
What are the exclusive competencies of the Legislative Assembly according to the Constitution of the State of Maranhão? I - elect its Board of Di...

What are the exclusive competencies of the Legislative Assembly according to the Constitution of the State of Maranhão?

I - elect its Board of Directors and constitute its committees; II - elaborate its Internal Regulations; III - provide for its organization, functioning, police, creation, transformation or extinction of positions, jobs and functions of its employees and fixing of their remuneration, observing the parameters established in the budget guidelines law; IV - set, in each legislature, to be effective in the subsequent one, the remuneration of Deputies, obeying the limits of the Federal Constitution; V - set, in each financial year, the remuneration of the Governor and Vice-Governor of the State and of the Secretaries of State or occupant of an equivalent position, observing the provisions of the Federal Constitution.
I - elect its Board of Directors and constitute its committees; II - elaborate its Internal Regulations; III - provide for its organization, functioning, police, creation, transformation or extinction of positions, jobs and functions of its employees and fixing of their remuneration, observing the parameters established in the budget guidelines law; IV - set, in each legislature, to be effective in the subsequent one, the remuneration of Deputies, obeying the limits of the Federal Constitution; V - set, in each financial year, the remuneration of the Governor and Vice-Governor of the State and of the Secretaries of State or occupant of an equivalent position, observing the provisions of the State Constitution.
I - elect its Board of Directors and constitute its committees; II - elaborate its Internal Regulations; III - provide for its organization, functioning, police, creation, transformation or extinction of positions, jobs and functions of its employees and fixing of their remuneration, observing the parameters established in the budget guidelines law; IV - set, in each legislature, to be effective in the subsequent one, the remuneration of Deputies, obeying the limits of the State Constitution; V - set, in each financial year, the remuneration of the Governor and Vice-Governor of the State and of the Secretaries of State or occupant of an equivalent position, observing the provisions of the Federal Constitution.

Essa pergunta também está no material:

constituicao MA
87 pág.

Direito Constitucional I Faculdade de BalsasFaculdade de Balsas

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A alternativa correta é a letra C: I - eleger sua Mesa Diretora e constituir suas comissões; II - elaborar seu Regimento Interno; III - prover sua organização, funcionamento, polícia, criação, transformação ou extinção de cargos, empregos e funções de seus servidores e fixação da respectiva remuneração, observados os parâmetros estabelecidos na lei de diretrizes orçamentárias; IV - fixar, em cada legislatura, para a subsequente, a remuneração dos Deputados, obedecidos os limites da Constituição Federal; V - fixar, em cada ano financeiro, a remuneração do Governador e do Vice-Governador do Estado e dos Secretários de Estado ou ocupante de cargo equivalente, observadas as disposições da Constituição Federal.


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