
Regarding the context of information disposal, choose the CORRECT alternative: A. When we delete important and confidential information from a co...

Regarding the context of information disposal, choose the CORRECT alternative:

A. When we delete important and confidential information from a computer, there is no need for extra concern, as this information cannot be recovered using data recovery utilities.
B. Information disposal only occurs when we delete data from the system. Actions like throwing documents in the trash are not considered information disposal.
C. Information disposal is the first step in the information lifecycle, as it involves discarding what is not needed and keeping only what is correct.
D. The security policy must identify how information and hardware equipment will be disposed of, as they may contain valuable information that has not been properly erased from their storage devices.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Política de segurança e Inventário e Ativos de Informação (20217)
22 pág.

Politicas de Segurança da Informação Universidade PaulistaUniversidade Paulista

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A alternativa correta é a letra D. A política de segurança deve identificar como as informações e os equipamentos de hardware serão descartados, pois eles podem conter informações valiosas que não foram devidamente apagadas de seus dispositivos de armazenamento.


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