
What is the metaphorical meaning of the transformation of popcorn kernels into popcorn in the text? I - The transformation of popcorn kernels into...

What is the metaphorical meaning of the transformation of popcorn kernels into popcorn in the text?

I - The transformation of popcorn kernels into popcorn represents the idea that people must go through difficult situations in order to transform and become better.
II - The popcorn kernels represent people who are already perfect and do not need to change.
III - The fire represents the difficulties and challenges that people face in life.
IV - The transformation of popcorn kernels into popcorn represents the idea that people must always be open to change and transformation.
a) I and III are correct.
b) II and IV are correct.
c) I, III, and IV are correct.
d) II, III, and IV are correct.

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A alternativa correta é a letra "a) I and III are correct." A transformação dos grãos de pipoca em pipoca representa a ideia de que as pessoas precisam passar por situações difíceis para se transformarem e se tornarem melhores, e o fogo representa as dificuldades e desafios que as pessoas enfrentam na vida.


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