
Identify the incorrect statement about the formatting of a work's title, author's name, registration number, and course. a) The title should be in...

Identify the incorrect statement about the formatting of a work's title, author's name, registration number, and course.

a) The title should be in uppercase, Arial font, size 14, bold, centered, black, and without a period at the end.
b) The author's name should be in uppercase, Arial font, size 11, black, without bold or italic, and right-aligned.
c) The text should be in Arial font, size 12, black, without bold or italic, justified alignment, and with a blank line after each paragraph.
d) The text should be typed in double-spaced lines, with no spacing before or after, or between paragraphs.
e) The text should be saved in .DOC or .DOCX format.
a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d
e) none of the above

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Mecânica dos Sólidos I Centro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de NassauCentro Universitário Faculdade Maurício de Nassau

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A alternativa "a" está incorreta. O título deve ser escrito em letras maiúsculas, fonte Arial, tamanho 12, negrito, centralizado, preto e sem ponto final.


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