
What is the purpose of the 'teste de mesa' technique? a. To test the logic of an algorithm by following it step by step. b. To test the performan...

What is the purpose of the 'teste de mesa' technique?

a. To test the logic of an algorithm by following it step by step.
b. To test the performance of an algorithm by measuring its execution time.
c. To test the usability of an algorithm by asking users to perform tasks with it.
d. To test the security of an algorithm by trying to break it with malicious inputs.

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53 pág.

Análise e Desenvolvimento de Sistemas Universidade Estácio de SáUniversidade Estácio de Sá

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A técnica de "teste de mesa" tem como objetivo testar a lógica de um algoritmo, seguindo-o passo a passo e verificando se os resultados obtidos estão corretos. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra a.


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