
b) Calculate the following exercises using MATLAB. (use the MATLAB command window for the operations. Copy and paste each of the exercises done in ...

b) Calculate the following exercises using MATLAB. (use the MATLAB command window for the operations. Copy and paste each of the exercises done in MATLAB into the report to be delivered)




This is FALSE cause if you try to save the command without define the value of Y it will send you an error cause the program can’t recognize the variable.


The question asks to calculate exercises using MATLAB.
The exercises are not provided in the question.
The report mentions an error that occurs when trying to save a command without defining the value of Y.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Fase 1 Reporte de matlab y ejercicios
6 pág.

Programação I Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo LeónUniversidad Autónoma De Nuevo León

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