
What are the steps of the AET analysis proposed by the Ministry of Labor in Brazil? a) Analysis of demand, global analysis of the company, analys...

What are the steps of the AET analysis proposed by the Ministry of Labor in Brazil?

a) Analysis of demand, global analysis of the company, analysis of the worker population, definition of work situations to be studied, description of prescribed tasks, pre-diagnosis, systematic observation of activity, diagnosis and recommendations, validation of diagnosis, project of modifications/alterations, implementation schedule of modifications.
b) Analysis of demand, global analysis of the company, analysis of the worker population, definition of work situations to be studied, description of prescribed tasks, pre-diagnosis, systematic observation of activity, diagnosis and recommendations, validation of diagnosis, project of modifications/alterations, implementation schedule of modifications, analysis of specific needs or doubts.
c) Analysis of demand, global analysis of the company, analysis of the worker population, definition of work situations to be studied, description of prescribed tasks, pre-diagnosis, systematic observation of activity, diagnosis and recommendations, validation of diagnosis, project of modifications/alterations, implementation schedule of modifications, OWAS analysis, OCRA analysis.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Definição, objetivos, métodos, técnicas e recomendações da AET - TST SENAC
17 pág.

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A resposta correta é a alternativa A) Analysis of demand, global analysis of the company, analysis of the worker population, definition of work situations to be studied, description of prescribed tasks, pre-diagnosis, systematic observation of activity, diagnosis and recommendations, validation of diagnosis, project of modifications/alterations, implementation schedule of modifications.


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