizations. For example, it is more appropriate to write a paragraph about a specific sport , such as soccer, than to write a paragraph about games in general.
Let´s take a look at these general ideas and choose the limiting subject:
Games: Olympics, Gymnastics, Soccer
Reading: Romeo and Juliet, Literature. Books
 California Tourist Attractions: Museums, Beaches, Disneyland
Relatives: Nephews. Cousins, My Grandfather
Work: Cleaning House, Mental,Physical 
Let´s watch a video about transitional words.
Main connectors
The employment of connectors is very important to keep the notion of sequence and unity to the paragraph. Here are some connectors you may use more commonly in your paragraphs:
To start supporting sentences
	First, first of all, firstly, to start with, to begin with
To continue the supporting sentences
	Second, secondly, in the second place, the second aspect, nest, also, besides, in additionto
	- To conclude the supporting sentences
	In conclusion, in brief, in summary, in short, to sum up, on the whole 
The following statements illustrate types of opinions that you can use as topics for argumentative writing: Choose the most appropriate item for each statement:
1- Courage, not cowardice, is the underlying theme of the story.
A- Opinion that evaluates
B- Opinion that advises
C- Opinion that explains
2- Young people should give careful thought to career planning.
A-Opinions that advise
B-Opinions that predict
C-Opinions that evaluate 
3- The band´s audition was very poor.
A-Opinion that predicts
B-Opinion that evaluates
C-Opinion that advises
We are going to watch a video about paraphrases
A paraphrase is...
your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form.
one legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate documentation) to borrow from a source.
a more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea.
Paraphrasing is a valuable skill because...
it is better than quoting information from an undistinguished passage.
it helps you control the temptation to quote too much.
the mental process required for successful paraphrasing helps you to grasp the full meaning of the original.
Some examples to compare
The original passage:
	Students frequently overuse direct quotation in taking notes, and as a result they overuse quotations in the final [research] paper. Probably only about 10% of your final manuscript should appear as directly quoted matter. Therefore, you should strive to limit the amount of exact transcribing of source materials while taking notes. Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers. 2nd ed. (1976): 46-47.
An acceptable summary:
Students should take just a few notes in direct quotation from sources to help minimize the amount of quoted material in a research paper (Lester 46-47).
A plagiarized version:
Students often use too many direct quotations when they take notes, resulting in too many of them in the final research paper. In fact, probably only about 10% of the final copy should consist of directly quoted material. So it is important to limit the amount of source material copied while taking notes.
Paraphrasing Exercise 1
Read the following passage and paraphrase it by putting it into your own words.
In American society, Introverts are outnumbered about three to one. As a result, they must develop extra coping skills early in life because there will be an inordinate amount of pressure on them to “shape up,” to act like the rest of the world. The Introvert is pressured daily, almost from the moment of awakening, to respond and conform to the outer world. 
Classroom teachers unwittingly pressure Introverted students by announcing that “One-third of your grade will be based on classroom participation.” From Otto Kroeger and Janet M. Thuesen, Type Talk: The 16 Personality Types that Determine How We Live, Love and Work. New York: Dell Publishing, 1989.
Possible Paraphrase
There is not a single correct answer, but you could paraphrase the above passage by writing something like this:
There are many more extroverts than introverts in America. This puts a lot of pressure on introverts to fit in and be like everybody else. Even in school, teachers add to this pressure by making class participation part of the student's grade. Consequently, introverts have to acquire additional skills to deal with these pressures.

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