
Enxaqueca _ campusvirtualsp_brasil

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 			 			 Christovão Paiva; 			 			 Eduardo Costa; 			 			 Mônica Bittencourt; 			 			 Rafael Figueiredo; 			 			 Rogério Monteiro Naylor. 			 
 Recurso educacional aberto
 em Português
 | CVSP - Brasil
	| ID: cfc-336164
 			 			 Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, cerca de quinze por cento da população brasileira sofre de enxaqueca, um tipo de dor de cabeça forte que costuma aparecer associada a outros sintomas que causam bastante incômodo e afetam diretamente a qualidade de vida. Mas há algumas maneiras de se controlar e evitar as crises. A apresentadora Mônica Bittencourt conversou com Rogério Monteiro Naylor, neurologista do Hospital dos Servidores do Estado - HSE/RJ. 			 
 Transtornos de Enxaqueca
 , Cefaleia
 , Cefaleia
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 CVSP - Brasil
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 Transtornos de Enxaqueca
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 Recurso educacional aberto
 Evaluation of the Impact of the COVID-19 Lockdown in the Clinical Course of Migraine.
 Migraine patients in Germany - need for medical recognition and new preventive treatments: results from the PANORAMA survey.
 Spinal nociceptive sensitization and plasma palmitoylethanolamide levels during experimentally induced migraine attacks.
 In Reference to The Interconnections of Mal de Débarquement Syndrome and Vestibular Migraine.
 Frequency of Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Patients with Brugada Syndrome and Drug-Induced Type 1 Brugada Pattern.
 In Reference to The Interconnections of Mal de Débarquement Syndrome and Vestibular Migraine.
 Astrocytes mediate migraine-related intracranial meningeal mechanical hypersensitivity.
 Efficacy and Tolerability of Calcitonin Gene-Related Peptide-Targeted Monoclonal Antibody Medications as Add-on Therapy to OnabotulinumtoxinA in Patients with Chronic Migraine.
 Enhanced functional connectivity between habenula and salience network in medication-overuse headache complicating chronic migraine positions it within the addiction disorders: an ICA-based resting-state fMRI study.
 Reassessing the PFO-Migraine Trials: Are We Closer to Closure?
 Effectiveness of acupuncture in migraine headache. Cienfuegos. 2018-2019
 "Migrânea" e "enxaqueca": palavras não contrapostas, mas complementares
 The arrival of biological inhibitors for preventing migraine
 Abdominal migraines: variations in diagnosis and care between pediatric gastroenterologists and neurologists
 Acupuncture is effective in preventing migraines
 Association between migraine and cardiovascular disease
 Is useful the prophylaxis for migraine associated to the menstruation?
 Evaluation and management of cephaleas
 Flunarizine and migraine: myth or reality?
 Miopia aguda e hipertensão intraocular após uso de topiramato
 Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaléia
 Aprendido a conocer y manejar la migraña crónica: Información para pacientes, familiares y cuidadores
 Protocolo para el manejo del paciente con migraña crónica
 Cefaleas. Guía para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento
 Sociedade Brasileira de Cefaléia - SBCe
 Medical News Today : Headache / Migraine News
 El dolor de cabeza
 Por que a luz piora a enxaqueca
 Web del dolor de Oxford
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 Base de dados:
 CVSP - Brasil
 Assunto principal:
 Transtornos de Enxaqueca
 Ano de publicação:
 Tipo de documento:
 Recurso educacional aberto
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@media (min-width:

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