
During a Spanish language class, a student takes a test on the alphabet. The test consists of listening to the letters being spelled and choosing t...

During a Spanish language class, a student takes a test on the alphabet. The test consists of listening to the letters being spelled and choosing the correct corresponding word. The student answers all questions correctly. What is the student's final grade on the test?

The student answered all questions correctly.
The test consisted of listening to the letters being spelled and choosing the correct corresponding word.
a. 5,0
b. 6,0
c. 10,0

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200 1 10 Teste seus conhecimentos_ el alfabeto_ Revisão da tentativa
3 pág.

Ciências Econômicas Faculdade das AméricasFaculdade das Américas

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Se o teste consistia em ouvir as letras sendo soletradas e escolher a palavra correspondente correta, e o aluno respondeu todas as perguntas corretamente, então ele deve receber a nota máxima, que é 10,0. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra c).


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