
What are the two esphincters responsible for in our body? a) The internal esphincter is responsible for our consciousness and the external esphin...

What are the two esphincters responsible for in our body?

a) The internal esphincter is responsible for our consciousness and the external esphincter is responsible for our internal well-being.
b) The internal esphincter is responsible for our internal well-being and the external esphincter is responsible for our consciousness.
c) The internal esphincter is responsible for our internal well-being and the external esphincter is responsible for our consciousness and our ability to control our bowel movements.
d) The internal esphincter is responsible for our consciousness and our ability to control our bowel movements, and the external esphincter is responsible for our internal well-being.

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Os dois esfíncteres responsáveis em nosso corpo são o esfíncter interno e o esfíncter externo. O esfíncter interno é responsável pelo controle involuntário do fluxo de urina e fezes, enquanto o esfíncter externo é responsável pelo controle voluntário do fluxo de urina e fezes. Portanto, a alternativa correta é a letra d) O esfíncter interno é responsável pela consciência e pela capacidade de controlar nossos movimentos intestinais, e o esfíncter externo é responsável pelo nosso bem-estar interno.


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