
The health care models can be considered as the souls of health care programs for the region (country, state, municipality....), serving as a guide...

The health care models can be considered as the souls of health care programs for the region (country, state, municipality....), serving as a guide for decision making and organization of the health care provided to the population. With this, we can affirm that the health or care models:

They have been defined as technological combinations used by the organization of health services in certain population spaces.
It is a given way of combining techniques and technologies to solve individual and collective health problems and needs.
They are exclusively focused on spontaneous demand in health.
Organize and provide parameters for decision making in health such as treatments and care.
V – F – V – V.
F – V – V – V.
F – V – V– F.
V – V – F– V.
F – F – F– F.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Colaborar - Adg1 - Saúde Pública
4 pág.

Saúde Pública Universidade Norte do ParanáUniversidade Norte do Paraná

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A alternativa correta é: F - V - V - F.


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