
03. Analyze the following statement about the text and choose the CORRECT alternative: a) The text defends the idea of exchange, dialogue, and sha...

03. Analyze the following statement about the text and choose the CORRECT alternative:

a) The text defends the idea of exchange, dialogue, and sharing of experiences as a process that needs to have a systematic and egalitarian meaning. There is, therefore, no devaluation of external influences.
b) Although the text presents criticisms of the 'cordial indifference' that multiculturalism can present in modern society, it is not seen as an adverse and imposed phenomenon, but naturally observed due to contact between cultures.
c) By criticizing the way multicultural spaces are still segregated, the text defends a systemic proposal for there to be symmetry between cultures, which indicates that its ideas about multiculturalism are not in a utopian plane, since they deal with a concrete phenomenon that can be observed and solved in the globalized world.
d) Through reading, it is possible to observe that the text discusses interculturality from the idea of exchange and the valorization of symmetrical multicultural experiences that promote a significant practical bond between cultures in contact, in order not to establish social advantages and restrictions of action between cultures, as read in: 'A multicultural society is only intercultural [...] if it maintains a symmetrical link with respect to other cultural subjects.'
e) Although recognizing that each culture has different systems of values, meanings, and practices, the author does not indicate that multiculturalism should be lived according to individual experiences and does not promote the segmentation of multiculturalism. There is only a defense that there is symmetry between subjects and cultures in contact, so that there are no social advantages between these segments.
a) A C 2 H 7
b) B C 2 H 7
c) C C 2 H 7
d) D C 2 H 7
e) E C 2 H 7

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A alternativa correta é a letra C) C C 2 H 7.


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