
What is the author's proposal for the reorganization of the education system? The author proposes the creation of a single school that balances t...

What is the author's proposal for the reorganization of the education system?

The author proposes the creation of a single school that balances the development of manual and intellectual work, with a focus on humanistic education.
The author proposes the abolition of disinterested and formative schools and the expansion of specialized professional schools.
The author proposes the creation of a school system that is chaotic and without clear principles.

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A proposta do autor é a criação de uma única escola que equilibre o desenvolvimento do trabalho manual e intelectual, com foco na educação humanística. O autor não propõe a abolição das escolas desinteressadas e formativas, nem a criação de um sistema escolar caótico e sem princípios claros.


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