
According to the Portaria nº 204/MS of February 17, 2016, what are agravos? I - Any damage to the physical or mental integrity of the individual c...

According to the Portaria nº 204/MS of February 17, 2016, what are agravos?

I - Any damage to the physical or mental integrity of the individual caused by harmful circumstances such as accidents, chemical substance intoxication, drug abuse or injuries resulting from interpersonal violence such as aggression and mistreatment, and self-inflicted injury.
II - Actions, activities, and strategies for surveillance, prevention, and control of zoonoses and other health problems, including health education actions.
III - A tool for health education actions aimed at the Permanent Education in Health of Community Health Agents (ACSs) and Endemic Control Agents (ACEs) who work directly in Primary Health Care and Environmental Surveillance, respectively.
IV - A tool for health education actions aimed at physicians who work in the Family Health Support Center (NASF), supporting Family Health Teams (ESFs) and providing knowledge about zoonoses and other health problems to other health professionals.
a) Only I and II are correct.
b) Only II and III are correct.
c) Only I, II, and III are correct.
d) I, II, III, and IV are correct.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

Manual zoonoses web
106 pág.

Zoonoses e Saúde Pública Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia GoianoInstituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Goiano

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De acordo com a Portaria nº 204/MS de 17 de fevereiro de 2016, os agravos são definidos como qualquer dano à integridade física ou mental do indivíduo causado por circunstâncias prejudiciais, como acidentes, intoxicação por substâncias químicas, abuso de drogas ou lesões resultantes de violência interpessoal, como agressão e maus-tratos, e lesões autoinfligidas. A alternativa correta é a letra "a) Apenas I e II estão corretas".


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