
What are the historical aspects of eating disorders? Religious fasting practices in the 13th century First medical report of an eating disorder in ...

What are the historical aspects of eating disorders?
Religious fasting practices in the 13th century
First medical report of an eating disorder in the 17th century
Description of anorexia nervosa as a psychiatric entity in the 19th century
Media reports of eating disorders in Brazil and worldwide

a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) III and IV are correct.
d) All are correct.

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A alternativa correta é a letra "a) I e II estão corretas". A prática religiosa de jejum no século XIII pode ter sido um fator que contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de transtornos alimentares. O primeiro relato médico de um transtorno alimentar foi feito no século XVII, quando o médico inglês Richard Morton descreveu um caso de anorexia nervosa.


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