
Write at least three lower-level goals that will help you reach the higher goal of completing PathwayConnect. Each goal should relate to your use o...

Write at least three lower-level goals that will help you reach the higher goal of completing PathwayConnect. Each goal should relate to your use of time. Try to make your goals SMART (see the reading from this week).

1. Read a book in English at bus. Helps with vocabulary and with my reading skill.
2. Watching TV show without subtitles. How they speak help me with me pronunciation.
3. Listening to music in English. Pay attention on the lyrics and improve my English.

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Academic Skills In English Universidade Nove de JulhoUniversidade Nove de Julho

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Ótimo trabalho na definição de três metas de nível inferior que ajudarão você a alcançar o objetivo maior de concluir o PathwayConnect! Suas metas estão relacionadas ao uso do tempo e são SMART (específicas, mensuráveis, alcançáveis, relevantes e com prazo definido). Continue assim! Se você tiver mais perguntas ou precisar de ajuda em outros tópicos, estou aqui para ajudar.


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