
According to the provided source, what is the main purpose of soil analysis? To diagnose soil fertility To recommend the necessary amounts of fert...

According to the provided source, what is the main purpose of soil analysis?

To diagnose soil fertility
To recommend the necessary amounts of fertilizers and limestone to obtain high yields of crops
To identify the presence of pests and diseases in the soil
To determine the best time to plant crops
To evaluate the quality of the seeds used in planting
a. To diagnose soil fertility and recommend the necessary amounts of fertilizers and limestone to obtain high yields of crops
b. To identify the presence of pests and diseases in the soil
c. To determine the best time to plant crops
d. To evaluate the quality of the seeds used in planting
e. None of the above

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De acordo com a fonte fornecida, o principal objetivo da análise do solo é diagnosticar a fertilidade do solo e recomendar as quantidades necessárias de fertilizantes e calcário para obter altos rendimentos das culturas. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra "a".


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