
What is the interpretation of the dream of Irma, according to Freud and Lacan? The dream of Irma is a representation of the patient looking at the...

What is the interpretation of the dream of Irma, according to Freud and Lacan?

The dream of Irma is a representation of the patient looking at the coitus of his parents, according to Freud.
The dream of Irma is a representation of the encounter with the real, according to Lacan.
The dream of Irma is a representation of the patient's fear of castration, according to Freud.
The dream of Irma is a representation of the elaboration of an unresolved issue, according to Lacan.
a) I and II are correct.
b) II and III are correct.
c) III and IV are correct.
d) I and IV are correct.

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De acordo com a descrição da pergunta, a alternativa correta é a letra "b) II e III estão corretas". A interpretação do sonho de Irma, segundo Freud, é que o sonho representa o medo de castração do paciente. Já para Lacan, o sonho representa o encontro com o real.


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