
What are the responsibilities divided among the three levels of government (federal, state, and municipal) in the decentralization of public health...

What are the responsibilities divided among the three levels of government (federal, state, and municipal) in the decentralization of public health policies?

a) Federal (lead and develop health policies), State (coordinate, develop, and evaluate health policies, implementing actions), Municipal (plan, implement, and evaluate health care - management of health units).
b) Federal (coordinate, develop, and evaluate health policies, implementing actions), State (lead and develop health policies), Municipal (plan, implement, and evaluate health care - management of health units).
c) Federal (plan, implement, and evaluate health care - management of health units), State (lead and develop health policies), Municipal (coordinate, develop, and evaluate health policies, implementing actions).

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9 pág.

Políticas Públicas Escola A E DEscola A E D

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A alternativa correta é a letra a) Federal (lead and develop health policies), State (coordinate, develop, and evaluate health policies, implementing actions), Municipal (plan, implement, and evaluate health care - management of health units).


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